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Anthology of short films.

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Le nécrophile / The Necrophile. 2004. FULL-HD.

Necrophilia, incest, cannibalism, pedophilia and many others little perversions presents in this cult horror comedy which can be made only at France. And - of course - there will be a bunch of dancing zombies at the end. It is the story of a very ordinary man who just happens to be necrophile. (He is also like to eat cockroaches.) Problems begins when his pretty orphan cousin came to live with him... Great tribute to german expressionism with touch of very contemporary dark humor.
Director: Philippe Barassat.
Cast: Freddy Bournane, Ilona Szabo, Mohammed Aamoun, Jenny Bel'Air, Sissi Duparc (Sylviane Duparc), Morgane Maugran, Alain Burosse, Agnès Vallée, Hafid, Valérie Donzelli.
France, 2004.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Le nécrophile / The Necrophile. 2004: … D.rar.html



Cold Warrior. 2012. HD.

A young gymnast questions her dreams of championship glory when she discovers she's part of a shady government plot to win at any cost.
Director:  Emily Greenwood.
Cast: Eloise Littell, Laurence Mitchell, Wolf Kahler, Kenton Hall, Nigel Pilkington, Phil Smeeton, Robert Williams.
UK, 2012.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Cold Warrior. 2012: … D.rar.html



La ritirata / Retreating. 2009. FULL-HD.

IT. Rosa ha tredici anni.
Ha due fratelli più piccoli Lucia e Dumì.
Ha due genitori che al momento sono assenti.
Ha un compito giornaliero da sbrigare che la madre ha affidato loro.
Questo lo sanno tutti, a partire dai nonni ai quali i fratelli sono stati affidati.
Ma Rosa ha un amore di cui prendersi cura, da proteggere ad ogni costo e questo lo sa solo lei.
Un grande amore, speciale e pericoloso.
Rosa corre, corre a perdifiato attraverso i campi, ogni giorno lo stesso tragitto, sotto il sole cocente, per raggiungere il suo amore, anche solo per poche ore.
Da lei dipende la sua sopravvivenza.
Ma qualcuno la spia e Rosa è costretta ad un gesto estremo.
Lei per salvare lui.
Lui per non compromettere lei.
Nel mondo e tutt’ intorno, la seconda guerra mondiale.
EN. Rosa is thirteen. She has a younger sister, Lucia, and a younger brother, Dumì. At the time of the story her parents are away. She has a daily chore her mother gave her and that everybody knows about, especially her grandparents, to whom she and her brothers have been left. Rosa has a big love that she has to take care of, that she has to protect at any cost, and she is the only one to know about it. It is a love that is special and dangerous. Rosa races through the fields, every day the same path underneath a scorching sun, to reach and stay with her love, even if only for a few hours. His survival depends on her. But someone has been spying on her and she is forced to commit an extreme gesture to save her love. And he has to do the same not to compromise her. World war two is around them and in the rest of the world.
Director: Elisabetta Bernardini.
Cast: Valery Usai, Julian Siravo, Romano Talevi, Federica Dezi, Leonardo Caneva, Patrizio Cigliano, Gabriele Tuccimei.
Italy, 2009.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La ritirata / Retreating. 2009: … D.rar.html



Veckopeng eller kyss / Truth or Dare. 2005. HD.

SE. Veckopeng eller kyss? är en svensk kortfilm från 2005. Den regisserades av Malou Schultzberg, som även skrivit filmens manus och producerat den.
En tjej slår vad med killarna. Vinnaren får välja – veckopeng eller kyss? Men bara han som klarar av den svåra utmaningen – att gå genom damernas nakenbad. Vågar de det?
EN. It is summer in Sweden and two boys are given a dare by a girl they know: If they go into the women's area at the pool for naked bathers they will win a prize, if not the girl win one. And the prizes are either pocket money or a kiss.
Director: Malou Schultzberg.
Cast: Ester Sjögren, Buster Söderström, Filip Österlund, Jonas Kruse, Kajsa Svensson, Michaela Darliden, Kristina Thilén, Annelie Ekendahl Gierlöff, Ulla-Britt Norrman-Olsson.
Sweden, 2005.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Veckopeng eller kyss / Truth or Dare. 2005: … D.rar.html



Correo de guerra. 1972. HD.

Strange Spanish short film "Military Mail", one of the first works in the cinema of the famous director Augusto Martínez Torres. I do not know what the film is about, what the author wanted to say with this creative, but it's worth looking at.
Director: Augusto Martínez Torres.
Cast: Laura Bayonas, Lola Salvador, Cecilia Bayonas.
Spain, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Correo de guerra. 1972: … D.rar.html



Les adieux / The Goodbyes. 2005.

A laconic Canadian short film about the parting of two young girlfriends who spent a beautiful summer day together in nature.
Director: Lisa Sfriso.
Cast: Marie-Ève Beauregard, Alice Morel-Michaud, Karine Beauchamps.
Canada, 2005.
Language: French.
Download Les adieux / The Goodbyes. 2005:



尿不出来 / Niao bu chu lai / Can't Piss. 2014.

