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Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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All Films. Alternative Links. Part 6.

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Teenage caveman. 2002.

Teenage Caveman is a 2002 science fiction-horror film directed by controversial filmmaker Larry Clark. It was made as part of a series of low-budget made-for-television movies loosely inspired by B movies that Samuel Z. Arkoff had produced for AIP.
In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.
Director: Larry Clark.
Cast: Andrew Keegan, Tara Subkoff, Richard Hillman, Tiffany Limos, Stephen Jasso, Crystal Celeste Grant, Shan Elliot, Hayley Keenan, Paul Hipp, David Stifel, David Monzingo.
USA, 2002.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Teenage caveman. 2002: … n-2001.rar


Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire. 2004.
Having lost both his mother and father, an 11-year-old city boy is sent to live with his grandparents in a small seaside village. Feeling responsible for his father's accidental death, he becomes increasingly introverted and finds himself unable to make friends with the local kids. Then an eccentric elderly doctor takes him under his wing, and tells him of an ancient ceremony where a sacred flame must be brought back from a remote island by a lone swimmer.
Director: Naoki Segi.
Cast: Shohei Murata, Miho Fujima, Kikuo Kaneuchi, Chiyoka Kitasaki, Tetsuro Tanba, Shingo Tsurumi, Sadao Watanabe, Nana Yamashita, Kazuko Yoshiyuki.
Japan, 2004.
Download Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire. 2004: … i-2004.rar



U tyoplogo Morya / By the warm sea. 1940.

Soviet propaganda documentary from 1940 about the summer pioneer camp Artek where was raised the future builders of communism.
Director: Nikolai Solovyov.
USSR, Central studio newsreel, 1940.
Download U tyoplogo Morya / By the warm sea. 1940: … e-1940.rar



Le petit bougnat. 1970.

FR. Le Petit Bougnat est un film français réalisé par Bernard Toublanc-Michel, sorti en 1970.
Deux jeunes enfants se retrouvent en colonie de vacances. Le garçon, surnommé Bougnat (Claude Amazan), que sa mère a oublié d’inscrire, arrive, par débrouillardise, à s’y retrouver. Mais la discipline qu’il y découvre lui pèse. La fille, Rose (Isabelle Adjani), tente, quant à elle, d’y échapper. Elle y trouvera cependant l’amour.
EN. Isabelle Adjani (about 15 at the time) portrays a girl who does not want to leave for a holiday camp.But fortunately,she falls in love with the counselor (perhaps after a good whacking?).
But the main subject (check the title) is the story of a very poor dirty boy ("bougnat" is a colloquial word for coal man)who does want to spend his holidays in the aforementioned holiday camp.But as he's got nobody to pay for it,he will go secretly...
Strictly for children ,although the numerous Adjani fans might be interested in watching her first screen appearance.It's harmlessly entertaining stuff and it's better than its current rating.
Director: Bernard Toublanc-Michel.
Cast: Claude Amazan, Isabelle Adjani, Vincenzo Sartini, Guy Allombert, Marie-Claude Rauzier, Michel Théodou, Christophe Charletoux, Michel Gérard, Sylvie Allombert, Jacques Henri Barratier.
France, Italy, 1970.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Le petit bougnat. 1970: … t-1970.rar



Acné. 2008.

At the age of 13, Rafael Bregman has already lost his virginity, but has never kissed a girl. With his pimple-riddled face, his dysfunctional family, and a lowered self-esteem, getting this much anticipated first kiss proves trickier than expected. It's now time for Rafa to build up some self confidence and attract the attention of his class mate, Nicole...
Director: Federico Veiroj.
Cast: Alejandro Tocar, Ana Julia Catalá, Gustavo Melnik, David Blankleider, Laura Piperno, Belén Pouchan, Igal Label, Yoel Bercovici, Graciana Albertoni, Verónica Perrotta, Jenny Goldstein.
USA, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, 2008.
Download Acné. 2008:



Philipp, der Kleine. 1976.

