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Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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All Films. Alternative Links. Part 7.

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Extrait de naissance. 1989.

FR. Une demeure, on ne sait si elle est encore habitée, si l'on assiste à un départ ou à un retour. Une voix d'homme raconte, nomme les objets, les lieux. Souvenirs d'enfance improbables. Un garçon, seul, attend dans le hall.
EN. An apartment, who knows whether it is still inhabited or not, whether the potential inhabitants will ever arrive or are already dead. A man’s voice speaks and names the objects and places. Memories appear. An orphan is waiting alone in the hall among luggage. His infancy emanates from the objects and the perspectives subjectively visualized by the authors. Fragments of stories. Condensed emotions. People are suddenly frightening. Video technology draws a map of passages from the real to the imaginary, from truth to the narration of the present, the probability of cathode imagery.
Directors: Jean-Louis Le Tacon, Alain Jomier.
Cast: Laurence Clapier, Marc Fêge, Pierre Mac Enzie Gallon, Julia Petrucci, Olivia Petrucci, Dominique Rouzié, Hervé Sornique.
France, 1989.
Language: French.
Download Extrait de naissance. 1989:



Candid-HD. On the Beach.

Format : WMV / 1920x1080 FULL-HD
Duration : 5 min
File Size : 260 MB
Download Candid-HD. On the Beach:



Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.

PT. Um passeio perto de casa entre irmãos e o pai. Uma saga de amor, ódio, pecado e morte, da casa para o mundo.
EN. A walk close to home between brothers and their father. A saga of love, hate, sin and death, from the home to the world.
Director: Sérgio Borges.
Cast: Ravi Queiroz, Iel Queiroz.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: Portuguese.
Download Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009:



Ståtrold. 2009.

"Ståtrold" educational short film about coming of age, childhood and chemistry.
Director: Meeto Worre Kronborg Grevsen.
Cast: Sheila Hansen, Kevin Øltieng, Christian Lykking, Asbjorn Olling, Pernille Ovesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Download Ståtrold. 2009:



Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995.

FR. Frère et sœur, Daniel et Marie vivent avec leur père brutal qui refuse que leur mère gravement malade soit hospitalisée. Après son décès, ils s'enfuient et sont hébergés par un couple de commerçant. Près d'une discothèque, Marie tue un jeune homme qui voulait abuser d'elle. Leur père les retrouve, s'affronte avec son fils, puis s'accuse du meurtre commis par sa fille.
EN. In a village of the French Juras, Daniel, 15, and Marie, 14, live in the shadow of their brutal, domineering father, who can only express his love through violence. When their mother dies, the two inseparable children flee into the forest pursued by their father.
Director: Marcel Schüpbach.
Cast: Richard Berry, Brigitte Roüan, Julia Maraval, Alexis Tomassian, Noémie Kocher, Geneviève Pasquier, Antoine Basler, Roger Jendly, Christine Rossigneux, Jean Schlegel, Jean-François Panet, Mohammed Guellati, Sarah Guellati.
Switzerland, France, 1995.
Language: French.
Download Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995:



Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.

HU. Gera, a sikeres cigány festő otthagyja kivételezett helyzetét és festményei elégetése után visszatér nyomorban tengődő társai közé. Az a terve, hogy megreformálja a cigányok életét. De senki sem lehet próféta a saját hazájában. Szándékait, céljait nem értik meg, és nem tud hatni a többiekre. Aztán egy öngyilkos kislány halotti torán elszabadulnak az indulatok...
A film a cigányság 70-es évekbeli világának dokumentarista jellegű bemutatása.
EN. The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story made explicit. Images of love, death, suicide, violence and mutilation dominate.
Director: Imre Gyöngyössy.
Cast: Oszter Sándor, Szegő István, Rácz Irén, Józsefné Seres, Tiborné Fényes, Erzsi Cserhalmi, Károly Lakatos, Károlyné Lakatos, Tibor Bódi, József Rácz, Liza Balogh, Jenõ Dósa, László Horváth, Jenõné Dósa.
Hungary, 1972.
Language: Hungarian.
Download Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972:



Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.

Younghee, 7 year-old girl. She smokes out of curiosity. Her mother smokes herself into composure. One day, Younghee's father who is cheating on his wife beats his wife and daughter to run away from home. Younghee and her mother share something special to comfort each other.
Director: Eun-jung Ryou.
Cast: Jung-in Choi, Young-jong Choi, Seung-jin Han, Eun Heo, Yun-woo Hwang, Suk-li Joung, Jong-Hang Kim, Jong-kyu Kim, Sun-Yuop Kim, Ji-ha Lee.
South Korea, 2004.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: English.
Download Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004:



Niet op meisjes. 2013.

