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Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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All Films. Alternative Links. Part 6.

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Die Schuleule Paula. 1981.

Schuleule Paula ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm von Brigitte Natusch aus dem Jahr 1981. Der Fernsehfilm beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Katrin Pieper, die auch am Drehbuch beteiligt war.
Tom wird ab 1. September ein Schulkind der Klasse 1a sein. Im Sommer besucht er zum ersten Mal das Gebäude der Polytechnischen Oberschule „Karl Liebknecht“ und lernt seinen zukünftigen Klassenlehrer Herrn Blinse kennen. Er zeigt ihnen den Sportraum, führt ein kleines Experiment im Chemieraum vor und tut geheimnisvoll, als er mit den Kindern vor dem „Zauberzimmer“ steht. Reinschauen dürfen sie nicht, doch Lehrer Blinse verspricht, das ab dem 1. September nachzuholen.
Director: Brigitte Natusch.
Cast: Elke Brosch, Andreas Hildebrandt, Waltraud Kramm, Willi Neuenhahn, Eva Schäfer, Jürgen Trott, Dzintra Ullmann.
DDR, 1981.
Language: German.
Download Die Schuleule Paula. 1981: … a-1981.rar



Egreta de fildeș / The Ivory Aigrette. 1987.

RO. Un grup de copii de la şcoala generală din Avrig participă la concursul expediţionar "Cutezătorii". Ei termină expediţia, nu fără peripeţii, câştigând trofeul "Egreta de fildeş".
EN. A group of children from the Avrig general school take part in the expedition contest "Cutezătorii". They finish the expedition, not without ripples, winning the "Egreta de fildeş" trophy.
Director: Gheorghe Naghi.
Cast: Bogdan Carp, Beatrice Cristea, Sorin Lazar, Claudiu Marin, Ovidiu Iulian Moldovan, Bogdan Treeroiu, Mihai Voicu.
Romania, 1987.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Egreta de fildeș / The Ivory Aigrette. 1987: … s-1987.rar



Le grand depart / The Big Departure. 1972.

FR. Le Grand Départ est un film français réalisé par Martial Raysse, sorti en 1972.
Une fin de repas comme tant d'autres: un couple au regard vide devant un écran de télévision, plongé dans une digestion béate; puis, rupture avec l'arrivée brutale et rapide d'un jeune homme, et sa fuite en vélomoteur. Avec lui, le metteur en scène nous entraîne dans une "fête à l'envers"; l'ordre logique est renversé; les personnages changent d'identité; ils empruntent leurs masques tour à tour à des animaux (le chat Caïn), à des héros de la mythologie (Monsieur Nature), à des tableaux célèbres. Les allusions à la peinture sont nombreuses: Léonard de Vinci, Millet, Delacroix et même des contemporains: Labisse et, naturellement, Martial Raysse (le réalisateur est peintre). Les couleurs prennent celles des négatifs d'une photo: les roses buvard tournent subitement au vert, et les mauves délavés au bleu; les catégories, les déterminations ordinaires s'évanouissent dans des effets visuels fluides et inattendus. Ces créatures mystérieuses parlent du "grand départ" et cherchent le "paradis". Cette quête les conduit dans une sorte de communauté hyppie où le rêve a chassé la réalité. Ils se retrouvent sur un radeau soumis à des événements cosmiques indéfinissables; le cauchemar et le merveilleux deviennent inséparables. Les cataclysmes se succèdent; les fantasmes, les espoirs disparaissent, emportés dans un flot d'images évanescentes qui se dissolvent dans la confusion et se désagrègent dans l'horreur! Le grand départ? La quête du paradis? Avec qui? Vers quoi? Puisqu'il semble, "hélas, qu'il n'y ait pas d'autres paradis que celui où nous sommes".
EN. Not a good movie, though a prime example of audacious, rule-breaking cinema. It’s an early seventies French film shown almost entirely in negative exposure, which in itself makes it worth a watch.
LE GRAND DEPART (THE GRAND DEPARTURE; 1972) was the only feature directed by the famed French painter and sculptor Martial Raysse. In keeping with the revolutionary spirit of the time, LE GRAND DEPART has no plot to speak of and appears to have been largely made up on the spot. It shares a kinship with such films as BEGOTTEN (1990) and the X-rated short THE OPERATION (1995), both of which experimented with negative exposure (and far more effectively).
For decades LE GRAND DEPART was thought a “lost” film, but in late 2008 it made its DVD debut (in France), to alternately enchant and disappoint viewers anew.
We follow the cat man into a bizarre fantasy universe presented in negative exposure that reverses color values (black is white and vice versa) and written words. The cat man steals a car and then picks up a young girl he promises to take to “Heaven.” Heaven turns out to be a country chateau inhabited by several more animal mask wearing weirdoes.
There’s also a hippie cult frolicking in the woods nearby. The cult’s leader is an intense English speaking guru who prophecies a “Grand Departure” that will liberate his followers from their Earthly concerns.
Somewhere in here we learn the cat man represents death, as everyone he meets dies soon afterward--if he doesn’t do the killing himself. An example of this occurs when he callously molests a woman on a country road and leaves her for dead.
The cat man winds up on a “raft of freedom” manned by the guru and his followers. The raft becomes a sort of interstellar flying carpet that whisks them all through the cosmos. The trip is fun at first, with the cultists frolicking and playing ball with the Earth(!), but it eventually degenerates into a mass orgy…and the film finally returns to normal exposure.
The negative exposure works wonders, transforming drab Parisian locations into exotic dreamscapes. Of course it can’t do much for the camerawork, which is loose and amateurish; without the visual heightening this would likely play like a crappy home movie. Nor is the acting anything much; the only performer who makes any impression is Sterling Hayden as the cult leader.
This film was created using technology Eastman Color Negative (ECN) is a photographic processing system created by Kodak in the 1950s for the development of monopack color negative motion picture film stock. Therefore, here is the original version of the film and the second version with inverted chroma.
Director: Martial Raysse.
Cast: Sterling Hayden, Anne Wiazemsky, Gilles Raysse, Lucienne Hamon, Alexandre Raysse, Jackie Raynal.
France, 1972.
Language: French, English.
Subtitles: English, French.
Download Le grand depart / The Big Departure. Original version: … 2-Orig.rar
Download Le grand depart / The Big Departure. Inverted chroma version: … 72-Inv.rar



Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD & DVD.

