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Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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All Films. Alternative Links. Part 3.

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Pětka s hvězdičkou / The Inseparable Five. 1985.

Veselý dětský film o pětici sedmáků, kteří prožívají velké i malé příhody a dobrodružství v jihomoravské obci Čejkovice. Staňo Matička, Rosťa, Edison, Fera Ondráček a cikán Štefan Daniel zvaný Daňo jsou nerozlučnou pětkou kamarádů. Díky dalekohledu jednoho z nich jsou první kdo vidí příjezd nového mladého učitele Petra Mikeše. Pomohou mu se zavazadly a dokonce mu zařídí byt tak, aby byl obyvatelný, mimo jiné palmou, která v sále kulturního domu cudně zakrývá nahotu sochy Thálie. To je jen první z "průšvihů", které učitel s pěticí kamarádů během školního roku prožije. Když se za ním nakonec přistěhuje jeho dívka Petra a její uvítání se klukům zvrtne do další katastrofy, nemůže už zkušeného učitele nic rozházet. Dobře ví, že s klukovkou pětkou si ještě užije.
Director: Miroslav Balajka.
Cast: Jan Hartl, Dušan Blaškovič, Marián Zednikovič, Mojmír Maděrič, Václav Sloup, Simona Stašová, Milena Steinmasslová, Václav Babka, Eva Řepíková, Jaroslav Kuneš, Břetislav Rychlík, Alois Liškutín, Stanislav Tříska, Barbora Štěpánová, Zdeněk Dvořák, Iva Hüttnerová, Irena Žáčková, Eva Matalová, Milena Marcilisová, Matouš Rajmont, Miroslava Kolářová, Miroslav Kučera.
Czechoslovakia, 1985.
Language: Czech.
Download Pětka s hvězdičkou / The Inseparable Five. 1985: … u-1985.rar



Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames. 1985.