EN. Straight With You is a documentary about eleven-year-old Melvin, who has a secret: he is not into girls. Although his family knows, he's afraid to tell his schoolmates, as he thinks they might start bullying him. What should he do when the coolest girl in his class sends him a love letter?
NL. Documentaire over de elfjarige Melvin, die in groep zes zit. Hij bevindt zich in een spagaat: zijn familie weet al dat hij niet op meisjes is, maar op school durft hij het niet te vertellen. Wat doet hij als het leukste meisje uit zijn klas hem een liefdesbrief stuurt? De film schetst een toegankelijk en intiem beeld van de belevingswereld van een kind dat al voor de puberteit weet dat het homoseksueel is. De documentaire stelt daarbij essentiele vragen die op basaal niveau voor iedereen gelden: wat betekent het, als je anders bent dan de rest? Hoe is het om een geheim te hebben? En hoe weet je eigenlijk wie je bent? Een vrolijk en tegelijkertijd confronterend coming-of-age portret in ongerept gebied: homoseksualiteit pre puberteit.
Director: Daan Bol.
Netherlands, 2013.
Language: Dutch, Russian.
Download Niet op meisjes. 2013:



Smáfuglar / Two Birds. 2008.

2 Birds takes place during one bright summer night and follows a group of young teenagers on a journey from innocence to adulthood. The main character is a timid boy who has a typical schoolboy crush on a girl his age, who happens to be a friend of his mate.
Director: Rúnar Rúnarsson.
Cast: Atli Oskar Fjalarsson, Hera Hilmar, Sigurdur Jakob Helgason, Thorunn Jakobsdóttir, Gísli Örn Garðarsson, Víkingur Kristjánsson, Ómar Örn Hauksson.
Iceland, 2008.
Language: Icelandic.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Smáfuglar / Two Birds. 2008:



Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.

Im letzten Sommer bricht zwischen Deutschen und Polen der Hoschenkrieg aus. Nach dem Wegfall der EU-Binnengrenze sorgen ausgerechnet deutsche FKK-Bader am polnischen Ostseestrand fur Streit und politische Verstimmung. Hinweisschilder sollen diesen Konflikt jetzt entscharfen. Die Polen werden vor den Nackten gewarnt und an die Deutschen wird appelliert, sich beim Grenzubertritt zu bedecken. Der Hoschenkrieg ist nicht nur ein gefundenes Fressen fur die Boulevardblatter sondern vor allem Ausdruck eines uber 150 Jahre langen Kampfes von Befurwortern und Gegnern der Freikorperkultur. Wo liegen die Ursprunge dieses Konfliktes? Wer hat ihn gefuhrt? Warum? Fast alles, was heute mit Nacktsein zu tun hat, wird schnell unter dem Begriff Freikorperkultur vereinnahmt. Doch was wollten die FKK-Anhanger wirklich? Die Nackten und die Macht - Geheimnis Geschichte beleuchtet ein spannendes Kapitel der deutschen Historie.
Alles beginnt in den engen Arbeiterwohngebieten Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Menschen wollen raus in die Natur. Zum Baden in Licht und Luft. Auch Gutburgerliche legen das Korsett wilhelminischer Anstandsregeln ab. 1888 wird der Lebensreformer Karl-Wilhelm Diefenbach ins Gefangnis gesteckt. Die FKK-Bewegung hat ihren ersten Martyrer. Warum landete der Munchner hinter Schloss und Riegel? Einen regelrechten Boom gibt es nach dem ersten Weltkrieg. Am Motzener See bei Berlin tummeln sich die unterschiedlichsten Gruppierungen. Adolf Kochs sozialistische Freikorperbewegung erhalt Zulauf genauso wie die volkisch-rassisch ausgerichtete Lebensreformbewegung von Hans Suren, der wahrend der Herrschaft der Nationalsozialisten die Idee vom durch Sport und Disziplin gestahlten germanischen Volkskorper verwirklichen will. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg wird Deutschland auch beim FKK geteilt. Im Westen wird das »Schund- und Schmutzgesetz« erlassen. Wer nackt uber Wiesen spazieren will, darf das nur in einem Verein. Im Osten ist Freikorperkultur in Vereinsform verboten. Die DDR-Fuhrung erlasst am Ostseestrand sogar ein allgemeines Nacktbadeverbot. Es kommt zu Protesten und Polizeiaktionen.
»Geheimnis Geschichte« beleuchtet ein uberaus spannendes und amusantes Kapitel rund um die Freikorperkultur in Deutschland. Eine Reise, die vom wilhelminischen Kaiserreich bis ins Heute fuhrt.
Germany, 2009.
Download Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht:



Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

ES: Cuando Valeria decide dejar de tocar el piano, sale a la luz un secreto que rompe la armonía familiar.
EN: Valeria's family is all love and harmony. However - when Valeria decides to terminate her piano lessons- a secret comes to light- and everything inside the family starts convulsing in an atonal tragedy...
Director: Miguel Salgado.
Cast: Mariana Beyer, Sophie Gómez, Guillermo Larrea, Meraqui Pradis.
Mexico, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Muñecas / Dolls. 2010:



Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.

One elf's fondest hopes and dreams while changing some dirty diapers.
Director: Nick Zedd.
Cast: Reverend Jen Miller.
USA, 2001.
Language: English.
Download Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001:



Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

A conscious exploration of fantasy and flesh. The director talks about the novel upon which the film is based, we see the crew at work, the actors talk about what's going on. Y, a schoolgirl of 18, chooses her first lover (rather than wait to be raped, as were her two older sisters). After phone sex with J, a sculptor who's 38, they begin an affair that, by the second meeting, includes spankings as foreplay. J brings a suitcase full of rods, hoses, and wires; Y gathers sticks to bring. Y's brother discovers the affair. J's wife, studying in Paris, calls him to join her. Will the lovers part? Will the violence get out of hand? When do the lies begin?
Director: Sun-Woo Jang.
Cast: Sang Hyun Lee, Tae Yeon Kim, Hyun Joo Choi, Kwon Taek Han, Hyuk Poong Kwon, Myung Keum Jung, Min Soo Shin, Young Sun Cho, Mi Kyung Ahn, Kum Ja Yeom, Boo Ho Choi, Hye Won Goh, Chui Jin Kwak.
South Korea, 1999.
Language: Korean, Russian.
Download Gojitmal / Lies. 1999:



Fucking 14. 2004.

DK. På sin 14-års fødselsdag får Laura besøg af sin mors ven, modefotografen Asger, som Laura altid har været fascineret af. Asger skal fotografere Laura, hvilket hendes mor, Henriette, længe har set frem til – til trods for en voksende jalousi til den smukke datter. Men hvad Henriette ikke ved, er, at Lauras følelser for Asger er ved at ændre sig. Det sætter spor i forholdet mellem mor og datter i form af et opgør og en konkurrence, som skaber stærke udfordringer for Laura. Mødet med Asger og modelmiljøet bliver en introduktion til voksenlivet og en opdagelse af seksualiteten. Hun mærker begæret for første gang og oplever samtidig magten, der følger med.
EN. 14-year-old Cecilie is both frustrated and fascinated by her dawning sexuality.
Director: Christina Rosendahl.
Cast: Anders Heinrichsen, Ida Hilario Jønsson, Linda Laursen, Emma Leth, Cyron Melville, Amalie Rendtorff-Smith, Jens Jørn Spottag.
Denmark, 2004.
Language: Danish.
Download Fucking 14. 2004:



Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974.

DE. Die Gymnasiastin Dorothea, 17 Jahre jung, hat nur wenige Erfahrungen in Sachen Liebe. Von Neugier getrieben begibt sie sich auf den Hamburger Kiez. Zwischen Huren, Exhibitionisten, Dominas und Masochisten sucht Dorothea nach echten Gefühlen. Doch was sie entdeckt, ist eine Welt der Abgründe und Perversionen. Das provozierende Underground-Werk war Fleischmanns Reaktion auf die Sex- und Pornowelle der 70er Jahre. Gleichwohl bemerkten Kritiker, daß sein umstrittener Film den Produktionen, die er anprangerte, erstaunlich nahe kam. In der Hauptrolle überzeugt Anna Henkel, die verstorbene Frau von Herbert Grönemeyer.
EN. Dorothea, a 17-year-old bourgeois girl from Hamburg, plays with her friends of both sexes, imitating the production of adult movies. In the end, pretending to make sex-scenes is not satisfying enough, and with a street professional, Dorothea is initiated in hard sex.
Director: Peter Fleischmann.
Cast: Anna Henkel-Grönemeyer, Alexander von Paczensky, Gerhard Gommel, Henry Beuck, Anemone Gehann, Birgit Heise, Mathias Herisch, Barbara Ossenkopp, Monika Steffens, Elisabeth Potkanski, Regis Genger.
Germany, France, 1974.
Language: German, Russian.
Download Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1974:



Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.

