Forum Cinema Paradiso

Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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All Films. Alternative Links. Part 2.

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Hej skola - Marie börjar skolan. 1972.

EN. Old Swedish documentary about a girls first day in school. Aired 20 august 1972.
SE. Marie Jansson berättar hur det var när hon började skolan, som ligger i Bredäng i Stockholm och vad hon fick göra där första tiden.
Director: Annika de Ruvo.
Sweden, 1972.
Language: Swedish.
Download Hej skola - Marie börjar skolan. 1972:



Hayop sa ganda. 1983.

Rare and forgotten Filipino movie, film debut as a director famous theater director, professor of University of the Philippines Jehu Sebastian.
One night with a total stranger. And fate brought them together once again. That's where their whirlwind romance started.
Two former "Miss Universe" title holders, the Filipina Gloria Diaz and the Spanish Amparo Munoz appears in this film.
Director: Jehu Sebastian.
Cast: Vic Vargas, Gloria Diaz, Amparo Munoz, Rey 'PJ' Abellana, Tony Carreon, Isabel Reyes, Rosita Rosal, Sabrina M.
Philippines, 1983.
Language: Filipino.
Download Hayop sa ganda. 1983: … a-1983.rar



Heimat, deine Lieder. 1959.

Neun Flüchtlingskinder hat die junge Eva in ihr Herz geschlossen. Wie eine Mutter kümmert sie sich um die Mädchen und Jungen im SOS-Kinderdorf. Das einzige, was Eva fehlt, ist ein lieber Mann und treu sorgender Vater. Bei einem Unfall trifft sie mit dem reichen Müßiggänger Paul ihren absoluten Traummann. Und auch der notorische Schwerenöter verliebt sich auf den ersten Blick.
Director: Paul May.
Cast: Sabine Bethmann, Rudolf Lenz, Ingeborg Schöner, Peter Vogel, Ursula Herking, Hans Nielsen, Christiane Maybach, Annie Rosar, Michl Lang, Walter Ladengast, Paul Hörbiger.
West Germany, 1959.
Language: German.
Download Heimat, deine Lieder. 1959: … r-1959.rar



Hey Babe! 1980.

Hey Babe!, also known as Babe! and also known as Rise and Shine, is a 1980 film, a musical drama starring Yasmine Bleeth and Buddy Hackett. This was Yasmine's first film at the age of 12 years.
Theresa O'Brian is a 12-year-old orphan who desperately wants to attend a school for the performing arts and become a star. She is not receiving encouragement at the orphanage and is getting into trouble with the orphanage officials due to her infractions of the rules and regulations.
In one of her unauthorized adventures away from the orphanage, she meets and befriends Sammy Cohen who was a Vaudeville performer who became an alcoholic and lost his career. He is interested in renewing his career and has faith in Theresa's ability, and together they develop an act called "Buddy and Babe" in order to raise money for Theresa's tuition.
Shot in 1979, the film was released in 1983, by which time the film's "TV Singer" Geraldine Hunt had scored a 1980 Billboard National Disco Action Top 100 number-one hit with "Can't Fake the Feeling".
Official Selection Toronto and AFI Film Fest.
Director: Rafal Zielinski.
Cast: Saundra Baly, Tara Lee Bell, Yasmine Bleeth, Gordie Brown, Buddy Hackett, Geraldine Hunt, Denise Proulx, Maruska Stankova, Vlasta Vrana.
Canada, 1980.
Language: English.
Download Hey Babe! 1980: … e-1980.rar



Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer. 4 episodes. 1969.

DK. En serie i fire afsnit. I seriens første afsnit begynder børnenes sommerferie, og mens Lars' kammerater alle sammen skal på landet i ferien, må han blive hjemme, fordi hans mor og far skal på arbejde. En dag, da han cykler rundt i nabolaget, hører han et skrig fra en have, og da han undersøger sagen, opdager han, at det kommer fra et gammelt lysthus i haven. Da han kigger ind i det, lyder skriget igen, og Lars flygter.
I seriens andet afsnit hjælper Lars den svenske pige Sara med at gøre lysthuset rent. Sara har nogle hemmelige papirer, og hun fortæller, at gangsterne prøver at få fat i dem. Han må sværge en hellig ed på, at han aldrig vil fortælle, at han har truffet hende. De to besøger bl.a. en galopbane, hvor der sker mærkelige ting.
I tredje afsnit kan Lars' forældre ikke forstå, at han er så mystisk, og de synes det er mærkeligt, at han hele tiden taler svensk. En aften, hvor de skal til selskab, har han babysitter, og det er han meget gal over, specielt fordi det er Gunhild, en stor pige, som han ikke kan fordrage. Gunhild holder selskab, og til sidst bliver Lars så træt af støjen, at han tager sin sovepose og går ned til Saras lysthus.
Lars har været tre dage på landet med sin mor. Da han vender tilbage, har Sara skrevet et brev til ham og sat det fast på lysthusets dør. Hun påstår, at hun er blevet taget til fange af gangsterne. Men Lars finder hende i det store hus og hjælper hende med at flygte. Hele mysteriet opklares, alle trådene redes ud, og sommerferien slutter. Lars skal i skole igen, og her møder han nogen, han kender.
EN. Danish television four-part miniseries about the summer holidays, starring for the first time on the screen Lars von Trier.
Schools out. Summer vacation. But Lars remain in town for his parents must work. One day as he bikes around, he hears a scream from a garden. When he investigates, he discovers that the noise comes from an old gazebo in the garden. He looks inside. Another cry is heard. Lars flies.
Director: Thomas Winding.
Cast: Maria Edström, Lars von Trier, Elin Bing, Jens Okking, Charlotte Vøhtz, Dino Nielsen, Gertie Jung, Per Goldschmidt, Thomas Winding.
Denmark, Sweden, 1969.
Language: Danish.
Download Hemmelig sommer / Secret Summer. 4 episodes. 1969: … r-1969.rar



Himmel und Hölle. 1994.

