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Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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All Films. Alternative Links. Part 4.

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Et la tendresse?... Bordel! № 2 / Zig Zag Story. 1983.

FR. Bob, photographe érotique, partage un loft avec Gil, un peintre daltonien. Au hasard d'un embouteillage, ce dernier rencontre Catherine, animatrice radio, dont il tombe éperdument amoureux. Le trio sympathise, mais Gil se trouve bientôt harcelé par un inspecteur de police, chargé d'une affaire de rapt...
EN. Gil, a color-blind painter, is caught in a traffic jam and meets Cat, a woman radio D.J. They date and Gil introduces Cat to his roommate, Bob, who is a photographer and "sex-addict." Both Gil and Cat want to have control of their lives, but a series of events send the lives of all three spinning out of control: Cat is injured, Gil is suspected in a kidnapping, and Bob meets women who are as kinky as he is. A classic cult comedy from the 80's.
Director: Patrick Schulmann.
Cast: Diane Bellego, Christian Francois, Fabrice Luchini, Ronny Coutteure, Jean-Marie Fertey, Philippe Khorsand, Claude Marcault, Alain Marguerite, Daniel Sarky, Didier Attar, Beatrice Avoine, Nathalie Bertheaux.
France, 1983.
Language: French.
Download Et la tendresse?... Bordel! № 2 / Zig Zag Story. 1983:



Žlutý kvítek. 1982.

CZ. Poetický příběh holčičky, které zelený balónek přivedl kamarády.
V poetickém příběhu jedenáctileté holčičky, kterou zranění páteře uvěznilo doma, hraje důležitou roli zelený balonek. Se vzkazem od Markéty se vznáší oblohou a dostane se do správných rukou. Děti po složitém pátrání nakonec Markétu najdou a s kamarády je její trápení snazší.
EN. A poetic story about a little girl that the green balloon brought friends.
In the poetic story of eleven-year-girls, that injuries of the spine was trapped at home, plays an important role green balloon. With a note from Margaret soars through the sky and gets into the right hands. Children after a difficult search, eventually Marguerite will find and with friends is her suffering easier.
Director: Miloš Bobek.
Cast: Monika Kvasničková, Martin Krb, Jana Preissová, Miroslav Masopust, Taťjana Medvecká, Boris Rösner, Naďa Urbánková.
Czechoslovakia, 1982.
Language: Czech.
Download Žlutý kvítek. 1982:



Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.

PT. Avaeté - Semente da Vingança é um filme brasileiro de 1985, dirigido por Zelito Viana. O filme de ficção faz referência ao massacre dos índios Cintas-largas ocorrido na região de Fontanillas, hoje município de Juína, no noroeste do Mato Grosso. Participaram da gravação índios da etnia Rikbaktsa.
Criança índia sobrevive a terrível massacre e passa a ser protegida por cozinheiro branco arrependido de ter participado da expedição criminosa. Já adulto, e com o assassinato de seu protetor, ele inicia a solitária e eficaz vingança contra os matadores brancos.
EN. Little Indian boy survives his tribe massacre, growing up together with his wish for revenge and his quest for his own identity. Based on a true story.
Director: Zelito Viana.
Cast: Jairo Canoeiro, Gilson Nanimpe, Aribeti Ayres, Hugo Carvana, Jurandir de Oliveira, Macsuara Kadiweu, Jayme del Cueto, Jose Dumont, Alva Junior, Abraão Silva, Milton Rodríguez.
Brazil, West Germany, 1985.
Language: Portuguese.
Download Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985:



Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993.

Fiorile is a 1993 Italian drama film about a family curse caused by greed. The film was directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, and stars Claudio Bigagli, Galatea Ranzi, and Michael Vartan. It was entered into the 1993 Cannes Film Festival.
The title Fiorile allegedly is derived from the month of Floréal (April–May) in the French Republican Calendar. The film is also known as Wild Flower.
While travelling to visit their grandfather in Tuscany, two children are told the story of a family curse that has lasted two hundred years. During Napoleon's Italian invasion, Elisabetta Benedetti fell in love with French soldier Jean but while he was distracted by her, Elisabetta's brother Corrado unintentionally stole the regiment's gold that Jean was guarding, causing Jean's death by firing squad and set the curse in train. The Benedettis become wealthy, corrupt and hated by their former friends, who rename them the Maledetti, the cursed (Benedetti means 'blessed'). The children's grandfather Massimo Benedetti is the last man to be directly affected by the curse but will he pass it onto them?
Directors: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani.
Cast: Claudio Bigagli, Galatea Ranzi, Michael Vartan, Lino Capolicchio, Constanze Engelbrecht, Athina Cenci, Giovanni Guidelli, Norma Martelli, Pier Paolo Capponi, Carlo Luca De Ruggieri.
Italy, France, Germany, 1995.
Language: Italian, French, Russian.
Download Fiorile / Wild Flower. 1993:


Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996.
"Amazon: The Wayana Indians" is the third of three documentaries featuring French filmmaker Charles Herve-Gruyer and a group of young French students sailing the Atlantic in search of The Wayanas Indians. After months of grueling sailing aboard the ship ”Fleur de Lampaul”, the troupe finally arrive in the jungle of the French Guiana. This time the camera focuses on two of the students, brothers, as they live and learn the life of the Wayanas in the Amazon jungle. For one month they will eat, sleep, bathe, and hunt as the tribe has been doing for centuries.
Director: Charles Herve-Gruyer.
Cast: Henriette Baker, Francois Beaussier, Guenaelle Carton, Nicholas de la Brosse, Tatiana Herve-Gruyer, Charlotte Houset, Helene Nicholas, Emmanuel Maillard, Eneour Puill-Stephan, Myriam Rigolot,  Emilie Sage, Pierre Thiriet.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Download Amazonie: Les indiens Wayanas. 3 Eps. 1996: … s-1996.rar



Akademia pana Kleksa. 1983.

Dziesięcioletni Adaś Niezgódka rozpoczyna właśnie przedziwną naukę w Akademii Pana Kleksa, który poza tym, że jest nauczycielem, jest także czarodziejem i poszukiwaczem przygód, a w Akademii uczą się tylko chłopcy, których imiona zaczynają się na literę A. Adaś poznaje tajemniczego ptaka Mateusza, który kiedyś był księciem, znajduje tajemniczy guzik doktora Paj-Chi-Wo oraz poznaje tajemniczego fryzjera Filipa Golarza. Ten ostatni wprowadza do Akademii chłopca - robota, żeby ją zniszczyć...
Director: Krzysztof Gradowski.
Cast: Piotr Fronczewski, Slavek Wronka, Leon Niemczyk, Bronislaw Pawlik, Wieslaw Michnikowski, Adam Probosz, Lembit Ulfsak, Robert Pliuchinski, Irena Karel, Zdzslawa Sosnicka, Lech Ordon, Zbigniew Buczkowski.
USSR, Poland, 1983.
Language: Russian.
Download Akademia pana Kleksa. 1983: … a-1983.rar



L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD.

IT. L'immoralità è un film drammatico del 1978 diretto da Massimo Pirri.
In una villa solitaria, posta in un parco a qualche chilometro di distanza dall'abitato, vivono la signora Vera, suo marito da tempo immobilizzato su di una sedia a rotelle e la dodicenne Simona. Mentre la madre cerca evasioni con gli uomini dei dintorni e in casa passa il tempo a bisticciare con il marito, la ragazzina trascorre molte ore nel parco o nascosta in casa a spiare i genitori. Un giorno Simona si imbatte in Federico, un giovane ferito e inseguito perché ha ucciso una bambina dopo averla violentata. La piccola nasconde il fuggitivo, ma ben presto la madre si accorge della presenza dell'uomo e intreccia con lui una relazione. Vera, avendo capito di chi si tratta, ha la ben precisa intenzione di servirsi di Federico per eliminare il marito. Simona, maturata in fretta, desidera un figlio da Federico. La situazione precipita, anche perché i sospetti della polizia e dei "vigilanti" si stanno accentrando sulla villa...
EN. Federico is a child-killer running from the law. Wounded, he is taken in by a 12 year old girl named Simona. Their strange love affair is interrupted by Simona's depressed, oversexed mother Vera, who concocts a plan with Federico to kill her wheelchair-bound, reclusive husband. Simona does not take kindly to this new relationship between Federico and Vera.
L'Immoralita is a film that is difficult to pigeon hole into one 'type' of film, but suffice to say it's an entertaining and well worked thriller with enough substance to satisfy most viewers, providing they can stomach the sometimes uncomfortable tone of the movie. Almost everything about the film really is rather detestable and as such the characters are hard to care for; making watching the film akin to watching a car crash at times. The film begins with a scene that sees a man carrying the body of a dead girl before burying her, and then being pursued by a bunch of people with guns. This man turns out to be Federico; a murderer and paedophile, wanted for killing children. Wounded, he bumps into a young girl who he befriends after she offers him shelter. The girl lives with her parents; the mother, lauded as the town slut, and her dilapidated father who is rotting away in a wheelchair. The murderer and the child grow closer together despite the law being after him and the pair develops a friendship that is shattered when the mother discovers the sheltered criminal.
Director: Massimo Pirri.
Cast: Lisa Gastoni, Howard Ross, Karin Trentephol, Andrea Franchetti, Wolfango Soldati, Franco Ferri, Deborah Lupo, Ida Meda, Mel Ferrer.
Italy, 1978.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978:
2 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



En garde. 2004.