Philipp fühlt sich viel zu klein. Zwar sind seine Freunde in der Schule auch nur gerade drei Käse hoch; er aber meint, Großes könne man nur als Großer vollbringen. So träumt er von großen Taten und Dingen. Und siehe da, er bekommt eine Flöte geschenkt, die Wunder tut! Man muß die Wundermelodie nur möglichst wunderbar spielen, und schon werden die Dinge klein oder groß, ganz wie man will. Nur einen Haken hat die Sache: sich selber darf man nicht größer machen, als man ist, denn dann ist es um die Wunderkraft der Flöte geschehen. Natürlich will eine Wunderflöte ausprobiert sein. So macht Philipp probehalber aus einer kleinen Katze einen kleinen Löwen, der in der Stadt beträchtliches Aufsehen erregt. Einen Riesenfernlastzug verkleinert er zum Zwergenauto. Und die Äpfel der Oma Hundertgramm zaubert er kürbisgroß. Das alles schafft Verwunderung, Verwirrung und Erstaunen. Wie mag so etwas möglich sein? Ob es mit rechten Dingen zugeht..?
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Jan Spitzer, Andij Greissel, Katrin Jakobeit, Volkmar Kleinert, Ilse Voigt, Szymon Szurmiej, Fred Delmare, Mico Pagini, Arnim Mühlstädt, Petra Kelling.
DDR, DEFA, 1976.
Language: German.
Download Philipp, der Kleine. 1976: … e-1975.rar



Udivitelnaya nakhodka, ili samye obyknovennyye chudesa. 1986.

Soviet feature film based on the novel by Vladislav Krapivin "Boltik".
Nine-year-old Maxim Rybkin, overprotected by his mother and grandmother, grows up as a cowardly and timid child, but once he finds a bolt and sees a dream, from which he learns that this object is endowed with magic power to help it achieve its goals. Believing in this, the boy becomes bold and decisive - bravely rushes to extinguish the fire, wins the bicycle race, after which he forgets about the “wonderful” bolt...
Director: Mark Tolmachyov.
Cast: Yaroslav Yesinovskiy, Filipp Salimonenko, Nastya Burlakova, Aleksandr Delibash, Anton Artemenko, Masha Kovtun, Yuriy Zvyagintsev, Marina Stankova, Vitaliy Doroshenko, Mariya Vinogradova, Nina Ruslanova, Irina (Iren) Azer.
USSR, Odessa Film Studios, 1986.
Language: Russian.
Download Udivitelnaya nakhodka, ili samye obyknovennyye chudesa. 1986: … a-1986.rar



Der kalte Himmel. 2001.

DE. Hallertau, 1967. Der sechsjährige Felix, Sohn des einfachen Hopfenbauers Paul, ist ein introvertierter Einzelgänger. Allein für sich lauscht er dem Radio und kennt alle Wetterberichte des vergangenen Jahres auswendig. Kaum jemand ahnt, dass der Sonderling auf seine Weise hochintelligent ist: Felix hat eine große Vorliebe für Zahlen, kann blitzschnell kopfrechnen, obwohl es ihm niemand beibrachte. Bei seiner Einschulung scheitert er jedoch an den einfachsten Aufgaben. Er kann nicht still sitzen und versteht nicht, was die Lehrerin von ihm will. In den Augen anderer Eltern ist er schlecht erzogen, der Rektor will ihn auf die Hilfsschule schicken, die abergläubische Großmutter organisiert mit dem Dorfpfarrer gar eine Teufelsaustreibung. Allein seine Mutter Marie stemmt sich gegen diese Wand der Ablehnung, denn sie ahnt, dass ihr Felix weder besessen noch schwachsinnig ist. Maries letzte Hoffnung ist der idealistische, junge Kinderpsychiater Niklas Cromer.
EN. In 1967 Germany a farmer woman does whatever she can, against heavily stacked odds, to save her 6-year-old boy, because she recognizes that he is intelligent and not treated right by the people trying to control him. She travels first to Munich, then to Berlin to find advice from psychiatrists. Whenever she sees that the doctors don't do him any good, she pulls him out and moves on.
Finally a young psychiatrist in Berlin comes to a helpful diagnosis, but at the time public health insurance does not pay for psychiatric treatment. This has to change.
TV movie, two parts, 89 min each.
Director: Johannes Fabrick.
Cast: Christine Neubauer, Eric Hermann, Marc Hermann, Tim Bergmann, Marcus Mittermeier,  Natascha Paulick, Monika Baumgartner, Joelle Rose Kleber, Wolfgang Hubsch, Wolfgang S. Zechmayer, Johanna-Christine Gehlen.
Germany, 2001.
Language: German, Russian.
Download Der kalte Himmel. 2001: … l-2001.rar



A világ legrosszabb gyereke.1987.