EN. The Italian childhood fantasy Little Flames (Piccoli Fuochi) concerns 5-year-old Dino Jakosic. Proving too much for his parents, Jakosic is often sent to his room, where he interacts with several bizarre "imaginary" playmates who bedevil the servants with their sadistic pranks (the audience is never certain whether the playmates are real or whether the boy is pulling off the pranks himself). Valeria Golino plays the family's new maid, whom Jakosic takes a liking to. He begs his playmates to leave Golino alone, but out of jealousy they plan an awful revenge on the poor woman. In a startling sequence, Golino's boyfriend is tied to a bed and set afire. Jakosic confesses to the murder (indeed, as mentioned, he may have done it), but no one believes him capable of so horrible an act. Little Flames does not so much end as stop abruptly, with Jakosic bidding his playmates goodbye after they've wreaked their last havoc. Be sure not to book this one for your kid's next birthday party.
A schizophrenic look at the sexual life of a five-year-old boy, from the child's and the adult's point of view.
IT. La vita affettiva di Tommaso (un bimbo di sei anni) non e molto ricca. Sensibile e pieno di problemi com'e, e poco seguito dal padre, uno scrittore inconcludente, e dalla madre, impegnata nel suo lavoro e un po' isterica. Per il che Tommaso si rifugia in un mondo di fantasticherie e di personaggi amici: un Re bizzarro e nano, un drago pacioccone ed un luccicante "robot" di latta. Il giorno, pero, che i genitori lo affidano ad una ragazza bella e sensuale, la quale gli si affeziona ed a cui il piccolo si attacca profondamente, la vita di Tommaso cambia in maniera radicale. In un misto di ingenuita e fantasia, oltre che di autentico bisogno schietto e ricco di "amore" (infatti, ad un certo momento si fa promettere che essi "si sposeranno per sempre"). Ma la ragazza ha gia una sua vita privata e ben altri rapporti con un bullo grossolano e anche manesco. Quando Tommaso viene portato dai due in moto fino alla casa di lui, il tipo, per tenerlo tranquillo, gli fa dono di un piccolo calcolatore e, mentre gioca con questo, il bimbo sente, con oscuro senso di disagio, tutto cio che sta accadendo nella camera vicina. Naturalmente egli comincia a detestare l'amico della "sua" Mara e la realta con le sue crudezze ha la meglio sui sogni ed i personaggi delle favole e delle fantasie infantili. Tommaso comincia lo sciopero della fame: mentre si trova in clinica sotto flebo, egli sogna che il bullo muore nel rogo della propria casa. In effetti il tizio sara trovato morto bruciato (una bottiglia vuota vicino al suo letto). Mara e interrogata dalla Polizia e poi, considerata innocente, e lasciata libera; sara pero licenziata dai genitori di Tommaso. Lei arriva perfino a sospettare che il bambino (nelle cui mani vede il calcolatore, datogli a sua insaputa dall'amico), sia l'autore dell'incendio. Ma una ipotesi simile e assolutamente folle. Cosi Mara tornera da Tommaso misteriosamente attratta dalla forza sincera di quell'affetto, mentre i due distratti genitori rapiranno, dopo l'oscuro episodio, quanto poco si sono occupati del loro figlio e di quanto amore egli abbia bisogno.
La buona riuscita del film e dovuta in gran parte al sapiente approccio dell'autore a una tematica per lui tutt'altro che nuova - basti ricordare quella che forse e la sua opera piu nota. 'Piso, pisello' - e alla formula ben indovinata dell'integrazione tra fantasia e realta. Un valido contributo e stato offerto anche dal piccolo Dino Jaksic, che ha saputo rispondere alle indicazioni del regista con i suoi occhi colmi di pensieri inespressi, sempre seri e malinconici. Valeria Golino, a tratti un po' insicura, e sembrata tutto sommato abbastanza disinvolta, piu che nei panni si dovrebbe dire nella pelle di Mara, cui fa da contrasto, con brevi ma piacevoli apparizioni, Daniela Giordano, dolcissima e affidabile maestra d asilo.
La vita affettiva del piccolo Tommaso non e serena: sensibile e pieno di problemi com'e, il bambino si rifugia in un mondo di fantasticherie e di personaggi amici. Un giorno, pero i genitori lo affidano ad una ragazza bella e sensuale, la quale gli si affeziona ed alla quale Tommaso si attacca profondamente.
Director: Peter Del Monte.
Cast: Dino Jaksic, Valeria Golino, Carlotta Wittig, Mario Garriba, Ulisse Minervini, Daniela Giordano, Simona Tedeschi, Patrizia Barbera, Giancarlo Caponera..
Italy, 1985.
Download Piccoli fuochi / Little Flames. 1985: … i-1985.rar



Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle. 1985.

Der kleine Tomas „Pipo“ (Jozef Vrabel) Pipko aus Bratislava nimmt einen Irish Setter in Pflege, den er Silvo tauft. Er fahrt mit ihm auf dem Fahrrad zu Onkel Sirak (Viliam Polonyi) aufs Land. Dort trifft er Marian Djurina, genannt Maros (Andrej Belak), und Katka (Katka Sulajova) aus dem Kinderheim. Nach anfanglichen Schwierigkeiten werden Pipo und Maros beste Freunde. Als die Adoptiveltern mit Mario nicht zurechtkommen, nimmt Pipos Familie ihn bei sich auf.
Die Folgen dauerten jeweils eine halbe Stunde. Die Serie lief im gleichen Jahr unter dem Titel Pipo schafft alle in der DDR.
Director: Marta Gogalova.
Cast: Jozef Vrabel, Andrej Belak, Ivo Gogal, Jan Gresso, Mikulas Huba, Lubomir Kompanik, Iveta Kozkova, Jan Kroner, Zofia Martisova, Lubomir Pavlovic.
Czechoslovakia, 1985.
Download Materske znamienko / Pipo Schafft Alle. 1985: … t_Alle.rar



Poil de carotte. 2003.