DE. Alice (Maria Kwiatkowsky) ist 16, als sie von ihrer Mutter in ein katholisches Erziehungsheim gesteckt wird. Sie unterscheidet sich sehr von den lauten, aufsässigen Mädchen dort - vor allem durch ihr hypersensibles Hörvermögen, durch das sie ihre Umwelt differenzierter, aber auch bedrohlicher wahrnimmt als die anderen. Das kurdische Mädchen Berivan (Pinar Erincin), das im Heim auf den positiven Bescheid ihres Asylantrages wartet, wirbt um Vertrauen der introvertierten Alice - und die beiden nähern sich an. Doch die Freundschaft droht zu zerbrechen, als Berivan sich in Ilir (Luk Piyes) verliebt. Plötzlich eskaliert die Situation im Heim auf dramatische Art und Weise...
EN. Alice is 16 years old and an introverted girl with a special ability: she hears extraordinary good. When her mother sends her to a Catholic foster home, she remains an outsider in a group of self-confident teenage girls. Only Berivan, a Kurdish refugee who seeks for asylum in Germany, tries to learn more about Alice. They finally become close friends, but Berivan's relationship to an Albanian guy destroys the girls' friendship...
Director: Ayse Polat.
Cast: Maria Kwiatkowsky, Pinar Erincin, Luk Piyes, Antje Westermann, Geno Lechner, Julia Mahnecke, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen, Sonia De Martino, Rita Grote, Young-Shin Kim, Rosa-Luisa Grützmann.
Germany, 2004.
Language: German.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download En garde. 2004:



André Valente. 2004.

Not a brilliant movie but just an authentic and convincing story of a small boy, son of a disrupted young couple, with all the typical hostile reactions about his mother's new love relationship and a behaviour showing a mixture of love and resentment towards her, ending in a curious and somewhat moving friendship between the child and a Russian migrant worker who in a certain way replaces his estranged father. These feelings and relations are not very deeply analysed but the reactions shown are evident enough to make us understand what is behind them. The acting is rather good including the performance of the young boy who plays the role of the protagonist.
Director: Catarina Ruivo.
Cast: Leonardo Viveiros, Rita Durão, Dmitry Bogomolov, Pedro Lacerda, Camila Bessa, Ricardo Aibéo, André Caramujo, Tiago Castro, Carla Chambel, Marta Mateus, Lavínia Moreira.
Portugal, 2004.
Language: Portuguese, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download André Valente. 2004: … e-2004.rar



Angela. 1995.

A ten year old girl named Angela leads her six year old sister, Ellie, through various regimens of 'purification' in an attempt to rid themselves of their evil, which she believes to be the cause of their mother's mental illness. Precocious, to say the least, Angela has visions of Lucifer coming to take her and her sister away, and one of her remedies for this is for them to remain within a circle of their dolls and toys until they see a vision of the virgin Mary come to them. But such thinking can only lead to an ending befitting of her own mental state.
Director: Rebecca Augusta Miller.
Cast: Miranda Rhyne, Charlotte Eve Blythe, Anna Levine, John Ventimiglia, Ruth Maleczech, Vincent Gallo, Garrett Bemer, Peter Facinelli, Hynden Walch, Henry Stram, Caitlin Hall.
USA, 1995.
.Language: English
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Angela. 1995:



Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972
Angeles y querubines is the first feature directed by Rafael Corkidi, cinematographer of such visual masterpieces as El Topo and The Holy Mountain. This surreal Mexican fantasy shows influences of Alejandro Jodorowsky as you would expect, and also of the style of Kenneth Anger, and the darker side of Czech “fairy tale” cinema. Visuals are rich and original, the music less so but still a pleasure. Overall it’s rather mellower than the typical “head trip” film of the early ‘seventies which seemed to revel in causing shock and offence. I found it an absolute delight.
The prelude is set in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve played by the director’s infant children. It’s gender-reversed with Eve arriving first, which is probably significant. After ten minutes, just as you might be starting to seriously question what you have downloaded, we move on to the main story, introduced by a biblical quotation: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them”.
We find ourselves in a castle, or perhaps a convent judging by the number of nuns around. A gathering of the ruling family appears to be taking place. An eclectic mix of costumes suggests no particular time and place. We meet our young hero Cristian (Jorge Humberto Robles), a fine young fellow, clean, upstanding, dare I say it even virginal.
Actually it’s safest if I don’t try to set out the plot, except to say that we seem to have an allegory of a Pilgrim, or Grail Knight, who one day leaves the convent garden and meets, falls in love with, and pursues to the ends of the Earth the beautiful Angela (Helena Rojo). So are the young couple to live happily ever after? Or will our hero be condemned to an eternity of shirt-ripping Byronic frustration?
Unfortunately the picture quality is dire as you can see. I’m almost certain it’s not supposed to be that tint. And the border jumps around in a distracting way. Nevertheless this is still a must for lovers of fantasy cinema.
Director: Rafael Corkidi.
Cast: Roberto Canedo, Jorge Humberto Robles, Helena Rojo, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Lea Corkidi, Pablo Corkidi , Cecilia Pezet, David Silva.
Mexico, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
In the archive 2 versions of the film, the differences are clearly visible on screenshots.
Download Ángeles y Querubines / Angels and Cherubs. 1972: … 72-1-2.rar



Trompeten Anton. 1981.