In dem TV-Drama von Hans-Christian, Himmel und Hölle, Schmid gerät ein sensibles Mädchen in die Fänge einer Sekte. Film-Mutter Katja Riemann schaut hilflos zu.
Nach ihrer Scheidung zieht Birgit mit ihrer elfjährigen Tochter Nina von München aufs Land. Die Mutter hat keine Anpassungsschwierigkeiten, aber Nina ist schüchtern und fühlt sich isoliert. Zu Birgits Verwunderung ändert sich Ninas Verhalten, als sie einer Pfadfindergruppe beitritt, die von ihrer Religionslehrerin Frau Singer geleitet wird. Hier erfährt Nina Anerkennung und Geborgenheit. Frau Singer gehört wie der Dorfpfarrer der innerkirchlichen Sekte der „Legion der heiligen Engel“ an. Diese Sekte erzieht ihre Mitglieder zu fanatischer Frömmigkeit und bereitet sie auf den entscheidenden Kampf zwischen Dämonen und Engeln vor.
Nina wird eingeredet, ihre Mutter lebe wegen ihrer Scheidung und der Beziehung zu Frank in Sünde. Als ihr erklärt wird, ein von der Mutter geschenktes schwarzes Kätzchen diene den Dämonen als „Durchstrahler“, ertränkt sie das Tier, um ihre Mutter vor den Dämonen zu schützen. Diese verbietet Nina daraufhin, weiterhin die Gruppentreffen der Pfadfinder zu besuchen, mit der Folge, dass das Mädchen das Vertrauen in die Mutter komplett verliert.
Als Frau Singer Ninas beste Freundin Miriam nicht an einer wichtigen Weihe teilnehmen lässt, da diese wegen ihrer schwarzen Haare von Dämonen besessen sei, und Nina erklärt, dass ihre Mutter bereits von den Dämonen befallen sei, entschließt sich das Mädchen, Miriam in einem Fluss zu ertränken, damit ihre Mutter nicht für immer verloren ist. Miriam kann in letzter Sekunde gerettet werden, worauf sich Nina von der Engellehre distanziert.
Director: Hans-Christian Schmid.
Cast: Wolfgang Hinze, Hannelore Hoger, Cora-Auguste Lutz, Aline Metzner, Katja Riemann, Shirli Volk, Michael von Au.
Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
Download Himmel und Hölle. 1994: … e-1994.rar


Hideout in the Sun / Beauties in the Sun. 1960
Hideout in the Sun is a 1960 nudist film, produced by Doris Wishman and co-directed by Wishman and Larry "Lazarus" Wolk. It stars Greg Conrad, Dolores Carlos and Earl Bauer.
Brothers Duke and Steve Martin (Conrad and Bauer) hold up a bank. Their escape plans go awry, however, and they kidnap Dorothy (Carlos) and force her to hide them at her members-only nudist camp. Steve and Dorothy spend the afternoon mingling with the camp's patrons and Steve grows increasingly fond of both Dorothy and of nudism. In order to protect her, Steve convinces Duke to flee the camp with him. After an argument, Duke knocks Steve unconscious and escapes with their ill-gotten gains into the Miami Serpentarium, a roadside attraction. Alerted by a clerk, a policeman arrives to arrest Duke, who is bitten by a cobra and dies. Meanwhile, Steve returns to the nudist camp, proclaims his love for Dorothy, and awaits his arrest. Dorothy promises to wait for his release.
Directors: Larry Wolk (as Lazarus L. Wolk), Doris Wishman.
Cast: Greg Conrad, Dolores Carlos, Earl Bauer, Carol Little, Ann Richards, Mary Line, Pat Reilly, Fran Stacey, Richard Falcon, Richard Schmitz.
USA, 1960.
Language: English.
Download Hideout in the Sun / Beauties in the Sun. 1960: … n-1960.rar



Home. 2008.

FR. Au milieu d'une campagne calme et désertique s'étend à perte de vue une autoroute inactive, laissée à l'abandon depuis sa construction. Au bord du bitume, à quelques mètres seulement des barrières de sécurité, se trouve une maison isolée dans laquelle vit une famille. Les travaux vont reprendre et on annonce l'ouverture prochaine de l'autoroute à la circulation...
EN. Home is a 2008 Swiss drama film directed by Ursula Meier and starring Isabelle Huppert and Olivier Gourmet. The film was the official Swiss submission for Best Foreign Language Film at the 82nd Academy Awards.
Life for an isolated rural family is upended when a major highway next to their property, constructed 10 years before but apparently abandoned, is finally opened.
Director: Ursula Meier.
Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Olivier Gourmet, Adélaïde Leroux, Madeleine Budd, Kacey Mottet Klein, Renaud Rivier, Kilian Torrent, Jean-François Stévenin, Ivaylo Ivanov, Hugo Saint-James.
Switzerland, France, Belgium, 2008.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Home. 2008:



Hur Marie träffade Fredrik. 1969.

SE. Hur Marie träffade Fredrik, åsnan Rebus, kängurun Ploj och... är en svensk familjefilm från 1969 med regi och manus av Bo A. Vibenius. Filmen är Vibenius' regidebut och i rollerna ses bland andra Fredrik Becklén, Madeleine Onne och Sune Mangs.
Marie råkar krossa en vas och rymmer därför hemifrån. På rymmen träffar hon Fredrik, åsnan Rebus och kängurun Ploj och hon får anställning på Fredriks trädgårdsmästeri.
Inspelningen ägde rum mellan den 10 juni och 10 augusti 1969 på Ekerö och i Stockholm med Bo Blomberg som fotograf och Vibenius som producent. Filmen klipptes av Brian Wikström och premiärvisades den 13 december 1969 på biograferna Cinema och Victoria i Stockholm.
Filmen fick ett svalt mottagande av recensenterna där den ansågs var alltför lik Kjell Gredes Hugo och Josefin. Kritikerna menade även att Vibenius placerat smygreklam i filmen.
EN. Marie accidentally breaks a vase. Because of this she runs away from home. On the run she meets a boy called Fredrik, a donkey and a kangaroo.
Director: Bo Arne Vibenius.
Cast: Fredrik Becklén, Madeleine Onne, Sune Mangs, Birgitta Andersson, Anita Lindman, Rolf Bengtsson, Astrid Fröberg, Gösta Roos, Jan Tillborg.
Sweden, 1969.
Language: Swedish.
Download Hur Marie träffade Fredrik. 1969: … k-1969.rar



Celostátní spartakiáda II. Mládí a krása. 1960.