FR. Poil de carotte est un téléfilm français réalisé par Richard Bohringer et diffusé pour la première fois le 14 avril 2003 sur TF1.
Benjamin Lepic, dit «Poil de carotte», doit son surnom à la couleur de ses cheveux et à ses taches de rousseur. Sa mère a fait du petit rouquin son bouc émissaire. Quant à son père, il ne s'occupe de ses enfants que le week-end. Conscient du sort réservé à son cadet, M. Lepic convie son fils à une partie de pêche. Mais Mme Lepic ne compte pas laisser Poil de carotte s'en aller aussi facilement...
EN. A good-natured kid struggles to earn his mother's love without much success.
Director: Richard Bohringer.
Cast: Fanny Cottençon, Antoine Nguyen, Richard Bohringer, Jérôme Hardelay, Lou Bohringer, Christopher Boyadji, Constance Dollé, Henri Marteau, Damien Jouillerot.
France, 2003.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, French.
Download Poil de carotte. 2003: … e-2003.rar



Plenilunio. 1999.

A lonely police detective tracks down a crazed child murderer. The movie develops both characters equally well. Most of us would be drawn more to the depiction of the killer as an aberrant type. He is well played as a person lost in his own world, with no friends, selling fresh fish, and drinking alone, unable even to ask for the check at one point, due to his acute inwardness. Our detective discovers the nude body of a young girl in the woods, the work of our killer. Unlike other films of this kind, this one moves (or plods) along at an absorbing pace, giving time for the detective to develop a relationship with an equally lonely school teacher. At one point, while they are making love, the killer is busy with another victim.
Director: Imanol Uribe.
Cast: Miguel Angel Sola, Adriana Ozores, Juan Diego Botto, Fernando Fernan Gomez, Charo Lopez, Chete Lera, Maria Galiana, Noelia Ortega, Chiqui Fernandez.
Spain, France, 1999.
Language: Spanish.
Download Plenilunio. 1999: … o-1999.rar



Pornografie in Dänemark - Zur Sache, Kätzchen / Pornography in Denmark. 1970.

DE. Siegfried Maier kommt nach Kopenhagen um eine neue deutsche Brillenkollektion vorzustellen. Der dänische Optiker (Gerd „Ernie“ Duwner) ist begeistert, schickt den verwirrten Handelsreisenden allerdings erst einmal, gemeinsam mit der Optikerhelferin Ulla in die Pornoshops von Kopenhagen. Das Angebot ist groß und Herr Maier wird immer verwirrter. Als man ihn dann auch noch für einen Pornodarsteller hält…
Das hört sich bescheuert an? Ist aber noch wesentlich bescheuerter. Was für ein dämlicher und zugleich suspekter Film. Die Credits geben keine genauen Angaben, so dass man sich eine Zuordnung von Schnitttechnikern und Musikkomponisten knicken kann. Produziert wurde das Teil von der „Repa Filmproduktion GmbH“, als Verleih wird der „Müller Film Verleih“ angegeben. Die Regie übernahm Michael Miller (wer immer das sein mag) unter dem Pseudonym Dr. Renato Frustratus.
PORNOGRAFIE IN DÄNEMARK ist ein teilweise fader, aber auch (der deutschen Synchronisation wegen) amüsanter Film. Es werden einige selten dämliche Dialoge geführt. Dabei hat man jedoch vergessen auf die Lippenbewegungen zu achten, denn hier liegt wirklich jedes Zitat (nicht nur im übertragenden Sinne) neben der Spur.
Die Handlung (darf man das überhaupt so nennen?) ist sehr, sehr dürftig. Die Sexszenen sind schmierig hoch zwölf. Die Unterwäsche der männlichen Darsteller kann als „Sepp Herberger Gedächtnis Collection“ bezeichnet werden. Neben der Handlung (die eigentlich keine ist) bringt der Film ein wenig Flair aus den „Reportfilmen“, sowie Archivmaterial (scheinbar aus dem Mülleimer gepickt) ein. Das erste Drittel verzichtet auf Sexszenen, später mehren sich unerotische „Asi-Sex-Szenen“.
„…das Nutten-Aquarium, da wird gebumst bis die Socken qualmen.“ (Taxifahrer)
Fazit: Wenn man abgehärtet (und dem Schwachsinn nicht abgeneigt) ist, kann man auch hier ein paar witzige Minuten erleben. Alle anderen sollten vor Ansicht mit ihrem Facharzt sprechen.
EN. Is Copenhagen the "paradise" of pornography? An innocent but tormented German young man travels to the Danish metropolis in order to challenge his sinful thoughts. There he meets the charming and saucy Ulla, who shares a lot of hot tips.
Director: Michael Miller (as Renato Frustratus).
Cast: Hans-Werner Bussinger, Gerd Duwner, Chris Larsen, Miriam Liv, Ute Marin, Günter Vaessen, Siegfried Zügel.
West Germany, 1970.
Language: German.
Download Pornografie in Dänemark - Zur Sache, Kätzchen / Pornography in Denmark. 1970: … k-1970.rar