Anton zieht mit seiner Familie in ein Hochhaus. Damit die neuen Nachbarn seine Trompetenmusik akzeptieren, muss er erst ein kleines “Wunder” mit dem Instrument vollbringen.
Director: Wolfgang Hubner.
Cast: Andreas Pfaff, Madeleine Lierck, Jurgen Heinrich, Fred Delmare, Ilse Voigt, Hans-Edgar Stecher, Carl Heinz Choynski, Ursula Staack, Dirk Rommel, Steven Dolling, Rene Albrecht, Bernard Hoffmann.
DDR, DEFA, 1981.
Language: German.
Download Trompeten Anton. 1981: … n-1981.rar



Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.

“Asif, Vasif, Agasif” is a children's film of director Rasim Ismayilov, shot at the Azerbaijanfilm film studio.
The family has three small children: Asif, Vasif and Agasif. Mom is against them going to kindergarten. After all, they are loaded: they have swimming, and English, and acrobatics, and music. Once, while walking with a father, one of the brothers, Vasif, joined the children playing in kindergarten. After a long search, parents find a son who had so much fun with his new friends. As a result, mom and dad decide to send all their sons to kindergarten.
Director: Rasim Ismailov.
Cast: Ramin Aslanov, Okyuma Dzhalilova, Emil Panakhov, Leyla Badirbeyli, Nazri Babayeva, Ramik Gasanov, Parvana Gashimova, Tarana Gashimova, Yulya Konoplnia, Mammad Mammadov, Shukyufa Yusupova.
USSR,  Azerbaijanfilm, 1983.
Language: Russian.
Download Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983: … f-1983.rar



Pillangók / Butterflies. 2013.

HU. Nyomor. Szegénység, nélkülözés. Legtöbbünk számára elképzelhetetlen mélység az, ahol bizony jó pár ember éli mindennapjait. Isten háta mögötti, elfeledett porfészkek, omladozó viskók, koszos, szakadt ruhában járó kisgyerekek. Apró világok érték, szépség, szeretet nélkül. Megoldatlan, sötét problémái az energiáit nagyobbnak tartott gondokra.
Nem kívánt koloncai csupán az emberi civilizációnak.
Márk (Sipek Nicolas) kilencéves. A srác a Kolonc nevet viselő nyomortanyán tengeti mindennapjait, miközben képességeihez mérten igyekszik életben tartani non-stop részeg édesanyját, Verát (Kéri Kitty). A kis településre érkezik a börtönviselt suttyó, Laci (Rudolf Péter), hogy focipályát építsen a közelgő kispályás bajnokság okán. A férfi megismerkedik Márkkal, majd egy jó numera reményében meglátogatja Verát is. Ám az első dugás után nem bír elszakadni a festék által összetartott házikót lakó, tökéletes kudarcban és szinte már hajléktalani szegénységben élő csonka családtól.
Alapjában véve a Pillangók eléggé nehéz film, de a forgatókönyv gondoskodik egy ironikus humorral töltött felszíni vonulatról is, ami kezdetben nagyon erős, így a játékidő első felében rengeteg alkalmunk van nevetni a jól szerkesztett, változatos, és nagyon, de nagyon mocskos dumákon. Ám ez az elkeserítő szegénységből és nyomorból fakadó, szinte már fekete komédiába illő poénvilág a percek múlásával fokozatosan elhal. Helyét pedig átveszi a zsigeri, szívet tépő, könnyfakasztó dráma, ami olyannyira fajsúlyos, olyan elképesztően hiteles, és sallangmentes, hogy az bizony megfekszi a néző gyomrát. Fókuszban a kilátástalanság, az álmodik a nyomor-jelenség, és az eltékozolt életek súlya, valamint a függőség, a szenvedélybetegség. Egy mélyen eltemetett, de létező szereteten alapuló, nyomasztóan szomorú anya-fiú viszonyt látunk megelevenedni, miközben a fő kérdésünk az, hogy Laci vajon csak kihasználja Verát, avagy tényleg megszerette a nőt.
EN. Our story can begin anywhere where chances are rarely found to be able to survive and thrive, where small things matter by the end of the day and where people would want possess things that were never theirs to begin with. In this village where destitution and alcohol prevails, Leslie, (Laci), the world's greatest looser, recently released from prison starts to construct a football field and a chance for a better life. The slid down and alcoholic Veronica hopes to find happiness in her love for Leslie (Laci). Veronica’s nine years old son Mark acquaints the violin thanks to an old, burned-out musician, who has a fascinating and mysterious past. The stories of these four people intertwine drifting their life towards further tragic situations to crow by a surprising end.
Director: Gábor Forgács.
Cast: Péter Rudolf, Balázs Galkó, Kitty Kéri, Nicolas Sipek, Erika Nádasy, Péter Andorai, Valentin Venczel.
Hungary, 2013.
Download Pillangók / Butterflies. 2013: … k-2013.rar



Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983.