FR. Tom et Lola est un film francais realise par Bertrand Arthuys, sorti en 1990.
Tom et Lola sont deux enfants-bulle de 9 ans, qui, depuis leur naissance, sont coupes du monde a cause de leur deficience immunitaire. Ils vivent nus, sans cheveux, dans deux bulles de plastique, entoures de l'affection de leur entourage, et attendant desesperement un remede a leur maladie. Cependant, ils construisent ensemble un monde onirique, communiquent avec un code secret et decident un jour, profitant de circonstances favorables, de realiser leur reve, atteindre l'Alaska ou l'air est si pur qu'ils n'auront plus peur des microbes. Ils s'enfuient donc un soir de l'hopital et commencent leur aventure merveilleuse pleine de peripeties.
EN. Tom et Lola (English: Tom and Lola) is a French film about two ten-year-olds who have always lived isolated in sterile, hermetically sealed plastic bubbles due to an (unspecified) immune-deficiency disease. However, neither their environment or the hospital technicians can keep down the indomitable spirit of these children. Nor can anything stop their quest to one day run truly free, unbound by the medical shackles that bind them.
In this allegorical children's melodrama, nine-year old Tom and Lola (Neil Stubbs and Melodie Colin) have been kept in super-sanitary conditions all their lives, and have only rarely ventured outside their clinical environment wrapped in plastic. They have been told that they have a radical immune deficiency, and will die if exposed to a normal environment. Surreptitiously, they begin to test the truth of this assertion by escaping from supervision in the middle of the night, and discover that whatever their adult captors believe, they are just fine. One day they escape for good.
Trivia: Late in the film when the pair are traveling, they come upon a group of siblings who are all completely naked in their own home. Despite claims to the contrary, this is perfectly normal for European preteens.
Director: Bertrand Arthuys.
Cast: Cecile Magnet, Marc Berman, Catherine Frot, Celian Varini, Neil Stubbs, Melodie Collin, Sophie Arthuys, Olivier Belmont, Nadia Chapuis, Edouard Dequesne, Nicolas Haure, Quiterie Lejosne, Junior John Levis, Gwenaelle Quelme, Janine Souchon.
France, 1990.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD: … 990-HD.rar
Download DVD Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990: … a-1990.rar



Trädgårdsgatan / Garden Lane. 2017. HD.

SE. Eric och Elin mots igen som vuxna och aterupplever den morka, tragiska sommar de en gang tillbringade tillsammans pa den skanska landsbygden och som kommit att pragla deras liv. De vara bara barn och deras foraldrar var bada fast i svart missbruk. Under nagra intensiva manader levde de tillsammans som en familj. Starkt barnperspektiv och glansande skadespelarinsatser fran Karin Franz Korlof och Simon J Berger.
EN. Eric and Elin meet as adults and reminisce about the summer when they met for the first time. Their parents Linda and Peter were both stuck in heavy drug abuse but for a couple of months they all lived together as a family. The parents struggle with their addiction and the children in their turn struggle not to get sucked into this dirty and violent world. This turbulent time together still defines who they are and what they became: Parents who in spite of addiction try to bond with and find love for their children and those children's struggle to live and to survive. As the new family is torn apart Linda and Peter are forced into making the most horrible of decisions - turning away a child.
Director: Olof Spaak.
Cast: Karin Franz Korlof, Simon J. Berger, Emil Algpeus, Nike Ringqvist, Lukas Monikoff, Linda Molin, Anna Mercedes Bergion, Jannike Grut, Stefan Cronwall, Sara Chaanhing Kennedy.
Sweden, 2017.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Danish, Norwegian, Finnish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Trädgårdsgatan / Garden Lane. 2017:
2 parts archive:



La petite allumeuse. 1987. DVD.

FR. La Petite Allumeuse est un film franco-suisse réalisé par Danièle Dubroux et sorti en 1987.
Camille, 14 ans, a séduit Jean-Louis, 37 ans, enseignant et directeur du camp où elle passe ses vacances. Jean-Louis s'enflamme pour cette adolescente instable, dont la vie familiale a été profondément perturbée par le départ de son père. Cette liaison va entrainer Jean-Louis dans une aventure un peu folle, surtout lorsqu'un de ses anciens élèves, Samuel, va à son tour faire la conquete de Camille, l'emmener dans des endroits peu recommandables et déclencher ainsi l'intervention de son père. D'age semblable, les deux hommes se retrouvent face à face.
EN. La petite Allumeuse roughly translates to "the little smart thing". The title refers to the main character of the film, 14 year old Camille. The film is a surprisingly good mix of comedy and drama with a little bit of social realism thrown in.
Camille is at the same time a vulnerable young teenager and a strong-willed seductress, who makes her camp counsellor Jean-Louis fall for her. Jean-Louis, who by the way also is a friend and a colleague of her teacher-father, experiences his second youth when starting dating Camille after their return to the city. Good acting by both Roland Giraud as Jean-Louis and Alice Papiersky as Camille helps make this part of the film rather sweet. Theirs is a dangerous, but romantic love. They don't go "all the way". This is actually more of a family film with "real people" in it than well the kind of film you might think it was. The film can be seen by (older) teens as well as adults.
It is a growing-up film as well with Camille not only spending time dating Jean-Louis but also having the time to live a normal teenage life and having not only the normal conflicts, a teenager has with her parents, but also the conflicts coming from living with her divorcee-mother, who isn't very mentally stabile.
Director: Danièle Dubroux.
Cast: Roland Giraud, Pierre Arditi, Alice Papierski, Tanya Lopert, David Léotard, Brigitte Roüan, Aurelia Legay, Philippe Beglia, Laurence Bru, Véronique Descamps.
France, Switzerland, 1987.
Language: French.
Format: DVD (ISO), 1024x576
Download DVD La petite allumeuse. 1987:
2 Parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.