1 část - Děti. Vystoupení mladých gymnastů a dorostenek a dorostenců na Strahově.
Snímek o druhé spartakiádě, jež se pro socialistickou mládež stala příležitostí prokázat svoji neuhasitelnou touhu pracovat pro vlast či ji se zbraní v ruce hájit. Důraz je kladen na spoustu masových vystoupení - cvičí nám tu učni, dorostenky, chlapci od dvanácti do čtrnácti let a nakonec se na tu nádhera přišel podívat i první tajemník ÚV KSČ a třetí dělnický prezident soudruh Antonín Novotný.
Director: Jiří Papoušek.
Czechoslovakia, 1960.
Language: Czech.
Download Celostátní spartakiáda II. Mládí a krása. 1960. … a-1960.rar



I terribili 7 / I cagasotto. 1963.

I terribili 7, distribuito anche col titolo I cagasotto, è un film del 1963 diretto da Raffaello Matarazzo.
Alcuni ragazzini trovano per caso un lattante in fasce abbandonato in un prato. Inizialmente, dopo averlo condotto nel loro covo, pensano di venderlo a una carovana di zingari, per fondare una squadra di calcio con il ricavato del baratto. Con il passare dei giorni, però, si affezionano al bimbo e alcuni di loro cominciano a ripensarci. Nel frattempo, la madre - che era stata colta da un malore - cerca disperatamente il piccolo...
Director: Raffaello Matarazzo.
Cast: Roberto Chevalier, Antonio Piretti, Stefano Tamborra, Stefano Conti, Loris Loddi, Massimo Giuliani, Claudio Maccari, Patrizia Canevari, Angelo Secchi, Umberto D'Orsi, Riccardo Garrone.
Italy, 1963.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download I terribili 7 / I cagasotto. 1963: … e-1964.rar



Il saprofita. 1973.

IT. In un paese della Puglia, l'aitante seminarista Ercole (prete mancato a causa di un trauma che gli ha fatto perdere la parola) va a fare l'autista e l'infermiere (di Parsifal, figlio paraplegico dei padroni) in una ricca e bigotta famiglia di proprietari terrieri, diventando presto l’amante della moglie del padrone (e di fatto domina della casa), la bella baronessa Clotilde. In un contesto familiare e sociale dove contano solo il denaro, il sesso e il potere, tutti cercano di approfittare di tutti, ma il vero saprofita (come l’organismo vegetale che si nutre di sostanze organiche in decomposizione) si rivelerà proprio Ercole.
EN. By all accounts, this slick production aims at exposing the corruption of southern Italian Catholicism. A young seminarian who can't be ordained because of a speech impediment leaves the seminary to take a job with a wealthy baroness' crippled son. The seminarian is a lustful and mendacious rascal, but soon after taking the baroness to bed he heads off to Lourdes with the boy, ostensibly in hope of a miracle for the lad. Instead, he seduces a very devout woman who is visiting the site with her grandmother, who dies. This is just the main story.
Director: Sergio Nasca.
Cast: Valeria Moriconi, Al Cliver, Giancarlo Marinangeli, Janet Agren, Cinzia Bruno, Giancarlo Badessi, Clara Colosimo, Daniele Dublino, Rina Franchetti, Dada Gallotti.
Italy, 1973.
Language: Italian.
Download Il saprofita. 1973: … a-1973.rar



Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.

NO. Filmen handler i hovedsak om to 11-årige jenter, Siss (Line Storesund) og Unn (Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen). Det begynner en ny jente i klassen til Siss. Det er Unn, som bor hos sin moster (Merete Moen) siden foreldrene hennes er borte. De to jentene føler et udefinert behov for hverandre, en stillfarende lengsel etter ømhet og varme. En kveld Siss er på besøk hos Unn, sitter de to jentene inne på Unns rom bak en låst dør, der kler de seg nakne for hverandre. De kastes inn i en sterk følelseskonfrontasjon og dagen etter klarer ikke Unn å møte Siss. På vei til skolen begir hun seg alene inn i det kalde, ensomme landskapet i den gjenfrosne fossen hvor hun til slutt forsvinner. Det går letemannskap ute til langt på natt for å lete etter Unn og tilslutt må letemannskapet gå til moster og fortelle at de ikke finner Unn. Dette går sterkt inn på Siss og hun er i ferd med å bukke under i isolasjon og desperasjon. Hun lukker seg inni seg selv og vil ikke leke med de andre på skolen. Hun blir bare stående for seg selv i skolegården. En dag går Siss til moster og får høre at moster har avfunnet seg med at Unn er borte og ikke lever mer. Moster har pakket sammen og er på flyttefot. Våren kommer og isen smelter i det store islandskapet. Siss er ute ved fossen og der finner hun Unn nedfrosset nede i isen. Det ender med at Siss får hjelp til å finne seg selv igjen, hun åpner seg igjen og blir på den måten berget.
EN. In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the thirties, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meets. They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious, she admits to have secret and indecent fantasies about her girlfriend.
Director: Per Blom.
Cast: Line Storesund, Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen, Merete Moen, Sigrid Huun, Vidar Sandem, Knut Ørvig, Urda Brattrud Larsen, Charlotte Lundestad, Gunnar Svensrud, Jan Hoel.
Norway, 1987.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987: … t-1987.rar


Invincible Space Streaker. 1988.
An evil scientist turning people into creatures to do his bidding. Adults are hard to control so he lures a group of boys to his lab. He doesn't quite have the hang of it and after several failures gets it working properly on Hsiao Po. The process is interrupted when Hsiao Wen takes a piss on the control panel. The boys escape and the process is eventually completed by the evil scientist's good brother, and we have our superhero. What follows is a group sing-a-long at an amusement park, motorcycle chases and fights between our hero and lots of bad guys in ridiculous costumes.
Director: Albert Yue.
Cast: Lin Hsiao-Hu, Woo Yue-Hong, Michael Fung Kin-Kuen, Li Ming-Chun, Lan Yun, Chan Pooi-Ling.
Hong Kong, 1988.
Language: Chinese.
Subtitles: English, Chinese.
Download Invincible Space Streaker. 1988: … e-1988.rar



Jacquot de Nantes. 1991.