AM. Անուշ մայրիկը, 1983 թվականին Հայֆիլմի կողմից թողարկված կինոնկար։ Ֆիլմը պատմում է Անուշ մայրիկի (Լիա Ախեջակովա) արկածների մասին, երբ նա փորձում է այցելել իր տղային, որը ծառայում է բանակում.
EN. The film tells us of the adventures of a mother who tries to visit her son in one of the military units.
Director: Արա Վահունի / Araik Vauni.
Cast: Liya Akhedzhakova, Lev Durov, Azat Sherents, Tigran Voskanyan, E. Grigoryan, Stepan Kevorkov, Alexander Khachatryan, R. Davtyan, Arus Papyan, Rudolf Gevondyan, R. Mnatsakanyan, Anna Yeremyan, K. Melkonyan, Alexander Shishkin, R. Gasparyan.
USSR, Armenfilm, 1983.
Language: Russian.
Download Անուշ մայրիկը / Mayrik Anush / Mother Anush. 1983: … h-1983.rar



Badhuset. 1989.

EN. Set in the WWII era, the story tells of a boy in a small village who befriends three girls around his age. One day he discovers a young couple sneaking into an old and cracked bathing shack and decides to alert his new friends. When the kids join up at the shack, the eldest girl comes up with the idea to lock the couple inside, threatening not to let them out until they "do it" and allow the kids to watch from the outside. And so begins the psychological warfare...
NO. Fortellingen utspiller seg på et småsted i Sverige under annen verdenskrig, og handler om en gutt som blir kjent med tre piker omtrent på hans egen alder. En dag oppdager han at et ungt par sniker seg inn i et gammelt og falleferdig badehus, og han bestemmer seg for å fortelle de nye vennene sine om dette. Da ungene kommer frem til badehuset, foreslår den eldste piken at de skal stenge paret inne og true dem med at de ikke slipper ut før de «gjør det» og lar ungene se på fra utsiden.
Director: Marcelo V. Racana.
Cast: David Blom, Sara Alström, Maria von Bredow, Johan H:son Kjellgren, Lena Nilsson, Anne Lindberg, Jan Abramson, Thomas Roos, Anna von Bredow, Cecilia Drott.
Sweden, Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet, Sveriges Television AB TV2, Dramatiska Institutet, 1989.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Badhuset. 1989: … t-1989.rar



Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014.

Ballet Boys takes you through disappointments, victories, forging of friendship, first loves, doubt, faith, growing apart from each other, finding your own way and own ambitions, all mixed with the beautiful expression of ballet.
The film follow three young Norwegian teenagers from Oslo, 14-15 years old in 2012, all attending the same school and loving ballet, with great ambitions. They all tell about their lives, ambitions, everyday life, teacher conversations, parents relations, stage performances, hopes and joys. We meet them right in the age when they really have to decide if they are to really take the step up from being amateurs to go for it to become professionals. We follow them through a year, through competitions as well as in every day struggles with things every teenager might go through.
The documentary is really well made, is very true to the environment portrayed, and the film is building up interest in a perfect way. It helps, of course, that the youngsters are opening up to their inner thoughts; and are charming and interesting to get to know. It's an inside look of the demands, tests, the physiological and psychological test and the training they go through as they all try to become students at a higher level. Impressive film making by Kenneth Elvebakk.
Director: Kenneth Elvebakk.
Cast: Lukas Bjorneboe, Syvert Lorenz Garcia, Torgeir Lund.
Norway, 2014.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014: … e-2014.rar



Bambule. 1970.

DE. Bambule ist ein deutsches Fernsehspiel des Südwestfunks aus dem Jahr 1970; Regie führte Eberhard Itzenplitz, das Drehbuch stammt von Ulrike Meinhof.
Der Film kritisiert die autoritären Methoden der Heimerziehung (Fürsorgeerziehung) in einem Mädchenheim. Im Verlauf der Handlung kommt es zu einer Revolte der Heiminsassinnen gegen die unterdrückenden Strukturen. Die Handlung des Films wird oft auch als Parabel auf die gesellschaftlichen Zustände der Zeit verstanden, denen eine neue, verschärfte Form des Klassenkampfes entgegengesetzt werden müsse.
Die vielschichtige Handlung spielt über 24 Stunden in einem West-Berliner Mädchenheim für adoleszente Mädchen. Gleich zu Anfang flüchten zwei von ihnen. Monika wird wegen einer Fußverletzung sofort wieder eingefangen, Irene gelingt die Flucht im zweiten Anlauf. Während Monika zur Strafe im „Bunker“ (der Arrestzelle des Heims) sitzt, erzählt sie einer verständnisvollen und liberal eingestellten Erzieherin, Frau Lack, wie sie schon als kleines Kind von ihrer Stiefmutter ins Heim gesteckt und dort von Nonnen schikaniert wurde; besonders, nachdem diese ihre lesbischen Neigungen entdeckten. Die ebenfalls lesbische Irene wird zunächst von ihrer Mutter abgewiesen und kommt schließlich bei zwei ehemaligen Heiminsassinnen unter, die sich mittlerweile mit Prostitution über Wasser halten. Ein Treffen mit ihrer Freundin, einer Heiminsassin, die mittlerweile als „Freigängerin“ außerhalb des Heimes als Verkäuferin arbeitet, scheitert an einem Missverständnis. Ebenso scheitert der Versuch mit einer ehemaligen Heiminsassin. Deswegen kehrt auch Irene in das Heim zurück. Monika wurde unterdessen, gegen ihren Willen, zu den Klosterschwestern abgeschoben, schafft es aber durch Provokation, dass diese sie postwendend an das Heim zurückschicken. Die dritte Hauptfigur, Evelyn, zettelt in der folgenden Nacht einen Zellenaufstand („Bambule“) an, der zu einem Polizeieinsatz führt. Am Morgen sitzen Evelyn und Irene gemeinsam im Bunker und denken über weitere Möglichkeiten des Widerstandes gegen die Verhältnisse nach.
EN. The film criticizes the authoritarian methods of home education in a girls' home. In the course of the action, there is a revolt against the oppressive structures. The plot of the film is often understood as a parable to the social conditions of the time, to which a new, more acute form of class struggle must be opposed. The multi-layered plot plays for 24 hours in a West Berlin girls' home for adolescent girls.
Director: Eberhard Itzenplitz.
Writer: Ulrike Meinhof.
Cast: Petra Redinger, Christine Diersch, Dagmar Biener, Helge Hennig, Barbara Schöne, Antje Hagen, Marlene Riphahn, Dagmar Tass, Christiane Lemm, Petra Schröder, Hansi Jochmann, Ute Gerhard, Hilde Hessmann, Sabine Körner, Monika Häckermann.
West Germany, 1970.
Language: German.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Bambule. 1970:



Toto le héros / Totò the Hero. 1991. HD.

FR. Toto le héros est un film franco-germano-belge réalisé par Jaco Van Dormael, sorti en 1991.
À travers une mosaïque complexe de flashbacks, un vieil homme du nom de Thomas Van Hasebroeck (Toto) se souvient de la vie apparemment sans éclat qu'il a menée et imagine comment les événements auraient pu tourner différemment.
Depuis l'âge de huit ans, Thomas est persuadé — à tort ou à raison — d'avoir été échangé par erreur à sa naissance avec un autre bébé, son voisin Alfred Kant. La jalousie ressassée à l'égard de cet homme mieux loti lui a gâché toute son existence, parfois avec des conséquences tragiques pour ses proches. Il ne songe qu'à se venger et envisage même de tuer Alfred. Pourtant Thomas trouvera sur le tard une manière plus originale de donner un sens à sa vie.
EN. Thomas and Alfred were born around the same time; a fire in the nursery had nurses scrambling to save the newborns. Because he felt that he deserved Alfred's good fortune at being born into a wealthy family, Thomas conceives the idea that he and Alfred were switched at birth, and he can't help seeing that his unhappiness should be Alfred's, from the loss of his sister to his inability to have a relationship with the woman Evelyne. So, as his life is ending, he formulates a plan of revenge against his bitter enemy, his lifetime adversary, the man who stole his existence.
Director: Jaco Van Dormael.
Cast: Michel Bouquet, Mireille Perrier, Jo De Backer, Gisela Uhlen, Thomas Godet, Sandrine Blancke, Peter Böhlke, Didier Ferney, Hugo Harold-Harrison, Fabienne Loriaux, Klaus Schindler, Pascal Duquenne.
Belgium, France, Germany, 1991.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Toto le héros / Totò the Hero. 1991:
2 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



바비 / Ba-bi / Barbie. 2011.

Soon-Young (Kim Sae-Ron) is a young girl who is the head of her family. She lives with her mentally handicapped father (Jo Yong-Suk), unscrupulous uncle (Lee Chun-Hee) and younger sister Soon-Ja (Kim Ah-Ron) who is always ill. Younger sister Soon-Ja plays with her Barbie doll everyday and dreams of one day living in the United States. Meanwhile, Mang-Taek comes into contact with an American man interested in adopting a healthy Korean girl. Mang-Taek arranges a deal for the American man to adopt Soon-Young. When her younger sister Soon-Ja hears of the adoption, she becomes jealous and asks to take the place of her older sister. When the American man and his young daughter arrive to take Soon-Young, the uncle, Soong-Young and Soon-Ja must decide who is to go. The American father has an ulterior motive for the adoption.
Filming took place from May 21 to June 6, 2011 in Pohang, South Korea.
Movie will screen at the 2011 Busan International Film Festival and has been submitted to the 2011 Venice Film Festival.
Director: Sang-woo Lee.
Cast: Kim Ah-Ron, Sae-ron Kim, Cheon-hee Lee, Cat Tebo, Earl Jackson.
South Korea, 2011.
Language: Russian (Korean).
Subtitles: Korean.
Download 바비 / Ba-bi / Barbie. 2011:



Beglets iz Yantarnogo. 1969.