NL. Het jaarlijkse bezoek van Roos aan haar moeder in Noorwegen is dit keer anders. Ze heeft slecht nieuws. Het verleden maakt het voor Roos echter onmogelijk haar moeder dit te vertellen. Geholpen door haar halfbroertje en een oude liefde vinden de twee vrouwen toenadering en kan Roos haar volgende en onvermijdelijke stap zetten.
EN. Disappearance (Dutch: Verdwijnen) is a 2017 Dutch drama film directed by Boudewijn Koole. It was shortlisted by the EYE Film Institute Netherlands as one of the eight films to be selected as the potential Dutch submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards. However, it was not selected, with Layla M. being chosen as the Dutch entry.
'Disappearance' takes place in the remote winter landscape of Norway. Roos visits her mother there yearly, but this time it's different: she brings bad news. However, old pain and numerous reproaches keep Roos from sharing anything with her mother. Aided by her half brother and her old flame, the two women reconcile and Roos is able to make her next and inescapable step.
Director: Boudewijn Koole.
Cast: Jakob Oftebro, Rifka Lodeizen, Elsie de Brauw, Marcus Hanssen, Eva Garet.
Netherlands, Norway, 2017.
Language: Dutch.
1920х796 HD
Download Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017: … n-2016.rar



Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.

DE. Das musikalische Wunderkind Wolfgang Fabricius leidet unter grosser Erschopfung. Ein Kuraufenthalt in den Schweizer Bergen soll den Kleinen fur die nachste Stadtetournee wieder fit machen. Er erholt sich schnell, schliesst Freundschaften und findet neuen Lebensmut. Doch sein Onkel drangt auf Ruckkehr. Der Kinoklassiker aus dem Jahr 1954, mit Oliver Grimm, Anne-Marie Blanc, Elsbeth Sigmund und Heinrich Gretler in den Hauptrollen, wurde 2018 von SRF aufwandig in HD restauriert.
EN. At the age of three, little Wolfgang has lost his parents. Since then his uncle Eduard raises the boy. As a former concertmaster Eduard has recognized how gifted his nephew is and the boy learns the hard way. The 6-year-old must practice daily 6 hours at the piano and already impresses at famous music parties. When Eduard Fabricius breaks a leg after a concert in Lucerne and must go to the hospital, he can be persuaded by a paediatrician to grant some carefree vacation weeks in a manor for Wolfgang. The manor belongs to the young widow Elisabeth who soon grows very fond of the little boy. Wolfgang makes friends with 11-year-old Heidi and Joggi, a boy his age who first saw a rival in him. When Wolfgang saves a young dog from a mountain stream, however, he gets pneumonia, and Elisabeth worries about him. But when he recovers, his uncle fetches him. A strenuous concert tour begins. One day at the piano the boy breaks down. Eduard Fabricius recognizes that he has demanded too much of his.
Director: Hans Albin.
Cast: Oliver Grimm, Elsbeth Sigmund, Anne-Marie Blanc, Rene Deltgen, Albert Lieven, Heinrich Gretler, Leonard Steckel, Renate Feuereisen, Erna Sellmer, Anne-Marie Hanschke.
West Germany, Italy, 1954.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954: … d-1954.rar



Rejected / Rechazados. 2019. HD.

ES. En un futuro medieval, después de que nuestra civilización haya colapsado, el Hombre vuelve a cometer los errores del pasado al implantar un sistema de leyes basado en mentiras y en la religión. Una de las normas más importantes que imponen los nuevos líderes en la prohibición de consumir una flor denominada "Chisa", especialmente dulce. Cualquiera que incumpla esta norma se ve abocado a una vida de soledad y miseria. Los niños, mal vistos por la nueva sociedad, son los que más problemas tienen para evitar caer en la tentación, por la curiosidad natural que les caracteriza.
EN. In a future medieval world, after the collapse of our civilization, man has repeated all the same mistakes again, and installed a new system of law based on false science and superstitious beliefs. Worst of all their deviances now, is anyone who dares to consume or even touch the sweet-tasting 'Chisa' flower. Once caught, they are permanently banished from the village, and made to live a life of solitude and poverty. Most prone to this deviance are children - known by elders as 'vessels for evil' - since their natural curiosity makes them prey to temptation. Yet these rejected children, left to their own devices, free and as wild as the wind, are discovering the true power of this plant and its teachings. Its sap contain what most adult fear: a vision of the truth. They have learned so much that some villagers even accuse these children of witchcraft.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Thiago Stampone, Ismael Stampone, Cristian Cavo, Oscar Mira, Oscar Molinari.
Argentina, Noel Films, 2019.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English, Frunch.
1920x1080 HD
Download Rejected / Rechazados. 2019: … 019-HD.rar



Uskyld / All That Matters Is Past. 2012. HD.