Jacquot Demy is a little boy at the end of the thirties. His father owns a garage and his mother is a hairdresser. The whole family lives happily and likes to sing and to go to the movies. Jacquot is fascinated by every kind of show (theatre, cinema, puppets). He buys a camera to shoot his first amateur film... An evocation of French cineast Jacques Demy's childhood and vocation for the cinema and the musicals.
Director: Agnes Varda.
Cast: Jacques Demy, Philippe Maron, Edouard Joubeaud, Laurent Monnier, Brigitte De Villepoix, Daniel Dublet, Clement Delaroche.
France, 1991.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Jacquot de Nantes. 1991: … s-1991.rar



Ήταν ένας ήσυχος θάνατος / Itan enas isyhos thanatos / A Quiet Death. 1986.

GR. Μια συγγραφέας εγκαταλείπει τη ζωή της και τον σύζυγό της και περιπλανιέται σε μια άδεια και έρημη πόλη, όπου ψάχνει να βρει πάλι τον εαυτό της.
EN. Through a complex and gripping exploration of a woman's troubled psyche, director Frieda Liappa has created a suspenseful drama and intriguing look into relationships and their meaning. Martha (Eleonora Stathopoulou) is unhappy with her life as it is at the moment, and among other issues, she has decided to give up her writing career. Along with that decision comes a need to get away from her husband and from her psychiatrist, with whom she has had more than just a doctor-patient relationship. As Martha travels through a deserted city landscape in a storm, the external world reflects something of her inner turmoil. Flashbacks are interspersed throughout the film to enhance the suspense of Martha's inner and outer journey.
Awards.  1986: San Sebastián: Best First Work.
Director: Frieda Liappa.
Cast: Eleonora Stathopoulou, Pemi Zouni, Takis Moschos, Yorgos Moshos, Ilektra Alexandropoulou, Raschmie Soukouli, Hristos Nikitaidis, Nikolas Oikonomidis, Sanatana Soukouli.
Greece, 1986.
Language: Greek.
Download Ήταν ένας ήσυχος θάνατος / Itan enas isyhos thanatos / A Quiet Death. 1986: … s-1986.rar



Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981.

EN. The story of two friends who while at first enemies become fast friends at a recreation area Here they try to experience youth friendship and love while trying to avoid the negative influences that society has had on...
CZ. Film Karla Smyczka podle scénáře Radka Johna a Ivo Pelanta je námětem velmi podobný o rok staršímu Smyczkovu filmu Jen si tak trochu písknout. Vypráví příběh odehrávající se v rekreační oblasti na Slapech, kde se dva rozdílní chlapci Petr a Michal po počáteční oboustranné nedůvěře stávají kamarády. Jejich vztah je konzultován nejen jejich rozdílnými povahami, ale i různými přístupy rodičů k jejich výchově. Negativní vliv civilizace se zde promítá do života dospělých i dětí, kteří hledají romantiku a odpočinek v rekreační oblasti, přesto se nedokážou oprostit od problémů maloměšťáctví.
Director: Karel Smyczek.
Cast: Michal Dlouhý, Štěpán Kment, Vít Olmer, Zdeněk Svěrák, Jana Drbohlavová, Barbora Srncová, Oldřich Vlach, Jana Břežková, Zbyněk Honzík, Lubomír Kostelka, Jiří Hálek, Bořík Procházka, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jiřina Jelenská, Miloslav Štibich, Hana Talpová, Valentina Thielová, Milada Ježková, Miki Kučera, Ladislav Brothánek.
Czechoslovakia, 1981.
Language: Czech.
Download Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981: … i-1981.rar



Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny. 1978.

Když se Luboš dozvěděl, že Vašek je jeho syn, hodlá mu vynahradit všechen ztracený čas. Hned první letní prázdniny chtějí strávit společně. Anna balí kufry a těší se na klidnou dovolenou, během které si chce hlavně odpočinout. Její představy se ale s realitou dost rozcházejí. Hned první den musí šlapat na kole a spát pod stanem. Když dorazí k cíli cesty - k Lubošově rodné chalupě - nemá k pláči daleko. Vašek je však ze svého nového dědy přímo u vytržení. A opravdové prázdninové dobrodružství může začít. Děda si bere dovolenou a "chlapi" spolu tráví při lotrovinách hodně času. Za chalupou jsou navíc skály a i přes výslovný zákaz Anny na ně Vašek s tátou každý den cestou na nákup lezou. Luboš dostane telegramem pozvání na mezinárodní soustředění horolezců, což znamená, že nebude moct zůstat s Annou a Vaškem u dědy, jak původně plánoval. Anně to zatají a začne plánovat rychlou svatbu. Vše se ale brzy provalí - lezení na skály i odjezd na soustředění. Podaří se Lubošovi za pomoci Vaška a dědy vše urovnat?
Director: Marie Poledňáková.
Cast: Jana Preissová, Tomáš Holý, František Němec, Josef Karlík, Jana Dítětová, Vlastimil Harapes, Petr Nárožný, Luděk Sobota, Bronislav Poloczek, František Peterka, Gabriela Vránová, Alena Kreuzmannová.
Czechoslovakia, 1978.
Language: Czech.
Download Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny. 1978: … y-1978.rar



Jag är Maria / I Am Maria. 1979.