Kavicsék új lakásba költöztek. Apja külföldön vállalt munkát, anyja sokat túlórázik, a kisfiúra a Nénike vigyáz, aki nem engedi senkivel játszani. Kavics mindent elkövet, hogy játszópajtásokat szerezzen magának, s eközben válik a világ legrosszabb gyerekévé.
Director: Takács Vera.
Cast: Kovács Róbert, Csákányi Eszter, Kovács Mária, Mátyás Usztics, Józsa Hacser, Réka Acél, Tamás Angyal, Miklós Gerely.
Hungary, 1987.
Language: Hungarian.
Download A világ legrosszabb gyereke.1987: … yereke.rar



Hugo och Josefin. 1967.

SE. Filmen handlar om en flicka (Josefin) som är dotter till en präst och bor på landet. Josefin har inga vänner, men en dag möter hon Hugo, Hugo är systerson till trädgårdsmästare Gudmarson. Tillsammans med honom och Gudmarson (Beppe Wolgers) upplever hon en fantastisk sommar.
EN. Josefin is a six year old girl who lives isolated in the countryside, where her father is a priest. She has no friends until she meets Hugo. He is a carefree boy who rather walk in the forest than goes to school. Together with the gardener they make up fun things to do.
Director: Kjell Grede.
Cast: Fredrik Becklén, Marie Öhman, Beppe Wolgers, Inga Landgré, Helena Brodin, Karl Carlsson.
Sweden, 1967.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Hugo och Josefin. 1967: … n-1967.rar



Muž přes palubu. 1980.

CZ. Desetiletý David se stává členem dětského jachtařského klubu. Cvičí s ostatními dětmi a pomáhá stavět další plachetnice, ale skutečného plachtění si zpočátku moc neužije. Časem však vedoucí oddílu Vala rozhodne, že bude jezdit s jeho synem Oldou místo Bédi Hudce. Kdyby se osvědčil, je naděje, že by se chlapci mohli dostat na mezinárodní regatu do Finska. Oddílovou soutěž sice vyhrají, ale cesta k vytouženému cíli je ještě dlouhá. Davidovi se ježdění s Oldou zprvu líbí. Vyhrávají a jeho polička nad postelí se plní získanými cenami. Proto je také ochoten trpět i to, že si z něj nafoukaný Olda udělal poskoka. David se ho pokouší změnit, donutit ho, aby se k němu choval lépe. Zatímco trenér oddílu, přezdívaný Kocour, se snaží získat pro oddíl vlastní autobus, pan Kubíček, který viděl Oldovo chování k Davidovi, se snaží syna přesvědčit, že by neměl svou čest vyměnit za místo na palubě plachetnice. Po dalších Oldových ústrcích se David skutečně rozhodne pro vzpouru, a to přímo uprostřed rozhodujícího závodu.
EN. Ten-year-old David joins a sailing club. He trains hard and helps repair the sailing boats, but people have to take turns actually sailing. The club chairman Vala wants David to sail with his son Olda. Olda's previous team mate Béda has grown too fast, but with little David Olda could win a place on the regatta to Finland. Olda is arrogant and accustomed to winning with little effort; he bullies David and calls him "Greenhorn". He makes David his servant and blames him when things go wrong.
Director: Jaromír Borek.
Cast: Viktor Král, René Bílek, Ivan Vyskočil, Alois Švehlík, Jiří Havel, Slávka Hozová, Miroslav Švejda, Pavel Jiras, Daniela Šrajerová, Renáta Doleželová, Stanislav Oubram, Milada Bednářová, Ladislav Trojan, Jiří Kaňák, Daniel Šedivák, Lukáš Hraběta, Zora Vesecká, Andrea Sedláčková, Jan Papež, Jan Šedivý, Dominika Štípková, Jaroslav Suchánek, Renáta Pronová, Miriam Chytilová, Alan Kubant, Leoš Rousek, Mirko Musil, Vlastimila Vlková, Stanislav Hájek, Marie Štrampachová, Milada Ježková, Josef Jonáš, Dalimil Klapka, Jan Kotva, Jaromír Kučera, Daniela Vacková, Dalibor Štys, Jindřich Goetz, Vladimír Salač, Radek Štícha, Věra Juřicová, Jan Pohan.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1980.
Language: Czech.
Download Muž přes palubu. 1980: … u-1980.rar



The Cement Garden. 1992.