NO. Janne møter William som hun var kjæreste med som ung og forlater sin samboer for å tilbringe sommeren med ham. Senere på høsten, langt inne i urskogen, finner en kanopadler ved en tilfeldighet Janne igjen. Hun er svært medtatt og sammen med henne ligger to døde menn. USKYLD er historien om disse tre, om hvem de var og hva de lengtet etter.
EN. Two brothers in their 40s are found dead in the forest. By their side lies a woman, very weak, but still alive. "All that matters is past" is the story of how Janne meets William after many years of separation. She leaves her family to live with him in a cabin by the river. They recreate the feeling of love and lust that they had as children, being sweethearts playing in the woods. But one day a Chinese baby girl is found floating down the river, and they realize that they are being haunted by William's brother. William and Janne runs further into the woods, trying to escape from their nemesis.
Director: Sara Johnsen.
Cast: Maria Bonnevie, Inga Berger Schou, Tea Sandanger, Line Billa Ljøstad, Kristoffer Joner, Arnold Efraim Vogt Granqvist, Åsmund Høeg, Mads Sjøgård Pettersen, David Dencik, Vinjar Pettersen, Trond Nilssen, Maria Heiskanen.
Norway, 2012.
Language: Norwegian, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Uskyld / All That Matters Is Past. 2012. HD:
2 parts archine: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar


A documentary "Behind The Scenes" about the shooting of the new film by Iván Noel "Rejected" aka Rechazados. A lot of beautiful natural filming, the director's communication with the actors and the team.
Language: English.
54 min.
1280x720 HD
Download Behind The Scenes: … Scenes.rar



That night / One Hot Summer. 1992. HD.

That Night is a 1992 American coming-of-age romantic drama film written and directed by Craig Bolotin and starring C. Thomas Howell and Juliette Lewis. It is based on the novel of the same name by Alice McDermott.
This film marks the film debut of both Eliza Dushku and Katherine Heigl.
Alice, a ten-year-old girl, look up to her 17-year-old wild neighbor across the street. She leads a three-person cheering section as the teenager, named Sheryl, falls in love and has forbidden liaisons with a young man from the bowling alley. Eventually, Alice becomes instrumental, in spite of her parents' alarm, in helping the two lovers to resolve the difficulties of their relationship and run away together. In the process Alice herself becomes more mature.
Director: Craig Bolotin.
Cast: C. Thomas Howell, Juliette Lewis, Helen Shaver, Eliza Dushku, J. Smith-Cameron, John Dossett, Katherine Heigl, Michael Costello, Kathryn Meisle, Adam LeFevre, Sarah Joy Stevenson.
France, USA, 1992.
Language: Russian (English).
1920x1080 HD
Download That night / One Hot Summer. 1992. HD:
2 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



Tomboy. 2011. HD.

FR. Laure a 10 ans. Laure est un garçon manqué. Arrivée dans un nouveau quartier, elle fait croire à Lisa et sa bande qu’elle est un garçon. Action ou vérité ? Action.
L’été devient un grand terrain de jeu et Laure devient Michaël, un garçon comme les autres… suffisamment différent pour attirer l’attention de Lisa qui en tombe amoureuse. Laure profite de sa nouvelle identité comme si la fin de l’été n’allait jamais révéler son troublant secret.
EN. A family moves into a new neighborhood, and a 10-year-old named Laure deliberately presents as a boy named Mikhael to the neighborhood children. It is heavily implied that Mikhael is a closeted transgender boy. This film follows his experiences with his newfound friends, his potential love interest, Lisa, his younger sister and his parents. It focuses in on the significance of gender identity in social interaction from an early age, the difficulties of being transgender and young, and how Mikhael navigates these in the background of childhood play and love.
Director: Céline Sciamma.
Cast: Zoé Héran, Malonn Lévana, Jeanne Disson, Sophie Cattani, Mathieu Demy, Rayan Boubekri, Yohan Vero, Noah Vero, Cheyenne Lainé, Christel Baras, Valérie Roucher.
France, 2011.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, Czech, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Tomboy. 2011:
2 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.

ES. Ocho años después de un cataclismo, la raza humana, de la que sólo ha sobrevivido una de cada diez personas, ha perdido todas sus estructuras sociales. Nuevo proyecto de Iván Noel, parcialmente inspirado en "El señor de las moscas".
EN. What really happens after war or disease eventually wipes out most of humanity? Leaving aside fables of mass zombie invasion, or vigilante groups magically armed with assault weapons: how would humans actually re-group? How would they act when attempting to survive? How indeed would human morality and modern taboos fare in this probable scenario? This daring film will attempt to answer this as realistically as possible, making films like 'Lord of the Flies' look like a family camping trip.
Eight years after a cataclysm and disease ravaged the human race - leaving just one in every ten surviving -, all social structures have crumbled like sand castles. Too few still live for anything to have been reconstructed. All remaining animals have been consumed and no sowing has yet been possible. It is Man at his most basic, destitute level.
Two groups  inhabit the desolate and abandoned land: packs of orphaned children in a feral state, living a nomadic life-style for their safety, and adults (with their offspring), barely surviving any better by living off their meat.
It is a war only the most desperate of the two will win.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Tatiana Gonzales Bozzetto, Joaquin Brizuela, Oscar Mira, Zoe Osan, Emanuel Renzini, Rosana Rossotti, Ismael Stampone, Thiago Stampone.
Argentina, 2018.
Language: Spanish, English.
Subtitles: Spanish, English.
Directors cut, 98 min.
1920x1080 HD
Download Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018:
2 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



Tri šťastné čerešne / Three happy cherries. 1977. HD.