EN. 11-year-old Maria is forced to stay with her relatives in a small town. She becomes friends with a quirky, drunken painter.
SE. Maria ar elva ar och maste for ett tag flytta fran sin mamma till en smastad, till mammans kusin Lennart och hans Maj-Britt.
Maria Upptacker en underlig figur i staden, Jon -- stor, smutsig och gammal. Han super och ar farlig, sager folk. Manga menar att han ar lite tokig ocksa. Men Maria hjalper honom en gang, da han har blivit pakord av en bil. Hon kommer hem till honom och upptacker att han malar -- fantastiska tavlor, farggranna och vackra. Fask kanske ar de lika underliga som han sjalv.
Maria ar forstas strangt forbjuden att vara hos Jon, men hon gar anda dit. Hon tycker om honom, och hon ar inte radd for honom.
En dag far hon en tavla av honom. Da borjar det! Folket i staden far reda pa vad Jon sysslar med.
En valkand museiman kommer till staden och uttalar sig. Tidningen skriver om Jon. Och en dag dyker TV upp med alla sina kameror och sladdar.
Inte forstar TV-reporten nagonting om hur Jon ar. Jon orkar inte langre. Han kastar ut bade kamera och TV-team, och det ar bara Maria som kan lugna honom.
Hon hjalper honom pa med rocken, och han later sig flyttas till hemmet.
Maria kommer tillbaka till sin mamma -- liter mer vuxen, med erfarenhet av manniskor och liv. 
Director: Karsten Wedel.
Cast: Lise-Lotte Hjelm, Peter Lindgren, Helena Brodin, Frej Lindqvist, Claire Wikholm, Anita Ekstrom, Malin Åman, Stig Engstrom, Bodil Mårtensson, Per Flygare, Björn Strand.
Sweden, 1979.
Language: Swedish.
Download Jag är Maria / I Am Maria. 1979: … a-1979.rar



Anthology of short films. Part 73.

The new issue of the collection of short films number 73, today the program has 10 mini-films, including a very ancient one.
1. Na hory / On the Mountains. 2018. HD.
Příběh o tom, co dětem může způsobit obyčejné brouzdání po internetu. A rodičům změnit život...
Director: Brano Holícek.
Cast: Pavla Beretová, Martin Finger, Gabriela Mícová.
Czech Republic, 2018.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 HD
2. Commando Maria. 2014. HD.
Two mischievous young boys armed with peashooters go to the beach to snipe unsuspecting sunbathers, but find themselves distracted by an attractive young Swedish woman.
Director: Anna van Keimpema.
Cast: Maas Bronkhuyzen, Damien Bonning, Emma Waslander, Sofie Ott De Vries.
Netherlands, 2014.
Language: Dutch, Swedish.
1280x720 HD
3. Stolknoveniye. 2019. HD.
A boy from the USSR pioneer camp falls into a modern children's recreation camp.
Director: Irina Volkova.
Cast: Artyom Berdnik, Ksenia Yartseva, Dmitry Urosov, Maxim Kiseev.
Russia, 2019.
Language: Russian.
1920x1080 HD
4. 9 pasos / 9 Steps. 2017. HD.
Saul's father is losing patience with his son who wakes him up every night. But Saul is very afraid of the dark corridor between his room and the bathroom.
Directors: Marisa Crespo, Moisés Romera.
Cast: Jordi Ballester, Pablo Muñoz.
Spain, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Teeth and Pills. 2018. HD.
Teeth and Pills is a surrealistic and grotesque black comedy short set in timeless American suburbia. Imagine mixing some odd characters from a Todd Solondz movie, weird vignettes from Miranda July, the absurd humour of Quentin Dupieux and the attention to detail of Wes Anderson. Then add 500 grams of black humor and two spoons of provocation, cook it slowly in a 1950's American kitchen and you will have an idea of what this short movie will taste like...
Director: Andrea Vinciguerra.
Cast: Lela Bergeron, Robert Dunn, Agatha Ayling Eynon, Gemma Goggin.
UK, 2018.
Language: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
6. Fremde Kinder: Kiran. 2012. HD.
The story of Kiran, who lives with his mother in a yurt in the Pyrenees. Kiran is eight years old and knows how to plant lettuce, which meadow-plants taste good and which you should not eat. His greatest wish is to go to school to learn to read and write at last...
Directors: Alexander Riedel, Bettina Timm/
Germany, 2012.
Language: French.
Subtitles: German.
1280x720 HD
7. Two Naughty Boys Teasing the Cobbler. 1898.
Boys blow peas at the cobbler, who throws a boot and hits a woman.
Director: James Williamson.
Cast: Alan Williamson, Colin Williamson.
UK, Williamson Kinematograph Company, 1898.
8. Andrea. 2010.
Director: Alicia Segovia.
Cast: Clarissa Malheiros, Danae Reynaud.
Mexico, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
9. Dingi. 2012.
„Dingi“ – a short film by renowned German film-maker Veit Helmer in cooperation with Goethe-Institut is heading towards the Big Apple!!
Director: Veit Helmer.
Bangladesh, Germany, 2012,
10. The Lumière Brothers' First Films. 1895-1897.
A collection of short films made by the Lumiere brothers, a team of pioneering filmmakers in turn-of-the-century France. Three fragments in which for the first time in the history of cinema on the screen you can see children.
Directors: Louis Lumière, Auguste Lumière.
Cast: Mrs. Auguste Lumiere, Antoine Lumière, Auguste Lumière, Bertrand Tavernier, Félicien Trewey, M. Winckler.
France, 1895-1897.
Language: None.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 73:



Jauche und Levkojen. 1979. Ep. 5 - Wildwuchs.