Photographer, Cosmo, a great provincial seducer who does not miss a chance to twist young women. Even married women or widows do not miss her morbid attentions. During a frosty winter, with the country literally flooded by snow, Cosmo undertook, tired of his routine by Don Giovanni province, a strange game of seduction, made of eye-catching looks and voyeuristic hints, with a colleague of whom he is in love.
Director: Pasquale Fanetti.
Cast: Petra Scharbach, Moris Brocchi, Cristina Colecchia, Marc Deller, Valentine Demy, Carmen Di Pietro, Cristina Finato, Massimo Guelfi, Sofia Lander.
Italy, 1991.
Language: Italian.
Download Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991:



Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.

DE. Ein Film über Sex im geteilten Deutschland und die Frage, auf welcher Seite des Eisernen Vorhangs man „besser“ war. 40 Jahre Trennung haben vielerorts Spuren hinterlassen – auch in deutschen Schlafzimmern. Am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs waren die Ausgangsbedingungen gleich. Vier Jahrzehnte später jedoch hatte sich alles verändert.
EN. This is about sex. About sex in Germany and who, on which side of the Iron Curtain, was better at it. At the end of the Second World War, Germans shared the same culture, lifestyle, morals. But four decades later, everything had changed. Forty years of division left their mark in many places—including the beds of the German people.
Director: André Meier.
Germany, 2006.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
Download Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex?:



La rivière. 2001..

FR. La Rivière est un court métrage réalisé par Michel Houellebecq et diffusé en 2001 sur Canal+ dans la série « L'Érotisme vu par... ».
EN. An artistic erotic short film showing five women enjoying themselves by a river.
Director: Michel Houellebecq.
Cast: Laetitia Clément, Cielle Delhomme, Audrey Jouffain, Annabelle Brun, Naïma Abdalahoui.
France, 2001.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download La rivière. 2001.:


Giselle. 1980.
Sexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends are also raped by some bad guys. But they all celebrate the ruin of traditional family values.
Director: Victor di Mello.
Cast: Alba Valeria, Carlo Mossy, Maria Lucia Dahl, Nildo Parente, Ricardo Faria, Monique Lafond, Celso Faria, Zozimo Bulbul, Vinicius Salvatori, Luciano Sabino.
Brazil, 1980.
Language: Portuguese.
Download Giselle. 1980:



Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996.

Vinner av Juryens spesialpris av Drama Internasjonale Kortfilmfestival, Hellas.
Filmatisering av novellen Mannen i Buskene av Nordisk Råds Litteraturprisvinner Merethe Lindstrøm.
Fluenes herre i i pubertal taktil jenteversjon. En lummer dag på stranden vikles en gruppe jenter inn et nådeløst spill over makt og seksualitet.
Ledet av en bråmoden Lolita stereotyp i utleverende sølvbikini går de på jakt etter en kikker i buskene. Alle jentene raskt med på den aggressive leken. Den eneste motsatsen er den sky og filmende Benny. Hennes amatørfilming bryter med filmens villede glossy forherligende stil.
Hva skjer idet de finner en mann i buskene?
Hvor langt klarer leder Eva å presse de andre?
Stoffligheten i filmen gjør ubehaget enda større. Klebende sand, skinnende hud, blinkende vann. Nærbilde av slurpende munner. Maur over ansikt. Mørke grumsede undervanns scener.
Director: Ellen Lande.
Cast: Alexandra Aga Ulvestad, Maria Sand Gustavson, Ingar Helge Gimle , Renate Hast, Camilla Vislie, Eline Smith.
Norway, 1996.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996:



Saunasta sisua. 1957.

Saunominen on suomalaiselle sekä taidetta että tiedettä. Kun maassa on lähes kaksi miljoonaa saunaa, erilaisia höyryhuoneita riittää joka lähtöön.
Finland, 1957.
Language: Finnish.
Download Saunasta sisua. 1957:



Mare di grano. 2018.