SK. Moderná rozprávka, poeticky ladený príbeh o chlapcovi - prvákovi, ktorý sa nevedel dočkať zrelých čerešní.
EN. A modern fairytale, a poetic story about a boy - a freshman can not wait for ripe cherries.
Director: Vladimír Kavčiak.
Cast: Beata Znaková-Drotárová, Jana Plichtová, Jozef Cút, Karel Augusta, Eduard Stančík, Maroš Tvarožek, Robert Šurina.
Czechoslovakia, 1977.
Language: Slovak.
Subtitles: Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Tri šťastné čerešne / Three happy cherries. 1977: … e-1977.rar



El último verano de la Boyita / The Last Summer of La Boyita. 2009. HD.

ES. La Boyita es una casa rodante que tiene la mágica capacidad de flotar. Una especie de anfibio doméstico, un refugio para Jorgelina, una niña que está a punto de alcanzar la adolescencia. Cuando va a pasar las vacaciones al campo de su papá, conoce a Mario, joven peón, con quien entablará una amistad tan especial como el momento de sus vidas que comparten: el fin de la infancia.
FR. Le Dernier Été de la Boyita (El último verano de la Boyita) est un film franco-hispano-argentin réalisé par Julia Solomonoff et sorti en 2009.
Au milieu des années 1970, alors que ses parents se séparent et que sa sœur aînée est en pleine adolescence, la jeune Jorgelina doit apprendre à grandir et à accepter les changements. Elle part avec son père dans sa maison de campagne, où elle retrouve le jeune Mario, qui fait lui aussi face à de nouvelles étapes majeures de sa vie.
EN. Young Jorgelina feels estranged from her boy-crazy older sister, who has entered adolescence and doesn't want to hang around with little kids anymore. Finding refuge in their Boyita camper-van, Jorgelina travels with her father to the countryside, where her lifelong playmate Mario is undergoing some unexpected changes of his own.
Director: Julia Solomonoff.
Cast: Guadalupe Alonso, Nicolás Treise, Mirella Pascual, Gabo Correa, María Clara Merendino, Guillermo Pfening, Claudio Quinteros, María Florencia Balivasevic.
Argentina, Spain, France, 2009.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download El último verano de la Boyita / The Last Summer of La Boyita. 2009:
3 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar … .part3.rar



Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos / Nine Meals From Chaos. Behind The Scenes.

A documentary "Behind The Scenes" about the shooting of the new film by Iván Noel "Nine Meals From Chaos". A lot of beautiful natural filming, the director's communication with the actors and the team.
Also there is the teaser for the film.
Language: English.
64 min.
1280x720 HD
Download Behind The Scenes: … Scenes.rar



Hundra svenska år. 1999. Episode 4.

SE. Hundra svenska år är en dokumentär-TV-serie, producerad av Olle Häger och redigerad av Kjell Tunegård med Hans Villius som berättare (han syns aldrig i bild - man hör bara hans röst). Serien består av åtta avsnitt, som vart och ett berättar Sveriges historia under 1900-talet ur ett särskilt perspektiv. I varje avsnitt visas för ämnet aktuella filmklipp, varvade med intervjuer av olika personer, som var med vid den tid som behandlas och som berättar minnen från den. På filmklippen från de tidigaste delarna av seklet, som från början inte innehåller något ljud, har man lagt på ljud, som skulle kunna passa in (exempelvis sorlande röster och ljudet av marscherande fötter vid bilder av ett första majtåg).
Avsnitt 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera (barn).
I detta avsnitt, som heter De gamla och kloka må le, fallera, handlar om barn. Passande avsnitt eftersom 1900-talet kallas barnens århundrade. Det var första gången barn fick vara barn och tonåringar kommer upp som fenomen. Kanske har vi idag gått för långt men det vet jag inte. Det har inte alltid varit lätt att vara barn. Farfar jobbade och pappa fick stryk i skolan. Världen har ändrat sig mycket sedan farfar var barn.
EN. Each episode tells the Swedish history of the 20th century from a different aspect. The first episode is about domestic politics, the second about fashion, the third about work and unemployment, the fourth about children and teenagers, the fifth about revolutionizing inventions, the sixth about vacation, the seventh about the royal family and the eighth about foreign politics.
Episode 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera.
Director: Hans Villius.
Cast: Alice Babs, Maj Lorents, Hans Villius.
Sweden, 1999.
Language: Swedish.
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Il ragazzo invisibile / The Invisible Boy. 2014.

IT.  Il ragazzo invisibile è un film commedia-fantascientifico del 2014 diretto da Gabriele Salvatores.
Il film ha per protagonista Michele, un adolescente apparentemente come tanti che vive in una tranquilla città sul mare. Non si può dire che a scuola sia popolare, non brilla nello studio, non eccelle negli sport. Ma a lui in fondo non importa. A Michele basterebbe avere l'attenzione di Stella, la ragazza che in classe non riesce a smettere di guardare. Eppure ha la sensazione che lei proprio non si accorga di lui. Ma ecco che un giorno il succedersi monotono delle giornate viene interrotto da una scoperta straordinaria: Michele si guarda allo specchio e si scopre invisibile. La più incredibile avventura della sua vita sta per avere inizio.
EN. The Invisible Boy (Italian: Il ragazzo invisibile) is a 2014 Italian fantasy-superhero film directed by Gabriele Salvatores.
Michele is thirteen year old, shy, unpopular at school, and in love with Stella. After wearing a costume for a Halloween party, he finds out that he's invisible.
Director: Gabriele Salvatores.
Cast: Ludovico Girardello, Valeria Golino, Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Christo Jivkov, Noa Zatta, Assil Kandil, Filippo Valese, Enea Barozzi, Riccardo Gasparini, Vernon Dobtcheff, Kseniya Rappoport.
Italy, France, 2014.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Il ragazzo invisibile / The Invisible Boy. 2014: … e-2014.rar



Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.

While playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town baddie Felice nearby and suspects something bad is happening. Michele is unsure whom he should tell about his discovery, eventually spilling the beans to his closest friend.
Director: Gabriele Salvatores.
Cast: Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Dino Abbrescia, Giorgio Careccia, Riccardo Zinna, Michele Vasca, Susi Sánchez, Antonella Stefanucci, Diego Abatantuono, Giuseppe Cristiano, Mattia Di Pierro, Adriana Conserva.
Italy, Spain, UK, 2003.
Language: Russian (Italian).
Download Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003: … a-2003.rar



Kde padají hvězdy / Where Stars Fall. 1996.

O Sandře, Lojzovi, Kristýně a ostatních, kteří se sešli v dětské ozdravovně.
Do ozdravovny pro děti s respiračními chorobami přijíždí nový turnus. Vstupní prohlídky v ordinaci MUDr. Kryštofa naznačují, které děti budou mít v příběhu dominantní role. Je to především Sandra, sebejistá a úspěšná gymnastka, která se cílevědomě připravuje na závratnou sportovní kariéru, momentálně má ale nohu v sádře. Dalším hrdinou je Lojza, sympatický kluk, který se chce stát žokejem. Vrací se do ozdravovny už potřetí. Má tu věrnou kamarádku Kristýnu, neteř správce ozdravovny, která žije se svým tátou a maminku má ve Švýcarsku.
Episode List:
1. Už to začíná.
2. Cizinci.
3. V pasti.
4. Špatné zprávy.
5. Střelec.
6. Modlitba závodníka.
7. Co mě nezabije, to mě posílí.
Director: Jan Hřebejk.
Cast: Magdalena Reifová, Miroslav Vladyka, Vladimír Škultéty, Svatopluk Beneš, Alena Vránová, Eva Holubová, Bohumil Klepl, Rostislav Čtvrtlík, Jitka Asterová, Sylvie Koblížková, Marek Morvai-Javorský, Miroslava Pleštilová, Taťána Schottnerová, Jaroslava Hanušová, Anežka Pohorská, Martin Jurčík, Ludmila Forétková, Jiří Kaňák, Vendula Ježková.
Czech Republic, 1996.
Language: Czech.
Download Kde padají hvězdy / Where Stars Fall. 1996: … 96-1-7.rar



Neberte nám princeznú. 1981.

SK. Hrdinka príbehu Katka sa naozaj nemôže na nič sťažovať. Má dostatok všetkého, môže žiť bezstarostne, rodičia jej kúpia, na čo si len spomenie. A predsa... Katkini rodičia si vo víre povinností a záľub nenájdu čas na to najdôležitejšie - na vlastné dieťa. A Katku to, samozrejme, veľmi trápi.
EN. Modern version of Snowhite fairytale. Girl Katka is frustrated and restless. She escapes from home and find herself in the orphanage. Seven orphan boys hide her and call her "Princess". But Katka is soon uncovered and her frantic mother is on the way...
Director: Martin Hoffmeister.
Cast: Marika Gombitová, Miroslav Žbirka, Marie Rottrová, Luděk Sobota, Petr Nárožný, Ľudovít Tóth, Mária Hájková, Jozef Vrábel, Viera Hladká, Matúš Cinzer, Roman Haša, Ján Kovačič, Hana Talpová, Karel Dvořák.
Czechoslovakia, 1981.
Language: Slovak.
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Når mor kommer hjem... / Mama klaut / On Our Own. 1998.

DK. Da Linda, mor til Kasper på 11, Sara på 8 og Julie på 5, skal ind og ruske tremmer for butikstyveri, må Kasper overtage rollen som familiens overhoved, men udsigten til et par dage uden overvågning fra voksne er ikke just noget, der skræmmer de tre børn, tværtimod! I deres øjne åbner det blot hidtil uanede muligheder for valgfrie middagsretter og sengetider, hoppen i sengen, endeløs fest og ballade og ikke mindst: Ingen lektier! Men selvom de gør sig meget umage for at få alt til at se ud som om, de stadig er under behørig voksen-opsyn, begynder omverdenen så småt at blive mistænksom over, hvad der sker i lejligheden...
EN. Three siblings ingeniously avoid being sent off to a children's home while their single mother serves a short sentence in a prison for shoplifting by inventing a 'never present' dad who is looking after them.
Other similar films about children were temporarily left without parents Demi-Tarif. 2003 by Isild Le Besco, Papa est parti, maman aussi. 1989 by Christine Lipinska and Una semana solos / A Week Alone. 2007 by Celina Murga.
Director: Lone Scherfig.
Cast: Kasper Emanuel Stæger, Clara Johanne Simonsen, Pernille Kaae Høier, Ann Eleonora Jørgensen, Lars Kaalund, Birthe Neumann, Bjarne Henriksen, Lars Nepper-Christensen, Kristian Holm Joensen, Mikkel Aas Mortensen.
Denmark, Sweden, 1998.
Language: German.
Download Når mor kommer hjem... / Mama klaut / On Our Own. 1998:



Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes.