After the death of her husband, the mother of Julie, Jack, Sue and Tom begins to suffer from a mysterious illness. Aware that she is going to have to go into hospital she opens a bank account for the children, so that they can be financially self-sufficient and will be able to avoid being taken into care by the authorities. Unfortunately she also dies and Julie and Jack (the older, teenage children) decide to hide her body in the basement so that they can have free reign of their household. Soon Tom has taken to dressing as a girl whilst Sue has become increasingly reticent, confiding only to her diary, meanwhile Jack and Julie sense an attraction developing for each other. However Julie's new beau, Derek, threatens to unearth the many dark secrets within this family as he becomes increasingly suspicious of Jack.
Director: Andrew Birkin.
Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Andrew Robertson, Alice Coulthard, Ned Birkin, Sinéad Cusack, Hanns Zischler, Hanns Zischler, Gareth Brown, William Hootkins.
Germany, UK, France. 1992.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download The Cement Garden. 1992: … n-1992.rar



Ikke naken / Första kärleken / Die Farbe der Milch / The Color of Milk. 2004.

Selma's mother died giving birth to her, and Selma's step aunt is living proof that men only cause trouble. So the 11 year old girl makes a deal with her best friends that they will stay away from boys and dedicate their lives to science. And by the way, Selma was probably born on another planet and not meant to fall in love with anyone. But what happens when her friends break the pact, and she actually meets a boy who's not like the rest? A beautiful story about exploring and finding out about life and what you want, and how difficult it can be sometimes. Especially when "nature" works against your principles and beliefs...
Director: Torun Lian.
Cast:  Lars Brunborg, Tobias Bøksle, Celine Engebrigtsen, Maria Elisabeth A. Hansen, Elias Holmen, August Karlseng, Marie Kinge, Julia Krohn, Bernhard Naglestad, Gustaf Skarsgård, Robert Skjærstad, Silje Storstein.
Norway, 2004.
Download Ikke naken / Första kärleken / Die Farbe der Milch / The Color of Milk. 2004: … n-2004.rar



Chto u Senki bylo / What Senka Said. 1984.

The five-year Senka is home alone because his mom is pregnant and his father took her to the hospital. From this event boy's amazing adventures in the village began.
Director: Radomir Vasilevsky.
Writer: Radij Pogodin.
Cast: Aleksei Veselov, Yulia Kosmachyova, Vladimir Nosik, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Nadezhda Butyrtseva, Svetlana Kharitonova, Yuriy Nazarov, Stefaniya Stanyuta, Konstantin Stepankov, Aleksandr Pashutin, Vladimir Shpudejko.
USSR, Odessa Film Studios, 1984.
Language: Russian.
Download Chto u Senki bylo / What Senka Said. 1984: … o-1984.rar



Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982.

ES. Chispita (Macarena Camacho) es una niña andaluza, dotada de una voz prodigiosa, cuya madre acaba de fallecer. Pronto descubre, sin embargo, que en realidad era adoptada. Decide entonces encontrar a su verdadera madre, y en esa aventura será ayudada por sus nuevos amigos, los niños Puñe (Miguel Joven) y Tazo (Miguel Ángel Valero).
EN. Chispita is a girl who has lost her mother in an accident. Shortly after she learns that she was actually adopted. With the help of her friends Tazo and Puñe, she decides to run away to find her true biological mother since her adoptive father and new stepmother do not treat her well.
Director: Luis María Delgado.
Cast: Macarena Camacho, Miguel Ángel Valero, Miguel Joven, Eva León, Julián Navarro, Javier De Campos, Alfonso Godá, Maruja Recio, José Morales, Emilio Fornet, María Luisa Rubio.
Spain, 1982.
Language: Spanish.
Download Chispita y sus gorilas. 1982: … s-1982.rar



Hei tai yang 731 / Man Behind the Sun. 1988.