IT. Mare di grano è un film del 2018 diretto da Fabrizio Guarducci.
Adam è un bambino di otto anni che è alla ricerca dei suoi genitori e partirà all'avventura insieme ad altri due bambini Arianna e Martino, si aggiungerà a loro anche un poeta di nome Rimando.
EN. A boy searches for his parents and is joined by some new friends.
Director: Fabrizio Guarducci.
Cast: Ornella Muti, Yohann Chopin, Sebastiano Somma, Simona Borioni, Alessandro Paci, Sergio Forconi, Paolo Hendel, Donatella Pompadour, Riccardo Maria Chirica.
Italy, 2018.
Language: Italian.
Download Mare di grano. 2018:



Rispondetemi. 1992.

As the paramedics pry her hand apart from her dead lover's grip a woman's life flashes before her eyes. Racing to the hospital the stunning skies and rooftops of Montreal from the back of the ambulance are inter-cut with the most exquisitely cinematic memories.
Director: Lea Pool.
Cast: Anne Dorval, Marcel Gauthier, Elise Guilbault, Sylvie Legault, Karine Mercier.
Canada, 1992.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download Rispondetemi. 1992:



Nature Zones.

Format : AVIZ / 936x520
Duration : 4 min
File Size : 180 MB
Download Nature Zones:



Doroga v Parizh / Road to Paris. 1968.

Rare 26-minute short film from socialist Kyrgyzstan about how one boy of 6-7 years old, armed with an umbrella and taking with him a white dog, went on foot to Paris. On the way, he met various people, but as a result he did not get to Paris, but was caught by his mother...
Warning: video in very poor quality..
Director: Aleksey Studzinsky.
Cast: Samat Bazarbayev, Natasha Mizinova, Omar Khasanov (Omir Abishev).
USSR, Kyrgyztelefilm, 1968.
Language: Russian.
Download Doroga v Parizh / Road to Paris. 1968:



Deutschland privat - Im Land der bunten Träume. 2007.

Deutschland privat – Im Land der bunten Träume ist ein Filmprojekt von Robert van Ackeren aus dem Jahr 2007 und die Fortsetzung zu Deutschland privat – Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms, einer kommentarlosen Zusammenstellung diverser Amateurfilme.
Im Jahr 1980 brachte Robert van Ackeren unter dem Titel "Deutschland Privat" eine Kompilation von privaten Super-8-Filmen deutscher Hobbyfilmer in die Kinos. Mit "Deutschland Privat - Im Land der bunten Träume" führt er dieses Projekt fort: Der Film präsentiert schillerndes, in den gestalterischen Mitteln erstaunlich vielfältiges "Heimkino" aus fünf Jahrzehnten. Und gerade auch anhand der teils expliziten sexuellen Szenen zeichnet van Ackeren ein ganz eigenes "Deutschlandbild".
Director: Robert van Ackeren, Catharina Zwerenz.
Germany, 2007.
Language: German.
Download Deutschland privat - Im Land der bunten Träume. 2007:



Deutschland privat - Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms. 1980.

DE. Deutschland privat – Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms ist ein Filmprojekt von Robert van Ackeren aus dem Jahr 1980. Auf der Basis von diversen privaten Filmaufnahmen erstellte er unter anderem aus Mitschnitten von privaten Feiern, Urlaubsbildern sowie explizit erotischem Material eine heterogene Mischung.
1979 wagte sich Robert Van Ackeren an ein ganz außergewöhnliches Filmprojekt. Per Zeitungsanzeige bat er Privatleute um ihre Homevideos. Das Echo war überwältigend: Nach Sichtung von über 200 Stunden Super-8-Material stellte der Regisseur eine Dokumentation in 44 Sequenzen zusammen, die Einblicke in die ganz persönliche Welt und Sicht der Amateurfilmer gibt - ihre schönsten Momente, ihre wichtigsten Ereignisse und ihre erotischsten Erlebnisse.
EN. "Deutschland privat" is a special project by Robert van Ackeren, who in 1979 asked people to send him their 8mm home movies by placing ads in several magazines in Berlin, Germany. In the ads he announced that he was planning to blow up and mount the best of those movies into a feature documentary to be released in German cinemas. He was surprised how many home movies he received and how generously people allowed him to use them for his feature. Part 1 of "Deutschland privat" gives us typical German home movies of the 1970s, i.e. private holidays, family parties, etc. Part 2 consists of what is now called "amateur porn"; home made 8mm movies featuring real porn action.
Director: Erwin Kneihsl, Robert van Ackeren.
Germany, 1980.
Language: German.
Download Deutschland privat - Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms. 1980:



Olivier Smolders. Spiritual Exercises. Part-1.