DE. Nesthäkchen ist eine deutsche Kinder- und Familienserie von Gero Erhardt, die als fünfte Weihnachtsserie des ZDF 1983 ausgestrahlt wurde. Als Vorlage dienten die ersten drei Nesthäkchenbände der Schriftstellerin Else Ury. Die Geschichte dreht sich um das Mädchen Annemarie, das als jüngstes Kind der Arztfamilie Braun Nesthäkchen gerufen wird. Sie wächst mit ihren Brüdern Hans und Klaus in Berlin zur Kaiserzeit kurz vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg auf.
1. Annemarie Braun ist die Jüngste von drei Geschwistern. Als Nesthäkchen wird die Sechsjährige von der ganzen Familie sehr verwöhnt. Besonders hingezogen fühlt sie sich zu ihrem Kindermädchen Lena. Annemarie ist zwar störrisch, hat aber ein weiches Herz. Langsam wird sie selbständig und erlebt ihre ersten Abenteuer. Die Serie entstand nach dem Roman von Else Ury.
2. In der auf der gleichnamigen Romanreihe von Autorin Else Ury basierenden Serie werden typische Themen aus der Welt eines kleinen Mädchens auf sehr humorvolle und liebevolle Weise erzählt. Tolle Ausstattung und großartige Schauspieler tragen dazu bei, dass das „Nesthäkchen“ für das ZDF zum einem großen Erfolg wird und als Klassiker der 80er-Jahre in die deutsche Fernsehgeschichte eingeht.
EN. Annemarie Braun, a doughter of a doctor and her life from five to ten years. She lives in West Berlin, Germany with her parents and two brothers in 1910 to 1914. The series is an adoption from a novel by Else Ury.
Director: Gero Erhardt.
Cast: Christian Wolff, Doris Kunstmann, Helma Seitz, Hilde Berndt, Hans-Werner Bussinger, Susanne Uhlen, Ekkehardt Belle, Kathrin Toboll, Anja Bayer, Florian Baier, Patrick A. Janovsky, Oliver Schlicht, Gerhard Olschewski, Günter Kütemeyer, Dagmar Hessenland, Willy Harlander, Jan Heinemann.
West Germany, 1983.
Language: German.
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Herzblatt oder Wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter? 1969.

DE. Paul, genannt „Männchen“, lebt mit seiner Tochter, genannt „Herzblatt“, zusammen, die er nach dem Tod seiner Frau allein großgezogen hat. Den Anleitungen eines Buches von Dr. Seebauer gemäß hat er Herzblatt beigebracht, ihrem Körper nicht schamhaft gegenüberzustehen. Auch die Nacktheit eines Menschen ist normal, hat Herzblatt schon in jungen Jahren erfahren. Dies führte bei ihr zu einer Fixierung auf den Vater, der ihr Vater, Mutter, Freund und Spielgefährte zugleich ist. Selbst jetzt, wo Herzblatt weit in der Pubertät sein sollte, badet sie noch gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater, wobei beide Spaß am Seifenschaumschlagen haben, und bewegt sich ungeniert nackt in der Wohnung und auf der Dachterrasse, weil sie sich ihrer Wirkung auf Männer nicht bewusst ist. Paul sucht sich Rat bei Dr. Seebauer, der vorschlägt, für Herzblatt einen jungen Mann zu suchen, der ihre Aufmerksamkeit von Paul zu ihrem Partner lenken soll.
EN. Widower Paul always delayed talking to his daughter about sex. But when workers on a nearby construction site are falling down their scaffold because 16 years old "Herzblatt" is tanning naked, he feels he has to take action. In the hope she'll learn herself what consequences the difference between boys and girls has, he tries to get her a boyfriend.
Director: Alfred Vohrer.
Cast: Georg Thomalla, Mascha Gonska, Siegfried Schürenberg, Günther Lüders, Carola Höhn, Paul Esser, Wolfgang Schneider, Gernot Endemann, Frithjof Vierock, Olga von Togni, Herta Worell, Ilona Grübel, Hans Cossy.
West Germany, 1969.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Herzblatt oder Wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter? 1969: … r-1969.rar



El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978.

EN. El Sacerdote (English: The Priest) is a 1978 Spanish film directed by Eloy de la Iglesia and starring Simon Andreu, Emilio Gutierrez Caba and Esperanza Roy. The plot centers on a Catholic priest who suffers a personal crisis when his sexuality is suddenly awakened. Unable to reconcile his deep conservative religious faith with his sexual obsession he spiral in a path of self punishment. The script was first offered to Pilar Miro.
Obsessed with fantasies of sex, Father Miguel seeks professional help through his church but they are not listening; thus leaving the Father in a dilemma; leaving the church or should he try, on his own, to surrender to these temptations?
ES. España, años 60. El Padre Miguel (Simón Andreu) es un cura en crisis para ejercer sus funciones como sacerdote ya que genera fantasías sexuales de muy diversa condición que pone en conocimiento de su superior, el Padre Alfonso (José Franco). Este último intentará ayudar a Miguel a superar sus perturbaciones.
Director: Eloy de la Iglesia.
Cast: Simón Andreu, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, José Franco, Ramón Reparaz, Ramón Pons, Martín Garrido Ramis, Emilio Soriano, Fabián Conde, José Manuel Cervino, Antonio Gamero, Raúl Fraire, Eduardo MacGregor.
Spain, 1978.
Language: Russian (Spanish).
Subtitle: English.
Download El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978: … e-1978.rar



Mes petites amoureuses / My little loves. 1974.

A study of minor events in the adolescence of a boy growing up in small towns. Daniel lives with his grandmother and, after one year of high school, has to go to live with his mother in the south of France. She is a seamstress living in a tiny apartment with her lover Jose, a Spanish farm worker. Daniel would like to continue school, but his mother cannot afford it, so she sends him to work as an apprentice in a moped repair shop. Daniel wiles away his time in the shop, and learns about girls from the other boys in town. When he returns to visit his grandmother next year, it is obvious that he has grown up faster than his old friends.
Director: Jean Eustache.
Cast: Martin Loeb, Jacqueline Dufranne, Jacques Romain, Ingrid Caven, Dionys Mascolo, Vincent Testanière, Roger Rizzi, Jean-Jacques Bihan, Ghislaine Lakomy.
France, 1974.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Mes petites amoureuses / My little loves. 1074: … s-1974.rar



Maicol Jecson / Moonwalking Distance. 2014. HD.