Men Behind the Sun (Chinese: 黑太阳731 / 黑太陽731; pinyin: hēi tài yáng 731, literally meaning "Black Sun: 731") is a 1988 Hong Kong–Chinese historical horror film directed by T. F. Mou.
The film is a graphic depiction of the war atrocities committed by the Japanese at Unit 731, the secret biological weapons experimentation unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The film details the various cruel medical experiments Unit 731 inflicted upon the Chinese and Soviet prisoners towards the end of the war.
As World War II draws to a close, Japanese army officers are cooking up biological weapons to deploy as a last-ditch effort. They test their prototypes on Chinese and Russian war prisoners at an underground facility called Squadron 731, conducting horrific experiments. A gory Chinese polemic, considered a cult classic for its sheer shock value.
Director: Tun Fei Mou.
Cast: Jianxin Chen, Hsu Gou, Linjie Hao, Haizhe Jin, Tie Long Jin, Yuanrong Jin, Bolin Li, Pengyu Liu, Xuhui Liu, Zhaohua Mei, Zhe Quan, Jiefu Tian, Gang Wang, Runshen Wang, Shennin Wang.
China, 1988.
Language: Russian (Mandarin).
Download Hei tai yang 731 / Man Behind the Sun. 1988: … n-1988.rar



Mirakel / Miracle. 2000.

DK. En børnefilmklassiker af Natasha Arthy. Dennis P. er 12 år og bor på Vesterbro med sin mor, der er utroligt irriterende og ofte har migræne. De savner begge to faren, der er død. Dennis er forelsket i Karen-Lise. Men det er hans ven Mick også.Dennis oplever hændelser af religiøst tilsnit. En rock’n’roll-engel stiger ned fra himlen og giver ham evnen til at lave mirakler, men hvordan skal man forvalte sine magiske evner? ´Mirakel´ anbefales fra 9 år.
EN. Ttwelve-year-old boy Dennis P lives in Copenhagen with his mother. Since the death of his father, his mother has been both depressed and overprotective. At school he struggles to cope with a mean and obsessive teacher, and the girl he likes seems to be more interested in his best friend than him. One day he walks into a church and, expecting little effect, exclaims his wishes of better luck at home and at school. Miraculously, an angel who looks a lot like Dennis' father appears and presents him the gift of a pair of angel wings. From then on, Dennis can literally get anything he points at, changing the behaviour of other people as he sees fit. It's the experience of a lifetime, but can it last?
Director: Natasha Arthy.
Cast: Stefan Pagels Andersen, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Peter Frödin, Thomas Bo Larsen, Sebastian Jessen, Stephania Potalivo, Andreas Andersen, Regitze Stenderup.
Denmark, 2000.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.

SE. Dårfinkar & dönickar är en svensk barn- och ungdomsserie som ursprungligen sändes i SVT under perioden 25 december 1988,-29 januari 1989 efter Ulf Starks bok med samma namn från 1984. Den har visats i repris flera gånger och finns sedan 2008 utgiven på DVD.
Simone är en flicka i 12-årsåldern. När hennes mamma flyttar ihop med nye killen Yngve och hennes hund Kilroy försvinner i själva flytten så klipper hon av sig håret i protest. I den nya skolan som hon börjar blir hon av misstag från början tagen för att vara kille och heta Simon, en situation som hon finner sig i direkt. Ganska snabbt blir hon accepterad av klassens övriga grabbar, och blir även föremål för tjejernas intresse, något som får vissa konsekvenser i hennes omgivning. Simones oförmåga att kunna förklara kombinerat med mammans och Yngves oförmåga att kunna förstå bäddar för komplikationer.
EN. Simone has just moved to a new town with her mother and it is the first day of school...a new school. Her mom bugs her about her hair and Simone simply cuts it of so that it looks boyish like. When she gets to school and the teacher calls up her name she thinks that there has been a misunderstanding so instead of calling Simone she calls Simon. Simone doesn't understand at first but then she answers and just like that everybody thinks she's a boy, all because of that hairdo. The story continues with what she has to deal with being a new kid and all, she falls in love...with a boy of course.
Director: Rumle Hammerich.
Cast: Lena Strömberg, Gunnel Fred, Magnus Bergkvist, Mats Öberg, Christine Schiött-Quist, Jimmy Millberg, Sofie Tham, Jon Nilsson, Lasse Pöysti, Margreth Weivers, Henrik Hultman, Karl-Fredrik Bothén, Ulf von Zweigbergk, Stig Olin, Jakob Setterberg.
Sweden, 1988.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988: … r-1988.rar



Le meraviglie. 2014.