Jauche und Levkojen ist ein Fernseh-Mehrteiler aus dem Jahre 1978, der von der Bavaria Atelier GmbH produziert wurde. Er basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Christine Brückner. Die Erstausstrahlung fand am 14. August 1978 im Ersten statt.
Der Mehrteiler schildert die ersten drei Lebensjahrzehnte der Maximiliane Irene von Quindt, die 1917 in der Endphase des Ersten Weltkrieges im Hotel Adlon gezeugt wurde, und im August des letzten Kriegsjahres auf dem im Besitz ihres Großvaters befindlichen Gut Poenichen in Pommern geboren wird (Drehort im Film ist Gut Sierhagen). Ihren Vater lernt sie nie kennen, da dieser an der Westfront fällt. Ihre aus Berlin stammende Mutter Vera, die mit dem Kind nichts anfangen kann, lässt das Kleinkind bald auf dem Gut der Großeltern zurück, um sich wieder in das Großstadtleben zu stürzen. Sie heiratet einen jüdischen Psychoanalytiker, der aus Wien nach Berlin gekommen war. Als dies in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus gefährlich wird, reist ihr Schwiegervater zu ihr nach Berlin und verschuldet sich tief, um ihr die Flucht aus Deutschland zu ermöglichen. Maximiliane aber wächst – als Stammhalterin für das Adelsgeschlecht – bei den alten Quindts in Poenichen auf.
Die Episode "Wildwuchs" ist die 5. Episode der 1. Staffel der Serie Jauche und Levkojen.
Writer: Christine Brückner.
Director: Rainer Wolffhardt.
Cast: Ulrike Bliefert, Wolfried Lier, Raymond Faubel, Monika Goll, Werner Grailich, Sigrid Hausmann, Ferdy Mayne, Hartmut Becker, Marquard Bohm.
Germany, 1979.
Language: German.
Download Jauche und Levkojen. 1979. Ep. 5 - Wildwuchs: … s01e05.rar



Jak se točí Rozmarýny / How to Shoot Rosemaries. 1977.

CZ. Režisérka dětských filmů Bonžůrka a její asistentka Drahuška hledají pro svůj nový film dětské hrdiny. Příběh má být o dívce, která kvůli nemoci ztratila vlasy, a teď je plešatá. Kde ale najít tu, která se vzdá svých vlasů? Filmový štáb začne objíždět školy a hledá hlavní představitelku Rozmarýny. V jedné škole konečně narazí na dvanáctiletou dívku, shodou náhod také Rozmarýnu. Všem se zalíbí, a tak natáčení začíná. Má to ale háček. Rozmarýna musí být skutečně ostříhaná. To je sice pro děvče trauma, ona ho však s odvahou podstoupí. S tím se nesou různé nepříjemnosti, které její nevšední vzhled provází. Přesto se film podaří zdárně dokončit.
EN. The director of films for kids called Bonzurka (Iva Janzurová) is scouting together with her loyal assistants Drahuska (Dagmar Havlová) and Honza (Jirí Lábus) actors for her new film The Knee. Children for this film shall not be afraid and shy and they must have talent for acting. Thus the scouting is quite difficult. The most difficult is to find the main part which lost her hair after a serious illness and she has to spent the whole holiday in the countryside with a bald head resembling a knee. Although the visagist does his best an artificial baldness does not solve anything. From the selected little girls only the self-assertive Rosemary has the guts to let her long hair cut and shave off her head.
Director: Věra Plívová-Šimková.
Cast: Iva Janžurová, Dagmar Veškrnová-Havlová, Josef Bláha, Jiří Krampol, Jiří Lábus, Zuzana Bydžovská, Renata Mašková, Jana Pehrová-Krausová, Lenka Termerová, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Vladimír Kudla, Eva Lecchiová, Jan Kraus, Nina Bártů, Jiří Kostka, Karel Augusta, Karel Novák, Petr Skarke, Pavlína Mourková, Dana Vávrová, Magda Reifová, Miriam Chytilová, Miloš Štorkán, Jiří Zahajský, Jana Andresíková, Martin Benoni, Kateřina Křehnáčová, Šárka Joklová, Jitka Kocourková, Alena Becková, Ivana Těžká, Robin Marek, Michal Gulyáš, Libor Hynek, Daniel Krátký, Petr Marek, Jiří Petkov, Tomáš Petr, Michal Pouzar, Michal Spáčil, Jan Cmíral st., Jaroslav Čermák, Ivo Černý, Zdeněk Skalický, Miroslav Matuška, Josef Střecha, Tomáš Šimek, Dana Kohoutová, Vlastimil Kulíšek, Richard Špůr, Jiří Fajt, Stanislava Coufalová, Veronika Jeníková, Michael Hofbauer, Sylva Kamenická, Juraj Zach, Mikuláš Křen.
Czechoslovakia, 1977.
Language: Czech.
Download Jak se točí Rozmarýny / How to Shoot Rosemaries. 1977: … y-1977.rar



Jericó / Jericho. 1991.

EN. Jericho (Spanish: Jericó) is a 1991 Venezuelan drama film directed by Luis Alberto Lamata. The film was selected as the Venezuelan entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 64th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
At early 16th century a priest joins the spanish conquerros in order to bring christianity to the indios. The expedition is murdered by the indios, only the priest is sparred. Santiago, the priest, first tries to continue christianization, but finally becomes one of them - until the Spaniards return.
FR. Au debut du XVIe siecle un moine dominicain, Santiago, seul survivant de l'une des expeditions les plus cruelles de la conquete, va vivre pendant cinq annees avec les Indiens Caraibes.
Director: Luis Alberto Lamata.
Cast: Wilfredo Cisneros, Cosme Cortázar, Doris Díaz, Amílcar Marcano, Alexander Milic, Reggie Nalder, Luis Pardi, Francis Rueda, Yajaira Salazar.
Venezuela, 1991.
Language: Spanish.
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Jen si tak trochu písknout / Just Whistle a Little. 1980.