IT. Una commedia di formazione che indaga le dinamiche del rapporto tra adolescenti, anziani e bambini, ed esplora l'amore adolescenziale, l'amicizia, i rapporti familiari al di là dei legami di sangue e la scoperta dell'identità.
EN. It's the last week of June 2009. Andrea's parents left for a summer trip so he takes advantage of the situation to skip summer camp and make love for the first time with his girlfriend Eva. His choice triggers a series of events leading him to an on the road adventure along with his younger brother Tomaso, a huge fan of Michael Jackson, and Cesare, an old man met at a retirement home.
Directors: Enrico Audenino, Francesco Calabrese.
Cast: Cecilia Bertozzi, Giovanni Bissaca, Francesca Calabrese, Stefania Casini, Niccolò Gentili, Vittorio Gianotti, Remo Girone, Ivan Nick Kapalala, Cristina Marino, Leonardo Messerklinger, Tommaso Maria Neri.
Italy, 2014.
Language: Italian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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2 parts archive: … .part1.rar … .part2.rar



Pengantin Pantai Biru / The Bridegroom of Blue Beach. 1983.

ID. Pengantin Pantai Biru adalah film Indonesia tahun 1983 dengan disutradarai oleh Wim Umboh serta dibintangi oleh Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing.
Ketika kapal ekspedisi purbakala mendapat musibah, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid dan cucunya Andri terpisah. Sewaktu terdampar di sebuah pulau, Andri bertemu dengan oom Bram (Abdi Wiyono) bersama putrinya, Emi. Mereka bertiga hidup bersama, sampai Emi dan Andri menjelang dewasa (Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing). Suatu ketika Emi dan Andri tertangkap suku primitif. Mereka dianggap sebagai Dewa dan Dewi yang turun ke bumi. Agar mendapat keturunan Dewa dan Dewi, kepala suku primitif memaksa Emi dan Andri untuk kawin dengan putra-putri mereka. menolak permintaan itu, Emi dan Andri nekat melarikan diri.
Oom Bram berhasil mencegat pengejaran dari suku itu, walaupun akhirnya ia tewas. Selama masa persembunyiaanya, Emi dan Andri saling jatuh cinta dan akhirnya mendapatkan seorang anak lelaki yang mereka namakan Ami. Suku primitif terus mencari mereka. Di saat-saat yang kritis, ayah Andri (Darussalam) dan rombongannya datang sebagai penyelamat.
EN. Pengantin Pantai Biru (literally The Bridegroom of Blue Beach) is a 1983 film directed by Wim Umboh, produced by Ferry Angriawan, and starring Meriam Bellina and Sandro Tobing. It follows two castaways, children who grow up with one of their fathers but must fend for themselves after they are captured and deified by natives. Adapted from Henry De Vere Stacpoole's novel The Blue Lagoon, via the film of the same name, Pengantin Pantai Biru introduces several differences to the story.
During a storm, the young man Andri (Sandro Tobing) is separated from his grandfather, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid (Abdi Wiyono), and ultimately drifts onto a deserted beach. After wandering he meets Emi (Meriam Bellina) and her father Bram (Darussalam), who take him in.
Years later, when Andri and Emi have grown up, they are captured by a group of islanders, who assume they are gods. The two tease the islanders, whom they find filthy and smelly, but soon learn that they are to provide god-children for the villagers. They try and escape but are followed, ultimately being rescued by Bram – who dies in the attempt.
On their own and hiding from the restless natives, the two begin to fall in love and eventually have a son, whom they name Ami. They are eventually found by the natives, who chase them. When it seems all hope is lost, Andri's grandfather arrives and rescues them.
Warning: low quality video.
Director: Wim Umboh.
Cast: Abdi Wiyono, Merriem Bellina, Sandro Tobing, Darussalam, Soendjoto Adibroto, Komalasari, Rasyid Subadi.
Indonesia, 1983.
Language: Indonesian.
Download Pengantin Pantai Biru / The Bridegroom of Blue Beach. 1983: … u-1983.rar



Gib acht auf Susi! 1968.

Frau Born ist Ende dreißig, von Beruf Tankwartin, sie ist geschieden und Mutter von zwei Kindern. Ihr Sohn Micha ist zehn Jahre alt und hat sich zur “Freude” seiner Mutter einen Namen als junger “Erfinder” gemacht: er erfindet Rauchpatronen und ahnliche Sachen, die Meta Born fur absolut uberflussig halt. Aber auch mit ihrer Tochter Susi gibt es “Stress”: sie ist 17 Jahre alt, sehr hubsch und blond, begeisterte Tragerin von Minirocken, die ihr sehr gut stehen. Auch Susi hat es von Zeit zu Zeit mit dem “Erfinden”, denn sie spricht von “Freundinnen”, mit denen sie ins Kino oder zum Bummeln geht, wahrend sie sich in Wirklichkeit mit “Mannlichkeiten” abgibt. Meta Born geht es im Verhaltnis zu ihrer Tochter wie anderen Muttern: fur sie ist die 17jahrige noch ein Kind. Als sie endlich begreift, dass dies nicht mehr so ist, ist sie zunachst ratlos. So sucht sie die Unterstutzung ihres Sohnes, der aus Susi “aufpassen” soll. Offensichtlich geht seine diesbezugliche Aktivitat aber in die falsche Richtung, denn er betatigt sich als “Amor” und organisiert ein Treffen seiner Schwester mit Dieter Bellmann, einem Pfleger des Berliner Tierparks.
Director: Klaus Gendries.
Cast: Fred Lenz, Ronny Mudlaff, Dorit Gabler, Lissy Tempelhof, Jochen Thomas, Kaspar Eichel, Gaby Jah, Hans-Gerd Sonnenburg, Irene Fischer, Christine Lechle, Helmut Bez, Ludwig Friedrich, Heinz Hellmich, Roland Knappe.
DDR, 1968.
Language: German, Russian.
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