Gelsomina's family functions according to very particular rules. First of all, Gelsomina, at twelve years of age, practically runs the family. Her three younger sisters obey her and work under her watchful eye. But the outside world mustn't know anything about their lifestyle, and they should be kept away from it, well-protected in their isolated countryside home. Gelsomina's father, Wolfgang, is a foreigner and Gelsomina is the future queen of this strange and improbable kingdom he has constructed for them. A male heir would have been better, of course, but Gelsomina is strong and determined and what's more, she has a special talent for beekeeping and making honey. It's Gelsomina that retrieves the swarms from the trees, who organizes the honey extraction, and she is the one that carries the hives. Whilst all around them the countryside is being burnt up by pesticides, rural life is falling apart and becoming something different, a TV show competition arrives from the city...
Director: Alice Rohrwacher.
Cast: Alba Rohrwacher, Maria Alexandra Lungu, Sam Louwyck, Monica Bellucci, Sabine Timoteo, Agnese Graziani, André Hennicke, Margarete Tiesel, Maris Stella Morrow, Eva Lea Pace Morrow.
Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 2014.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Download Le meraviglie. 2014: … e-2014.rar



Sztuczki / Tricks. 2007.

Stefek (Damian UI) is a bright and very observant six-year-old boy who lives with his teenage sister Elka (Ewelina Walendziak) and their mother (Iwona Fornalczyk) in a Polish village outside of Warsaw. Stefan has never seen his father (Tomasz Sapryk) who abandoned the family before he was born but thinks he recognizes him from a defaced picture in his wallet as the man boards a train each morning. Andrzej Jakimowski's Tricks is one of those rare films that you wish would never end. Winner of the Europa Cinemas prize at the Venice Film Festival, it is a delightful blend of sensitivity, intelligence, humor, and magical realism that transforms the simple truths of childhood into cinematic poetry.
Director: Andrzej Jakimowski.
Cast: Damian Ul, Ewelina Walendziak, Tomasz Sapryk, Rafal Guzniczak, Iwona Fornalczyk, Joanna Liszowska, Andrzej Golejewski, Grzegorz Stelmaszewski, Simeone Matarelli, Krzysztof Lawniczak, Roman Baranowicz, Kasia Koleczek, Dorota Wierzbicka-Matarelli, Krystyna Dmochowska.
Poland, 2007.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Sztuczki / Tricks. 2007: … i-2007.rar



Shanghai. 1996.

A nostalgic, slightly sad film about the fall of the empire through the eyes of simple former Soviet people: the Soviet Union has already collapsed, but people of different nationalities still cling to each other in a small street of the old one intended for demolition of the district called "Shanghai"...
Director: Aleksandr Baranov.
Cast: Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Zhanas Iskakov, Dimash Ahimov, Amina Umurzakova, Artur Zagidullin, Ekaterina Petlyakova, Elena Doronina, Kasym Zhakibayev, Stanislav Chernyshev, Oksana Boychenko, Irina Miller, Vadim Efimov, Farhat Abdraimov.
Kazakhstan, Kazakhfilm, 1996.
Language: Russian.
Download Shanghai. 1996: … i-1996.rar



Eto bylo u morya / It Happened Near the Sea. 1989.