The old forgotten Soviet film about six-year-old Seryozha from the kindergarten "Yantarniy". He finds a magic pebble - a "chicken god." If you look through a hole in a stone, then the world becomes fabulous and beautiful. With this treasure, Seryozha goes to travel, meeting with a variety of people, until he is found by educators.
Directors: Yevgeniy Bryunchugin, Igor Vetrov.
Cast: Sergei Nechipor, Nikolay Volkov, Lilia Yudina, Georgy Kulikov, Antonina Zhmakova, Lyudmila Davydova, Sofia Karamash, Valentin Chernyak, Valentina Grishokina, Boris Savchenko.
USSR, Dovzhenko Film Studios, 1969.
Language: Russian.
Download Beglets iz Yantarnogo. 1969: … o-1969.rar



Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004.

Artist Stuart Anderson keeps moving all over the States, to inspire his painting pallet, with his wife and offspring. In 1954, they arrive in a rural town, where the kids Robert, Megan and Tamara soon feel really at home, although the previous owners moved out after their academically gifted son died from leukemia. Tamara (15) tastes of Chrustian faith and love with neighbor farm-boy Rusty Murphy. Then their ma is institutionalized with advanced tuberculosis, so people are scared to visit the 'cursed' house.
Director: Gail Harvey.
Cast: Katie Boland, Stuart Wilson, Alberta Watson, Geraint Wyn Davies, Maria Ricossa, Nadia Litz, Kevin Zegers, Megan Park, Jack Knight, Julian Richings, Yannick Bisson.
Canada, UK, 2004.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Some Things That Stay / Run Away Home. 2004: … y-2004.rar



De Witte / Whitey. 1980.

The second movie version, now in color, of Flemish (heimat-)author Ernest Claes' classical novel, titled after the nickname (Dutch 'the White', referring to a blond male) of the main character. The smart but naughty farmhands son's eternal mischief, pranks and disobedience drive his elders (especially teachers, family and father's grumpy employer, a rich farmer, but also neighbors and even the kind curate whose liturgical server he is) and classmates to despair in a time when a boy's punishment was still inevitable, swift and often severe; thus when his mother catches him skinny dipping she takes all his clothes home, forcing him to a long walk of shame, dreading dad's wrath all the way. This version also stresses the story's social and Flamingant aspects.
Director: Robbe De Hert.
Cast: Magda De Winter, Luc Philips, Martha Dewachter, Bert Struys, Robert Lussac, Bob Van der Veken, Jaak Van Assche, Herman Verbeek.
Belgium, 1980.
Language: German, Russian.
Download De Witte / Whitey. 1980: … e-1980.rar



Weiße Wolke Carolin. 1985. FULL-HD.

DE. Weiße Wolke Carolin ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm von Rolf Losansky aus dem Jahr 1985. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Klaus Meyer.
Der 12-jährige Hannes lebt am Greifswalder Bodden. Er hat sich in seine Mitschülerin Carolin verliebt und wäre am liebsten immerzu mit ihr zusammen. Ein seltsames Glücksgefühl erfüllt den Jungen, wenn er an das Mädchen denkt. Aber warum sitzt seine Carolin in letzter Zeit so oft mit Benno zusammen? Hannes erlebt Qualen der Eifersucht, während Kerstin froh über die Wendung ist, da sie Hannes mag. Sie sucht seine Nähe, aber Hannes tröstet das wenig. Er fragt sich, was kann er tun kann, um Carolin zu imponieren. Es müsste etwas ganz Großartiges sein, damit sie ihn bewundert. Da fasst er einen tollkühnen Plan.
EN. At age 12 Hannes and Carolin falls in love comparing this as a cloud. Unfortunately the parents of each child has differing opinions of this relationship causing a breakup. But there is more 'fish in the sea' as these two soon found out.
Director: Rolf Losansky.
Cast: Andreas Roll, Constanze Berndt, Kirsten Rolletschek, Steffen Raschke, Jana Ziegler, Petra Kelling, Carl-Hermann Risse, Miroslav Machácek, Wilfried Pucher, Renee Kubsch, Uta Schorn, Helga Göring.
DDR, DEFA, 1985.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Weiße Wolke Carolin. 1985: … D.rar.html



Noce Blanche / White Wedding. 1989.

FR. Mathilde Tessier, une adolescente, tombe amoureuse de son professeur de philosophie, celui-ci possédant femme et maison charmante. Dans un premier temps, il répond à l'amour de son élève, mais cette passion, troublant l'harmonie de sa vie, va vite le déranger.
EN. A teacher of philosophy discovers a complicated pupil, a seventeen years old girl with a quite cynic and lucid view of the world. He gets involved in helping her to follow the routine of the study, but soon he is fascinated by her and they fall in a passionate love. When the teacher confronts their affair with reality he decides staying with her wife. But the girl will not accept it.
Director: Jean-Claude Brisseau.
Cast: Vanessa Paradis, Bruno Cremer, Ludmila Mikaël, François Négret, Jean Dasté, Véronique Silver, Philippe Tuin, Pierre Gabaston, Arnaud Goujon, Agnès Lemercier, Benoît Muracciole.
France, 1989.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Noce Blanche / White Wedding. 1989: … e-1989.rar



Trápení. 1961.