Prázdniny u starej mamy. 1976.

SK. Pôvodný televízny film o chlapcovi z mesta, ktorý nachádza na dedine ozajstných kamarátov.
Malý Paľo se vrací domů z pochodového cvičení. Ve schránce nalézá pohled o d kamaráda Štefana z Ilanova. Chce, aby tam přijel Paľo na prázdniny. Rodiče chtějí, aby jel s nimi na Jaltu. Nu, nakonec cestuje vlakem do Ilanova. Pavel přibezl Štefanovi dýku, legrace je v tom, že Štefan koupil Pavlovi naprosto stejnou. Další den u budovaného „koupaliště“ vzniká spor. Pavel nestavěl, a Vincek nechce, aby se tedy zde koupal. Pavel tedy s kamarádem a holkou odchází. Nalézají přilbu, do které natrhají maliny. S těmito přijdou opět ke „koupališti“. Za maliny je možno se vykoupat, jenže kluci je sežrali všechny do jedné. Dochází k pořádné Bukovské pranici. Později se kluci koupou jen tak, protože spadli do vody při chytání pstruha. Vinco jim sebere šaty a hodí do vody, což vidí jejich kamarádka Julka a také později pěkně práskne. Jenže kluci museli s hanbou nahatí domů. Za to Vincovi rozebralo kolo a jeho součástky rozvěsili po stromě. Vinco jim za to zažene husy do jahod, když při jejich hlídání usnou...
EN. The original television film about a boy from the city, who is in the village of real friends.
Director: Dušan Kodaj.
Cast: Matej Landl, Mária Markovičová, Božidara Turzonovová, Igor Hrabinský, Ivan Rajniak, Lotár Radványi, Ľudovít Greššo.
Czechoslovakia, 1976.
Language: Slovak.
Download Prázdniny u starej mamy. 1976: … y-1976.rar


Schulmädchen-Report. Part-1. Was Eltern nicht fur moglich halten.
Schulmädchen-Report: Was Eltern nicht fur moglich halten (Schoolgirl Report Part 1: What Parents Don't Think Is Possible) (UK release title: Confessions of a Sixth Form Girl) is a 1970 German so-called sex report film directed by Ernst Hofbauer, based on a book by Gunther Hunold (which presented interviews with twelve girls on their sexual lives) and produced by Wolfgang C. Hartwig. The music by Gert Wilden combined beat lounge and acid rock.
The film was a commercial success in 1970, topping the German cinema charts for weeks. Although it still had elements of the "Aufklarungsfilme" (sex education films) of the 1960s, it was quite exploitative - and the audience knew it.
This was the first in a series that would last thirteen titles until 1980. According to IBDB Episodes 9 and 10 feature Ursula Reit also known as Augustus Gloop's mother Mrs. Gloop from the 1971 film "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory".
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1970.
Format : AVI / 656x432
Duration : 78 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Download Schulmädchen-Report. Part-1: … port-1.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-2. Was Eltern den Schlaf raubt.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1970.
Format : AVI / 688x512
Duration : 85 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-2: … port-2.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-3. Was Eltern nicht mal ahnen.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1971.
Format : AVI / 672x432
Duration : 76 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-3: … port-3.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-4. Teil - Was Eltern oft verzweifeln lasst.
Format : AVI / 672x432
Duration : 76 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1972.
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-4: … port-4.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-5. Teil - Was Eltern wirklich wissen sollten.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1973.
Format : AVI / 672x432
Duration : 72 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-5: … port-5.rar



Astrid. 2018. 4K.