The events of the film take place in a resort area South of the seaside city, beautiful and alien. The heroine of the film - girls orphanage for children with a sick spine, physical energy of the characters looking out in painfully cruel scheme of mutual relations. And finds cruel and unfair to the weaker......
Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva.
Cast: Nina Ruslanova, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Nick Turbo, Politova, Katya, Daniil Mishin, Ivan Kuzmin, Anna Catherine, Ira Annina, Valentina Titova, Nikolai Lavrov, Evgeny Zuev, Valentina Volkova, Valentina Ananyina, Alla Meshcheryakova, Viktor Gogolev.
USSR, Lenfilm, 1989.
Download Eto bylo u morya / It Happened Near the Sea. 1989: … a-1989.rar



Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997..

Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they will always run away and become bums. Furthermore, all five must succeed, if one of them cannot do it, then all of them fail. Takashi is really worried and wonders if he won't be always the looser who couldn't succeed in the back pullover bar exercise.
Director: Tetsuya Nakashima.
Cast: Hidaka Yoshitomo, Nagi Noriko, Maki Ishikawa, Hiroko Taguchi, Rina Komuro, Fumiya Ôgane, Hironobu Mori, Airin Aoki, Toshikazu Suzuki, Masayuki Itô, Ayumi Itô.
Japan, 1997.
Language: Russian (Japanese).
Download Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.: … y-1997.rar



Eu Me Lembro / I Remember. 2005.

The memories of Guiga, from early childhood to young adulthood: his family, relatives, friends, fears, dreams and reality in a still provincial city of Salvador, Bahia, from the 50s to the 70s.
Director: Edgard Navarro.
Cast: Lucas Valadares, Fernando Neves, Arly Arnaud, Valderez Freitas Teixeira, Wilson Mello, Rita Assemany, Fernando Fulco, Analu Tavares, Nélia Carvalho, Eva Lima, Caco Monteiro, George Vassilatos, Lúcio Tranchesi.
Brazil, 2005.
Language: Portuguese, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Eu Me Lembro / I Remember. 2005: … o-2005.rar



Yo, 'El Vaquilla'. 1985.

ES. Yo, el Vaquilla es una película de 1985 dirigida por José Antonio de la Loma y protagonizada por Raúl García Losada que narra la vida del delincuente El Vaquilla.
El propio Juan José Moreno Cuenca, más conocido como "El Vaquilla", cuenta en primera persona las experiencias que ha vivido con el paso de los años. Desde su dura infancia hasta sus años como delincuente en la Barcelona de los años 70 y 80. Está dirigida por el realizador José Antonio de la Loma (Perros callejeros).
"El Vaquilla" nació en el barrio barcelonés de Torre Baró. Desde pequeño tuvo que sufrir las idas y venidas de su madre a la cárcel y el abandono de un padre del que poco supo. Rodeado de hermanos que también fueron delincuentes, "El Vaquilla" no tardó en empezar a cometer delitos. A los 9 años tenía una sorprendente habilidad para escapar de la policía conduciendo coches que él mismo reparaba. La película nos cuenta con detalle los robos que preparaba junto a sus conocidos y sus habituales estancias en los reformatorios de la ciudad.
EN. Juan Jose Moreno Cuenca, alias the Heifer, is 23 years old and tells his story as a criminal offender from 1 Ocaña Toledo. Fatherless, the offender has his childhood and how everything changed when her mother went to prison.
Directors: José Antonio de la Loma Jr., José Antonio de la Loma.
Cast: Raúl García Losada, Teresa Giménez, Carmen de Lirio, Frank Braña, Daniel Medrán, Mingo Ràfols, Nat Collado, Rafael Motos, Lino Evangelista, Eva Robin, Rebeca Romer, Ángel Fernández Franco, Juan José Moreno Cuenca, Xavier Vinader, Carmen Serret.
Spain, 1985.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Yo, 'El Vaquilla'. 1985: … a-1985.rar



Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo. 1981.

Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo is a 1981 German film directed by Uli Edel that portrays the drug scene in West Berlin in the 1970s, based on the non-fiction book of the same name written following tape recordings of teenage girl Christiane F. The film immediately acquired cult status (which it still retains today) and features David Bowie as both himself and the soundtrack composer, which gave the film a commercial boost.
This movie portrays the drug scene in Berlin in the 1970s, following tape recordings of Christiane F. 14-year-old Christiane lives with her mother and little sister in a typical multi-story apartment building in Berlin. She's fascinated by 'The Sound', a new disco with the most modern equipment. Although legally she's too young, she asks a friend to take her. There, she meets Detlef, who's in a clique where everybody's on drugs. Step by step she gets drawn deeper into the scene.
Director: Ulrich Edel.
Cast: Natja Brunckhorst, Eberhard Auriga, Peggy Bussieck, Lothar Chamski, Rainer Woelk, Uwe Diderich, Jan Georg Effler, Ellen Esser, Andreas Fuhrmann, Thomas Haustein, Lutz Hemmerling, Christiane Lechle.
West Germany, 1981.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo. 1981: … F-1981.rar



Veneno para las hadas / Poison for the Fairies. 1984.