CZ. Jeho hrdiny jsou především Petr Moravec a Pavel Voříšek, dva spolužáci a kamarádi, pocházející z naprosto odlišných prostředí. Zatímco Petr vyrůstá v typické "spořádané" měšťácké rodině, Pavel žije v neurovnaných a nepříliš dobrých poměrech se svým otcem, číšníkem, který nikdy nejde pro ránu daleko. Vše začíná okamžikem, kdy chlapci při svých toulkách Prahou vlezou do opravovaného kostela, v zaprášené bedně tam najdou varhaní píšťaly a pár si jich odnesou, aby si mohli "jen tak trochu písknout". Z krádeže píšťal je však veliká nepříjemnost, kterou vyšetřují policisté, neboť píšťaly mají velikou cenu. Okolo motivu ukradených píšťal však tvůrci rozvíjí celou řadu dalších vážných i humorných epizod výstižně postihujících svět čtrnáctiletých, jejich radosti, problémy, objevování světa, výchovy a formování osobnosti velmi často také negativními příklady chování rodičů a dospělých.
EN. Several big-city teenagers are falsely accused of vandalising a valuable organ, casting light on the hypocrisy of the adult world.
Director: Karel Smyczek.
Cast: Daniel Šedivák, Michal Suchánek, Libuše Heczková, Lucie Bártová-Zedníčková, Renata Pokorná, Pavel Kohout, Eva Lecchiová, Zdeněk Dryšl, Bronislav Poloczek, Jaroslava Tichá, Jiřina Jelenská, Dagmar Khainová, Veronika Freimanová, Miluše Šplechtová, Alena Procházková, Jiří Kodet, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Gabriela Wilhelmová, Bořík Procházka, Josef Patočka, Jiří Strnad, Hana Talpová, Milada Ježková, Miroslava Vydrová, Antonín Lebeda, Pavel Čadek, Jan Šedivý, Milan Riehs, Vítězslav Sutr, Taťána Bártová, Zuzana Schmidová, Vladimír Hrabánek, Václav Kotva, Josef Kubíček, Jan Kuděla, Jiří Datel Novotný, Kristina Novotná, Jan Hartl, Jiří Havel, Jindra Kvardová, Marie Tomsová, Jan Dvořák, Jiří Kosek, Jiří Moudrý, Miloš Schmiedberger, Otakar Brousek ml., Andrea Sedláčková, Michal Pečenka, Mahulena Bočanová, Věra Galatíková, Michael Dymek, Karel Urbánek.
Czechoslovakia, 1980.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Russian, Czech.
Download Jen si tak trochu písknout / Just Whistle a Little. 1980: … T-1980.rar



Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes. 1988.

DE. Der13-jährige Jonny lebt in einem Kinderheim. Sein Vater ist tot. Seine Mutter ist nicht in der Lage, ihn großzuziehen. Jonny sehnt sich nach einer Familie, und so steht er eines Tages vor der Tür der Familie Koberg und teilt der Familie mit, dass er nicht mehr zurück ins Heim gehe. Da der zwölfjährige Sascha Koberg sich sofort mit Jonny anfreundet, beschließen Mutter Johanna und Vater Rolf, eine Patenschaft für den Jungen zu übernehmen. Sascha und sein kleiner Bruder Thomas mögen Jonny sehr, die 15-jährige Julia ist nicht so begeistert über noch einen "Bruder", akzeptiert aber die Entscheidung der Eltern. Doch bald schon gibt es die ersten Konflikte: Jonny schnüffelt in Saschas Sachen herum und begeht damit einen schweren Vertrauensbruch. Außerdem schafft er es nicht, Vater Koberg von seinen schlechten schulischen Leistungen zu erzählen. Er lässt Klassenarbeiten und Mahnbriefe der Schule verschwinden. Als Rolf Koberg seinen Patenjungen zur rede stellt, reagiert Jonny äußerst aggressiv...
EN. Jonny, a roughly 12 year old boy whose father is unknown and whose mother did not have him at home and have him deported because of a children's home, longs for a family. So he sets off one day on the way to the family of the doctor who cared for the children in medically and to which he feels himself drawn. First, his family reacted quite positively to Jonny. The defiant and sometimes aggressive behavior cause, however, that the plan to bring Jonny permanently from the home, it may be to adopt, falters...
Director: Richard Engel.
Cast: Petra Kelling, Joachim Siebenschuh, Sebastian Hattop, Benjamin Burkhardt, Silke Natzkem, Marius Schönefeld, enno Mieth, Hanka Metowa, Irmgard Marzahn, Susanne Saewert, Martin Anders, Thomas Schimanke.
DDR, DEFA, 1988.
Language: German.
Download Jonny Kommt / Jonny Comes. 1988: … t-1988.rar



It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.

It Felt Like Love is a 2013 independent drama film, the first feature film directed by Eliza Hittman.
Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually active, although she has only gone to third base with her current boyfriend, Patrick. With no experience whatsoever on the sexual front, Lila has no adult guidance with her mother having passed, and she and her father often being at odds with each other. Lila's primary exposure to sex or sexual foreplay is being the third wheel in Chiara and Patrick's outings. In her naivety, Lila believes that what she sees between Chiara and Patrick has the potential to last forever. Regardless of her total inexperience, Lila likes to portray herself as having at least gone to third base, she doing so by mimicking what she hears from Chiara and other sexually active teens. In her own mind, Lila wants to lose her virginity, despite, if she was honest with herself, being more closely emotionally mature to her twelve year old neighbor, Nate, than Chiara, Nate who would most likely be her confidante if she were to tell the truth about the issue of her sexuality. She believes the easiest candidate to be her first is Sammy, an older teen, who purportedly will sleep with anyone. As such, Lila begins to insert herself into Sammy's life, he who would not have even known who she was if she didn't do so.
Director: Eliza Hittman.
Cast: Gina Piersanti, Giovanna Salimeni, Ronen Rubinstein, Jesse Cordasco, Nick Rosen, Richie Folio, Case Prime, Kevin Anthony Ryan, Nugget, Sophia Jurewicz.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
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The River / Le fleuve. 1951.