CZ. Lyrické vyprávění o citově se probouzejícím dvanáctiletém děvčátku, které se jako jediný člověk dokáže spřátelit s nezkrotným černým koněm... Příběh je zasazen do krásné jihočeské přírody a byl realizován ve spolupráci se Státním plemenářským ústavem v Písku. Vedle několika domácích cen získal několik mezinárodních uznání, zejména na festivalech věnovaných filmům pro děti a mládež
EN. This is an engaging drama by director Karel Kachyna about the growing pains of a young teen (Jorga Kotrbova) and the hardships of a noble steed mistreated by a cruel neighboring farmer. The teen is having a hard time figuring out adult modes of behavior, and at the same time her heart goes out to the horse that is suffering under the treatment of the farmer next door to her family. As the teen adopts the horse as a friend, some clarification will be sure to come on the meaning of adulthood and the benefits of compassion.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Jorga Kotrbová, Zora Jiráková, Milan Jedlička, Václav Neužil st., Dagmar Neumannová, Pavel Bártl, Jaroslav Nekolný, Rudolf Průcha, Kamil Olšovský, Zdeněk Jarolímek, Václav Fišer, Václav Korn, Miroslav Bradáč, Rudolf Kruliš, Zdeněk Míka, Jan Štrébl, Karel Kachyňar.
Czechoslovakia, 1961.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Trápení. 1961:



Bärenburger Schnurre. 1957.

In der Kleinstadt Bärenburg wünschen sich die Kinder ein eigenes Schwimmbad mit Sprungturm – das Saale-Ufer würde sich zu einem Strandbad eignen, ist jedoch mit Bauschutt und anderem Unrat vermüllt. Der Bürgermeister wiegelt ab, plane das Rathaus doch selbst ein großes Schwimmbad zu errichten. Da Geld und Arbeiter für die Umsetzung fehlen, werden die Baupläne jedoch immer wieder verschoben. Der zwölfjährige Hansel nimmt die Sache daher selbst in die Hand: Er organisiert mit Freunden eine Unterschriftenaktion, die freiwillige Helfer für die Aufräumarbeiten sammelt. Mit der stattlichen Liste will Hansel beim Bürgermeister vorsprechen, doch wirft der die Kinder mit dem Ausspruch „Ich werd’ euch helfen!“ hinaus. Dieser Satz schafft es zusammen mit einem Aufruf zum Wochenendeinsatz am Saaleufer in die Zeitung...
Director: Ralf Kirsten.
Cast: Paul Heidemann, Axel Dietrich, Erika Dunkelmann, Harry Hindemith, Doris Abeßer, Kurt Ulrich, Christoph Picha, Gerry Wolff.
DDR, DEFA, 1957.
Language: German.
Download Bärenburger Schnurre. 1957: … e-1957.rar



Blagie Namereniya. 1984..

A screen adaptation of the novel by Albert Likhanov. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and it is from this viewpoint is conducted narration in this film: after the Pedagogical Institute Nadezhda goes from Kiev and became a teacher of the younger group of the boarding school of a provincial town. That children do not feel deprived, she decides to draw the attention of childless families to the orphanage...
Director: Andrey Benkendorf.
Cast: Marina Yakovleva, Yuri Platonov, Mariya Bolenko, Alyona Mushchitskaya, Nadezhda Lubochkova, Rimma Markova, Lyudmila Sosyura, Svetlana Tormakhova, Raisa Kurkina, Varvara Soshalskaya.
USSR, Film Studio A. Dovzhenko, 1984.
Language: Russian.
Download Blagie Namereniya. 1984.: … r-1984.rar



Des kleinen Lokführers große Fahrt. 1978.

Der kleine Dirk möchte wie sein Großvater Lokführer werden. Die anderen Kinder bezweifeln, ob der alte Mann all die Abenteuer, von denen er erzählt, wirklich erlebt hat. Dirk wird dadurch unsicher, aber als er sich mit dem Großvater auf große Fahrt begibt, sind die Zweifel rasch zerstreut.
Director: Hans Werner.
Cast: Maik Saewert, Franziska Jahn, Sascha Geschonneck, Michael Stölzner, Erwin Geschonneck, Wolfgang Winkler, Horst Papke, Petra Hinze.
DDR, DEFA, 1978.
Language: German.
Download Des kleinen Lokführers große Fahrt. 1978: … s-1978.rar



Blinker. 1999.

Blinker, a boy of eleven, and his friends are really enjoying the summer holidays. A series of mysterious events and the pestering motor gang 'The Red Vampires' turns their idyllic holiday into a thrilling adventure. A feel-good family film, full of romance, suspense, emotions and above all, a heavenly philosophy! Based on the novel "Blinker and the Carrier Cycle Cinema" by Flanders' most popular children's author, Marc de Bel.
Director: Filip Van Neyghem.
Cast: Joren Seldeslachts, Melissa Gorduyn, Benny Claessens, Matthias Meersmans, Saskia Aelen, Warre Borgmans, Els Olaerts, Chris Lomme, Nathalie Meskens, Han Coucke, Kristof Verhassel.
Belgium, 1999.
Download Blinker. 1999:


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