DK. Astrid på tolv år er i sommerhus med sin familie. Alt er godt indtil Astrid afbryder sine forældre i en meget intim situation, som ændrer hendes opfattelse af dem fuldstændig. Astrids far lader, som om intet var hændt, men deres tætte forhold kan aldrig blive det samme. For Astrid er alting ændret, og hun skubbes ud på en ensom og sårbar rejse fra barn til voksen.
EN. Astrid twelve, she lives in a cottage with her family. Everything is in order, until Astrid finds his parents in a very intimate situation. This completely changes her attitude towards them. Father Astrid pretends that nothing happened, but their close relationship can never be the same. For Astrid, everything has changed, and her lonely journey to growing up begins.
Director: Anna Friis Sørensen.
Cast: Katharina Mohr Wegener, Dan Zahle, Ditte Marie Le-Fevre, Emma Camille Kronberg Lund.
Denmark, KBH Film & Fotoskole, 2018.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
3840x2160 Ultra HD
Download Astrid. 2018: … 018-4K.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-6. Was Eltern gern vertuschen mochten.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1974.
Format : AVI / 672x432
Duration : 84 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-6: … port-6.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-7. Doch das Herz mus dabei sein.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1974.
Format : AVI / 528x336
Duration : 92 min
File Size : 1360 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-7: … port-7.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-8. Was Eltern nie erfahren durfen.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1975.
Format : AVI / 720x448
Duration : 84 min
File Size : 772 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-8: … port-8.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-9. Reifeprufung vor dem Abitur.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1975.
Format : divx / 720x432
Duration : 82 min
File Size : 712 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-9: … port-9.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-10. Irgendwann fangt jede an.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1976.
Format : divx / 672x400
Duration : 78 min
File Size : 675 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-10: … ort-10.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-11. Teil - Probieren geht uber Studieren.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1977.
Format : AVI / 672x400
Duration : 79 min
File Size : 825 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-11: … ort-11.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-12. Teil - Wenn das die Mammi wusste.
Director: Walter Boos.
Germany, 1978.
Format : AVI / 480x352
Duration : 77 min
File Size : 683 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-12: … ort-12.rar


Schulmadchen-Report. Part-13. Vergiss beim Sex die Liebe nicht.
The sexual adventures of young German girls.
With them every class is sex education.
Director: Walter Boos.
Language: German.
Germany, 1979.
Format : AVI / 640x416
Duration : 74 min
File Size : 783 MB
Download Schulmadchen-Report. Part-13. Vergiss beim Sex die Liebe nicht: … ort-13.rar



Prehistoric Women / The Virgin Goddess. 1950.

Prehistoric Women is a 1950 low-budget fantasy adventure film, written and directed by Gregg C. Tallas and starring Laurette Luez and Allan Nixon. It also features Joan Shawlee, Judy Landon, and Mara Lynn. Released by Alliance Productions, the independent film was also titled The Virgin Goddess. Prehistoric Women is seemingly influenced by and is similar to the 1940 film One Million B.C. A remake (sometimes known as 'Slave Girls') was made in 1967, and starred Martine Beswick.
Tigri (Luez) and her stone age friends, all of which are women, hate all men. However, she and her Amazon tribe see men as a "necessary evil" and capture them for potential husbands. Engor (Nixon), who is smarter than the rest of the men, is able to escape them. He discovers fire and battles enormous beasts. After he is recaptured by the women, he discovers fire and drives off a dragon-like creature. The women are impressed with him, including their prehistoric queen. Engor marries Tigri and they begin a new, more civilized, tribe.
Director: Gregg G. Tallas.
Cast: Laurette Luez, Allan Nixon, Joan Shawlee, Judy Landon, Mara Lynn, Jo-Carroll Dennison, Kerry Vaughn, Tony Devlin, James Summers, Dennis Dengate, Johann Petursson, John Frederick.
USA, 1950.
Language: English.
Download Prehistoric Women / The Virgin Goddess. 1950: … n-1950.rar



Pao ba hai zi / Homerun. 2003.