Mexico City circa 1965: Flavia is an aristocratic little girl, who is very lonely and bored. At school she meets and befriends a strange and beautiful girl named Veronica, who dreams of becoming a witch. Their games get increasingly sadistic and macabre, and escalate to involve the bloody murder of a piano teacher and macabre mayhem.
Director: Carlos Enrique Taboada.
Cast: Ana Patricia Rojo, Elsa María Gutiérrez, Leonor Llausás, Carmen Stein, María Santander, Ernesto Schwartz, Rocío Lazcano, Blanca Lidia Muñoz, Sergio Bustamante.
Mexico, 1984.
Download Veneno para las hadas / Poison for the Fairies. 1984: … s-1984.rar



À la place du coeur / Where the Heart Is. 1998.

FR. À la place du cœur est un film français réalisé par Robert Guédiguian, sorti en 1998.
Même s'ils sont jeunes, Clémentine et Bébé ont bien l'intention de se marier. Seulement Bébé est accusé d'avoir violé une jeune femme. Bébé, enfant adopté, noir de peau, a eu le malheur de croiser le regard bleu d'acier d'un policier raciste. C'est sur ses accusations qu'il est jeté en prison. Clémentine, comme tous les jours, lui rend visite en prison. Cette fois-ci, contrairement à son habitude, elle ne l'appelle pas Bébé, mais François. C'est qu'elle a quelque chose de grave à lui annoncer: elle est enceinte.
EN. A young girl falls in love with a black young man and gets pregnant,but the poor boy is accused of rape .The parents' attitude is diametrically opposite to that of the people of the thirties:this baby is a hope,the only hope in fact,the only thing that prevents the jailed man from complete despair.In a very moving sequence ,à la "it's a wonderful life" ,the father explains how the baby's life touches so many other lives.Life is not rosy for these modest people but their struggle is noble and endearing:Ascaride's trip to Sarajevo is the center of gravity of the movie:she displays so much love,understanding,humanity and hope against hope that the audience feels relieved when she finally pulls it off.
Director: Robert Guédiguian.
Cast: Ariane Ascaride, Christine Brücher, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Gérard Meylan, Alex Ogou, Laure Raoust, Véronique Balme, Pierre Banderet, Patrick Bonnel, Djamal Bouanane, acques Boudet, Guillaume Cantillon, Jean-Jérôme Esposito, Marius Grygielewicz.
France, 1998.
Language: French.
Download À la place du coeur / Where the Heart Is. 1998: … r-1998.rar



Chalani. 1986.

Pôvodný príbeh z dedinského prostredia.
Prázdninový príbeh chlapčenskej partie zo súčasného dedinského prostredia.
Director: Laco Halama.
Cast: Ján Bzdúch, Ľubomír Kompaník, Lenka Štefankovičová, Dalibor Savitský, Milan Chalmovský, Eva Matejková, Michal Gazdík, František Švihlík, Emília Haľamová.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televízia Bratislava, 1986.
Language: Slovak.
Download Chalani. 1986:



...y Adán y... 1972.

A rare short film from Chile from the actor who appeared in only one film in 1978, a vivid example of independent cinema or art house. No information on this film in the internet did not find, imdb and other info services are steadfastly silent)). What is this strange film can only guess, I do not know Spanish and therefore I have nothing to report, even the year of the creation of this miracle could not be clarified ... It flashes on the creations of Jodorowsky and Corkidi, probably something philosophical ...
Director: Juan Pablo Donoso.
Cast: Willy Rojas, Miguel Angel Lagos.
Chile, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
Download ...y Adán y... 1972: … y-197-.rar


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