Harriet, now an adult, narrates the story of her coming of age growing up as a British national and a daughter of a jute press manager in the Bengal region of India, they living in the big house on the banks of one of the holy rivers. At the time, she is the eldest of six siblings - five girls and one boy - with another on the way and with she being significantly older the rest of her siblings. As such, she spends much time with an honorary member of their family, a late teen - not quite an adult - named Valerie, also a British national and the daughter of the jute press owner. Another friend, who recently arrived home from her western schooling, is Melanie, the biracial daughter of British national Mr. John and his then deceased Hindu wife. Both Mr. John and Melanie realize her difficult position, straddling both the Hindi and western cultures. Their small world is shaken up with the arrival of Captain John, Mr. John's cousin and an American ex-military man who has one prosthetic leg the result of his time in the war. He is a somewhat sullen man who is running away from anything that reminds him of his time before his physical disability. Regardless, he has an effect on all three of Harriet, Valerie and Melanie in different ways, that effect which nonetheless tests their friendships. In combination with other things that happen may provide Harriet with a bigger view of life in her coming of age.
Director: Jean Renoir.
Cast: Richard R.Foster, Nimai Barik, Nora Swinburne, Esmond Knight, Arthur Shields, Suprova Mukerjee, Thomas E. Breen, Radha, Adrienne Corri, Jane Harris, Jennifer Harris, Trilak Jetley, Ram Singh, Penelope Wilkinson, Cecilia Wood.
France, UK, India, USA, 1951.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian, English, French.
Download The River / Le fleuve. 1951: … r-1951.rar



Ur kärlekens språk / Language of Love. 1969.

A modern advanced film about sexual education an behaviour based on the clinical research made by famous American and Swedish doctors. The film centres around a panel; Inge and Sten Hegeler, Maj-Brith Bergstroem-Walan and Sture Cullhed, all well known, reputable experts, who have devoted their scientific studies to the various fields of sexual life. The film deals with all kinds of problems connected with the sexual relationship of people. Whilst every question is discussed by the panel., the film illustrates; the difference between male and female sexual organs and their functions, positions, and authentic coition whereby a split screen system is used enabling us to see the various reactions in different parts of the body. In connection with this as well as in other parts of the film, diagrams and animations are used to simplify the understanding of the complicated reactions which occur when a person is under sexual stimulus. The panel also discusses the role os sex in society, the...
Director: Torgny Wickman.
Cast: Inge Hegeler, Sten Hegeler, Maj-Brith Bergström-Walan, Sture Cullhed, Kim Anderzon, Julie Bernby, Ewert Granholm, Göthe Grefbo, Margaretha Henriksson.
Sweden, 1969.
Language: English.
Download Ur kärlekens språk / Language of Love. 1969:



Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972.

LV. Meitenīte Žeņa sapņo kļūt par jūrnieci. Viņa valkā jūrnieku strīpaino kreklu, jūrnieku cepuri un visu savu brīvo laiku kopā ar zēniem pavada vecajā šonerī \"Signāls\", kas ir pietauvots krastā. Par savām jūras lietu zināšanām viņa ieguvusi iesauku \"Kapteinis Džeks\". Kad veco kuģi nolemj nodot lūžņos, mazie jūrnieki dodas ar šoneri bangojošā jūrā, jo uzskata, ka kuģis-veterāns nav pelnījis tādu likteni. Ar šo kuģi kara laikā no ienaidnieku gūsta aizmuka padomju jūrnieki, kuru vidū bija arī Žeņas tēvs. Ostas priekšniecība nolemj palīdzēt skolēniem organizēt pionieru jūras klubu, kam arī nodod varonīgo šoneri.
EN. Girl Žeņa dreams of becoming a sailor. She wears a sailor's shirt, a sailor's hat, and all her free time with her boys in his old baton. She got the nickname "Captain Jack" for her marine knowledge. When an old ship decides to scrap it, the small sailors go with a barge in the wading sea because they think the ship-veteran doesn't deserve such a fate. With this ship the Soviet sailors, who were also the father of Jean, were thrown out of the enemy during the war. The harbor chief decides to help the pupils organize a pioneer marine club, which is also handed over to the heroic baton.
Director: Ada Armīda Neretniece.
Cast: Inga Mickīte, Marija Podgurska, Donāts Baņonis, Raimonds Brikšķis, Einārs Piekuss, Aivars Lipšāns, Vaidevutis Mickītis, Valdemārs Zandbergs, Aivars Liepiņš, Harijs Šadovskis, Lauris Krumovičs, Nils Ceimurs.
USSR, Rīgas kinostudija, 1972.
Language: Russian.
Download Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972: … s-1972.rar



櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.

JP. 緒方は女衒だった。妻はそんな緒方を支えながら二人の男の子を育てていた。そこに緒方が街で拾ってきた女の子(後の石原)を拾ってくる。その日から、石原は十朱の娘になる。緒方は裏の貧乏な家の娘(後の名取)を売り、その家に米を運ぶことになる十朱。そこで、赤痢で死ぬ母親に驚愕する。そして10年、石原は立派な娘になり十朱を支えていた。名取は高知一の芸者になっていた。緒方は、興業の仕事にのりだし義太夫の女(真行寺君枝)とできてしまう。長男(井上純一)は病弱で、石原が好きだった。次男(田中隆三)は放蕩を重ねる。緒方と真行寺の間に子が出来、十朱は実家に帰っていた。大貞楼の女将(草笛光子)のはからいで帰る事になり、真行寺が産んだ娘(後の高橋)をひきとることとなる。初めは乳母にまかせ無視していた十朱だったが、母性愛からか、溺愛するようになる。そんな中、田中の放蕩をやめさえようとした井上が殴られ帰らぬ姿になってしまう。田中は刑務所に入る。そして、また10年、高橋はすこやかに育ち、十朱を母と疑わなかった。緒方はまたも女(白都真理)をかこっていた。十朱は病に倒れるが、なんとか持ち直す。だが、緒方とはあわず、帰ってきた田中も緒方の跡をつぐことになり、高橋と実家の世話で貧乏暮らしを始める。緒方は高橋を返せといい。なくなく高橋を渡す事にする。途中の橋で車を降り、高橋の後ろ姿を見つめ、向き直る十朱だった。
EN. The story of Iwago, a troubled Japanese man who has grave personal problems and strained relationships with his wife and step children.
Director: Hideo Gosha.
Cast: Ken Ogata, Yukiyo Toake, Yûko Natori, Mariko Ishihara, Jun'ichi Inoue, Kimie Shingyôji, Mari Shirato, Ryûzô Tanaka, Naomi Fujiyama, Shinsuke Shimada, Kaori Takahashi, Ryûji Katagiri.
Japan, 1985.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
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