Homerun (Chinese: 跑吧孩子; pinyin: pǎo bà háizǐ) is a 2003 Singaporean Mandarin-language film. A remake of the award-winning Iranian film Children of Heaven, Homerun is a drama about two poor siblings and their adventures over a lost pair of shoes. Set in 1965, the year Singapore separated from Malaysia, the film satirises the political relations between the two countries, leading to its banning in Malaysia.
The film was written and directed by Singaporean filmmaker Jack Neo, and produced by Mediacorp Raintree Pictures. It stars Shawn Lee, Megan Zheng, Xiang Yun and Huang Wenyong. Filming took place in the rural outskirts of Kuala Lumpur during November and December 2002, but post-production delays pushed back the film's release date.
Released in cinemas on 7 August 2003, Homerun grossed over S$2.3 million during its nine-week box office run. It was nominated for two awards at the 2003 Golden Horse Awards; Megan Zheng, then 10, became the first Singaporean to win a Golden Horse. Generally, however, critical reception of the film was mixed.
A young boy accidentally loses his sister's school shoes. To avoid trouble at school and with their parents, they decide to secretly share his shoes.
Director: Jack Neo.
Cast: Shawn Lee, Megan Zheng, Yun Xiang, Wenyong Huang, Joshua Ang, Sharon Au, Hui Lu Boon, Emil Chau, John Cheng, Marcus Chin.
Singapore, 2003.
Language: Mandarin.
Download Pao ba hai zi / Homerun. 2003:



Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD.

FR. Messieurs les enfants est un film de Pierre Boutron, d'après l'œuvre homonyme de Daniel Pennac, réalisé en 1996 et sorti en 1997.
Pris en faute par leur professeur de français, Joseph, Igor et Nourdine se retrouvent avec pour punition le sujet suivant : "Vous vous réveillez un matin, et vous constatez que, dans la nuit, vous avez été transformé en adulte. Complètement affolé, vous vous précipitez dans la chambre de vos parents. Ils ont été transformés en enfants. Racontez la suite". Malheureusement pour eux, le sujet va devenir réalité.
EN. Messieurs les enfants is a 1997 French comedy film, directed by Pierre Boutron.
To punish three troublemakers, Albert Castraing, their French teacher, gives them an essay to do, in which they must imagine what their lives would be if they were suddenly transformed into adults. The next morning, the three twelve-year-old boys realise to their amazement that...they HAVE BEEN transformed into adults! As for they parents they have become...KIDS! It is the beginning of a series of mishaps for Joseph, a Jew, Igor, a catholic and Nourdine, an Arab...
Director: Pierre Boutron.
Cast: Pierre Arditi, François Morel, Zinedine Soualem, Catherine Jacob, Jean-Louis Richard, Michel Aumont, Anne Jacquemin, Jean-Claude Leguay, Philippe Khorsand, Géraldine Bonnet-Guérin.
France, 1997.
Language: French, Russian.
Download DVD Messieurs les enfants. 1997: … s-1997.rar



Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped & DVDRip.

In 1917, in the red light district Storyville, New Orleans, the prostitute Hattie lives with her twelve year-old daughter Violet in the fancy brothel of Madame Nell, where she works. Photographer Ernest J. Bellocq has an attraction to Hallie and Violet and he is an habitue of the whorehouse. One day, Madame Nell auctions Violet's virginity and the winner pays the fortune of US$ 400 to spend the night with the girl. Then Hattie marries a wealthy client and moves to Saint Louis, leaving Violet in the brothel alone. Violet decides to marry Bellocq and she moves to his house. Until the day that Hattie, who has overcome her past, comes to Bellocq's house with the intention to take Violet with her.
Director: Louis Malle.
Cast: Brooke Shields, Keith Carradine, Susan Sarandon, Frances Faye, Antonio Fargas, Matthew Anton, Diana Scarwid, Barbara Steele, Seret Scott, Cheryl Markovitz, Gerrit Graham, Laura Zimmerman.
USA, 1978.
2 versions of the film:
Versions 1:
Language: German.
Format : AVI / 576х432
File Size : 900 MB
Download Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped: … ropped.rar
Versions 2:
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Format : AVI / 704x400
File Size : 1400 MB
Download Pretty Baby. 1978. DVDRip: … y-1978.rar



Přijela k nám pouť. 1973.