This special collection features 10 spellbinding short works from Belgian experimental filmmaker Olivier Smolders, including "Adoration" (1987), "Mort a Vignole" (1998), "L'Amateur" (1997) and "La Philosophie Dans Le Boudoir" (1991). "Pensees et Visions D'une Tête Coupée" (1991), "Ravissements" (1991), "Point de Fuite" (1988), "L'Art D'Aimer" (1985), "Neuvaine" (1984) and "Seuls" (1989) round out the sampler.
5 most interesting films presented below.
1. Adoration.
A young man films his love for a young woman.
"Adoration" is loosely based on Issei Sagawa's cannibalistic murder case. In 1981 he murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman named Renée Hartevelt. After his release Sagawa has become a minor celebrity in Japan and has made a living through the public interest on his crime. A young Japanese man invites beautiful French student to his apartment. She reads some poetry. Suddenly he shoots her in the back, dismembers her body and cannibalizes her tasty flesh. Experimental and gruesome short which looks almost like a true crime documentary. The use of silence and master shots certainly enhances truly chilling atmosphere of gloom.
Cast: Takashi Matsuo, Catherine Aymerie.
Belgium, France, 1986.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
2. Point De Fuite.
A new teacher comes to class to teach a lesson on a complicated math theorem. The class is waiting completely nude and catches her off guard. She takes off her clothes before the beginning of her lesson. During the lesson, the students put their clothes back on and take away her clothes, as she is concentrated solely on the theorem. Upon finishing, she is embarrassed that they are clothed and she is left naked, but there is now someone at the door. The class ask the unknown to come in, and they find a naked teacher but clothed students. Inspired by a mathematical rhetoric.
Cast: Catherine Aymerie, François Galland, Stéphanie Dessens, Sarah Lefévre, Valerie De Wilde, Catherine Van Hauwermeiren.
Belgium, 1988.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
3. Seuls.
Screaming children, their non-standard behavior, plot and dialogue are absent.
Belgium, 1989.
4. Pensées et visions d'une tête coupée.
FR. Portrait d'un peintre imaginaire à partir de la vie et de l'œuvre d'Antoine Wiertz.
EN. Portrait of an imaginary painter from the life and work of Antoine Wiertz.
Cast: Christian Courtois, Alexandre von Sivers, Lémi Cétol, Barbara De Jonghe, Catherine Aymerie, Valérie Braekman, Nelly Boets.
Belgium, 1991.
Language: French.
5. L'Amateur / The Amateur.
EN. The story of a man who smells of women’s nudity.
ES. La historia de un hombre que olfatea la desnudez femenina.
Cast: Yves Degen, Cathy Grosjean, Eric Pauwels, Mélanie Rullier.
Belgium, 1997.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Olivier Smolders. Spiritual Exercises. Part-1:



A'Mare. 2008.

Two boys, 11 or 12, perhaps brothers, take a rowboat from shore to fish. Andrea, who's tougher, complains a lot, sometimes criticizing Felice, sometimes just complaining about life and his situation. Out of sight of shore, Andrea sees a suitcase; he jumps into the water, swims to it, and starts to push it back to the boat. While he's doing that, Felice sees a man floating, face up. While he tries to grab the man and hold on, he knocks an oar into the sea. The boys are unable to lift the man into the boat, and without two oars, can't head to shore. Will rescue come? Andrea tries to reassure Felice while also figuring out who the man is and what he's doing in the sea.
Director: Martina Amati.
Cast: Andrea Puglisi, Felice Puglisi, Abdul Majid.
United Kingdom, 2008.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download A'Mare. 2008:



Héraclite l'obscur. 1967.

Deval shot “Heraclite l’obscur” in Tunisia in 1967, with his then-girlfriend and editor Jackie Raynal, in 35 mm and in color. He was the first Zanzibar member to shoot a film not only outside of Paris but also in an exotic location. “Heraclite l’obscur” is described by its author as a “philosophical peplum” – spectacle theater.
Director: Patrick Deval.
Cast: Abdallah Chahed, Rene-Jean Chauffard, Charles Denner.
France, 1967.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download Héraclite l'obscur. 1967:


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