Příběh o přátelství dvou děvčátek a o soupeření klukovských fotbalových mužstev ze dvou sousedních vesnic, z nichž každý se snaží pro sebe získat svého vrstevníka Janka, který přijel na kolotoči a hraje fotbal "jako Pelé"... Autorkou portrétu v památníku je Věra Plívová - Šimková.
Director: Vera Plivova-Simkova.
Cast: Roman Cada, Ludek Kucera, Renata Maskova, Karel Ausprunk, Zuzana Bydzovska, Jiri Duchac, Jan Dvorak, Zdena Hadrbolcova, Renata Kolarova, Yvetta Kornova.
Czechoslovakia, Filmove Studio Barrandov, 1973.
Language: Czech.
Download Přijela k nám pouť. 1973: … t-1973.rar



Priko sinjeg mora / Across the Blue Sea. 1979.

HR. Film pruža nekoliko varijanti stvarnog i mogućeg djetinjstva u ambijentu Mediterana.
U obliku sjećanja starac prilaže priče iz djetinjstva u svom 'životnom računu'. To je sentimentalni dug onom čistom trenutku u životu čovjeka, trenutku opredjeljenja: kad se dječak na pragu mladićkog doba odlučio na otiskivanje od obala, a djevojčica, buduća žena, pripremila za vječito čekanje...
EN. Across the Blue Sea (Priko sinjeg mora) is a 1979 Croatian film directed by Ljiljana Jojić, starring Pavle Vuisić, Antoanela Marinović and Dino Dvornik.
The film offers several variants of growing up at the Mediterranean coast.
Director: Ljiljana Jojić.
Cast: Pavle Vuisic, Branko Juras, Dino Dvornik, Nikola Dešković, Božo Barac, Antonela Marinovic, Vesna Bojanić, Jakov Fiamengo, Matko Galovic, Ivo Marjanović.
Yugoslavia, Zagreb Film, 1979.
Language: Serbo-Croatian.
Subtitles: English.
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Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984.

Mauro, jovem engenheiro ferroviario e muito bem casado com a linda Katia vive em completa harmonia junto de seu sogro, o irmao de Katia, Beto, Adriana esposa de Paulo e Kika a namorada de Beto. Num dos passeios da familia ao terminal ferroviario, Mauro sofre violenta queda e fica em coma. Levado as pressas para o hospital, se restabelece porem pela gravidade do ferimento interno, torna-se definitivamente impotente. Mauro incorfomado pela nova situacao passa o tempo todo embriagado, passando a ser um peso morto para a familia e principalmente para a sua jovem esposa. A familia passa todos os fins de semana numa chacara as margens de uma represa e ali, dao vazao a toda a sorte de libidinagem. A empregada Nora passa a ter relacoes sexuais com Sergio, o sogro, agora o suposto chefe da familia. Adriana alem de ter relacoes com o proprio sogro, tem tambem com Nora e Beto, que por sua vez transa tambem com Adriana, sua cunhada. Claudinha vem a conhecer Marcos. Um jovem topografo, e com ele inicia um romance, relacionando-se sexualmente com ele. Katia que ja experimentara tudo, descobre nova maneira num ancoradouro de barcos. Meninos pescando todos os dias. Ganha a amizade deles e passa a ter relacoes sexuais com todos. Espalhando-se o fato, a garotada faz fila para transar com ela. A familia nao suporta mais a situacao, e Mauro sempre semi bebado diverte-se com tudo. Chefiada pelo sogro, a familia arma um plano para eliminar Mauro na ferrovia, simulando um acidente. Todos concordam, pois assim haveria total liberdade, incluindo a posse de sua fortuna. Aguardam uma oportunidade. Tudo se precipita quando Mauro percebe o que esta acontecendo entre sua mulher e os garotos. Entao num acesso de furia tenta mata-la, no que e impedido por sua familia. Levam-no ate o terminal ferroviario e o prendem dentro de um vagao. Atraves de choques eletricos, pretendem incendiar o trem e assim mata-lo fazendo com que pareca um acidente. Marcos o solta e, Mauro transtornado e completamente louco, faz virar o feitico contra o feiticeiro. Prende Marcos num determinado lugar e fecha toda a familia dentro de um dos vagoes. Aplica choques de alta voltagem no mesmo e vai eliminando um a um, terminando por atear fogo em toda a familia.
Director: Fauzi Mansur.
Cast: Dalileia Ayala, Livi Bianco, Mara Carmem, Малкольм Malcolm Carlos Costa, Enio Goncalves, Sergio Hingst, Andre Loureiro, Fabio Alves Pinto, Rubens Pignatari, Marthus Mathias.
Brazil, 1984.
Language: Portuguese.
Download Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984: … d-1984.rar


Puppylove. 2013.
At 14, Diane is an enigmatic teenager and a loner. She is busy bringing up her little brother, Marc, and has an intense relationship with her father, Christian. The appearance of Julia, a young charismatic and emancipated English girl, in her neighbourhood turns Diane's everyday life upside down. Diane, who wants to break the bounds of childhood at any price, goes through the most dramatic experiences of her life in the space of six months. The closer she is to Julia, the more she turns her back on morality, paying no attention to the consequences or the limits of her desires.
Director: Delphine Lehericey.
Cast:  Solene Rigot, Audrey Bastien, Vincent Perez, Joel Basman, Valerie Bodson, Thomas Coumans, Eric da Costa, Theo Dardenne, Aurore Delisse Dit L'Espagne.
France, 2013.
Language: French.
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Pusinky / Dolls. 2007.

CZ. Iška, Karolína a Vendula se nedostaly na podělanou vejšku. Co teď ? Děsí se představy, že by mohly skončit ve stereotypu všedního života. Naplánovaly proto super cestu – Holandsko, farma, louky, krávy, svoboda. Chtějí si pořádně užívat a občas (možná) i trochu pracovat. Vyrážejí na konci prázdnin. Cestu jim ale zkomplikuje Iščin aktivní čtrnáctiletý bratr Vojta, který měl ségru na otcův pokyn hlídat. Visí na holkách jako klíště a jen tak se setřást nenechá. Takže se přesouvají od místa k místu a čekají, kdy to konečně Vojta zabalí. Ten postupně začíná tušit, že to není jen tak obyčejná vyjížďka... Na cestě potkávají ulítlé i zajímavé týpky a když už se jim někdo připlete do cesty, holky si nenechají ujít příležitost, aby jim jejich situaci ještě trošku nezamotal. Na druhou stranu, proč ne. Mají chuť zkusit všechno a docela se jim to daří. Holandsko je ale pořád nějak daleko... Dynamická road-movie mladé režisérky Karin Babinské je filmem o mladých holkách, do kterých neustále někdo hučí, aby dospěly. Jim se ale ještě nechce. Nechce se jim spěchat do vězení povinností, do světa pravidel, ve kterém je stejně „všechno zmatený“. Příběh boří tabu, vypráví o holkách, které nemají chuť nic předstírat a hrát si na tiché, mírné, křehké bytosti. Chtějí samy nakládat se svým životem – ne podle nějakého manuálu rodičů. Umí si prostě užívat a ledacos vyzkoušet.
EN. Iska, Karolína, and Vendula are eighteen-year-old girls who have just graduated from high school. Not wanting to let go of their carefree student lives or their friendship, they plan to hitchhike to Holland, where they've arranged to work on a farm for three months. But Vojta, Iska's little brother and her father's right hand man, joins the trio against their will. He becomes a witness as well as a catalyst for the breakup of their friendship - for the girls recognize that time cannot be stopped. Dolls is a story about searching for love and finding oneself in the volatile time of late adolescence.
Director: Karin Babinská.
Cast: Sandra Nováková, Marie Doležalová, Petra Nesvačilová, Oldřich Hajlich, Erik Kalivoda, Lenka Vlasáková, Mario Kubaš, Filip Blažek, Matěj Ruppert, Jana Galinová, Kamil Švejda, Barbora Halamová.
Czech Republic, 2007.
Language: Czech, Russian.
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