CN. 离异的中年男人一直独居生活,直到前妻将儿子忽然送到他的面前。小男孩的到来给他的生活带来了翻天覆地的变化,他不得不隐藏起自己的工作室但无奈还是被儿子发现而陷入尴尬。与此同时,他也发现自己的儿子有着害羞性膀胱症候群,人多的时候会尿不出来。父亲决定为儿子治好病。两人在相处过程中从陌生到矛盾,最后归于谅解,就在关系缓和之际相处的日子也所剩不多。一切似乎都没有改变,而一切又似乎都不一样了。
EN. The divorced middle-aged man lived alone until his ex-wife suddenly sent his son to him. The arrival of the little boy brought earth-shaking changes to his life. He had to hide his studio, but was embarrassed by his son's discovery. At the same time, he also discovered that his son has shy bladder syndrome, which means he can't urinate when there are many people. The father decides to cure his son.
Director: 宋新棋.
Cast: 邓飞, 彭艺博, 丁嘉丽.
China, 2014.
Language: Chinese.
Subtitles: English.
Download 尿不出来 / Niao bu chu lai / Can't Piss. 2014: … 4.rar.html



Naakt / Naked. 2006.

Eight-year-old Erik's mother takes him to the sauna for the first time in his life. There he has to get naked like everyone. He sees lots of naked men and women around him. He feels very uncomfortable at first, but interested after a while enjoying it.
Directors: Diederik Ebbinge, Albert Jan van Rees.
Cast: Sem Roeters, Marike van Weelden, Frederieke Pijl, Roosmarijn Luyten, Anke van 't Hof.
Netherlands, 2006.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Slovak, Turkish, French.
Download Naakt / Naked. 2006:



Amanda ja Tomi. 2015. HD.

Amanda, a 7-year old girl, has to go to open heart surgery as she has had heart surgery since birth. She is very afraid and tries to get away from it, but in the hospital she meets another young child Tomi, who also has heart disease. With friendship of Tomi and the guidance of hospital staff she is now less frightened about the operation.
Director: Timo Lampinen.
Cast: Eedit Patrakka, Juha-Pekka Mikkola, Matias Lindfors, Salla Kozma, Taisto Sarkola, Ilkka Mattila, Tiina Liukkonen, Katri Ylijoki, Saara Niklander.
Finland, 2015.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Amanda ja Tomi. 2015: … D.rar.html



Un juego / A Game. 2016. FULL-HD.

ES. Fernando y Pablo son dos hermanos con una relación divertida e infantil. En una noche como cualquiera, sus juegos cotidianos toman un sendero diferente para convertirse en algo real y completamente desconocido.
EN. Fernando and Pablo are two brothers with a fun and childish relationship. One night, their usual games take a different path, becoming something real and completely unknow.
Director: Santiago Celorio
Cast: Rodolfo Calderón, Emanuel Latanzio.
Mexico, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Un juego / A Game. 2016:



Good Health. 1974-1998.

Good Health is an ITV and later Channel 4 schools TV series from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, covering PSHE for primary school pupils.
Health education films for children of 8-12, often using dramatised real-life situations and documentaries about family life.
Episode 18. Fit and Healthy. 1980.
Episode 31. What Next? 1985.
Episode 88. The Great Clean Up. 1988.

UK, BBC, 1974-1998.
Language: English.
Download Good Health. 1974-1998: … 8.rar.html



Fanny Farveløs. 1997. HD.

Det er en rigtig dum dag. Grå-gammel-leverpostej-karklud-januar-mandag-morgen. Fanny er også lidt snotnæset, så det er nok rarere at blive hjemme under dynen. Fanny spiller syg, og mor hopper på den. Men lige lidt hjælper det, for mor skal på arbejde, og så må Fanny slæbes til dagsygeplejersken og børnepasseren fru Helger. Der er dømt nederlag. Men så sker miraklet. Fru Helger er til fest og farver og eventyr. Og dagen flyver af sted i store kjoler, balsale og badekar - og der er naturligvis også en hvid ridder på en hvid hest!
Director: Natasha Arthy.
Cast: Martin Brygmann, Anne Marie Helger, Timian Kaysø, Sidse Babett Knudsen.
Denmark, 1997.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Fanny Farveløs. 1997: … D.rar.html



Bakaláři. Past. 1997. FULL-HD.

Děti umí někdy pořádně překvapit! Povídka z oblíbeného cyklu Bakaláři 1997.
Ne každá zábava na letním táboře je předem připravena. Nejlepší jsou ty improvizované... Bakalářský příběh vypráví o první lásce na skautském táboře. Kluci jsou svěřeni na jedno odpoledne mladé praktikantce. Když se dívka koupe, uplavou jí plavky a oni jí odmítnou dát ručník. Pak s chutí pozorují, jak se s tím dívka vyrovná. Jeden gentleman se mezi nimi ale přece jen najde…
Director: Jan Hřebejk.
Cast: Jakub Prachař, Marek Morvai-Javorský, Johan Kolínský, Vendula Ježková, Josef Kolínský, Zdeněk Roháček, Jiří Červenka, Jan Škvor.
Czechoslovakia, 1997.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Bakaláři. Past. 1997: … D.rar.html



Techos Rotos. 2014. FULL-HD.

In a small village in the Dominican Republic, Anna, a 12 year old girl, is living a difficult childhood, she is faced with the absence of an irresponsible mother. She must take care of her two young sisters. Her dream is to make her first communion and to wear this immaculate white dress. Unfortunately, her spiritual quest is endangered.
Director: Yanillys Perez.
Cast: Orestes Amador, Cynthia Guzmán, Akhuarella Mercedes, Carlos Reynoso Santos, Bianca Rodríguez, Maria Alexandra Virento.
France, Dominican Republic, 2014.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Techos Rotos. 2014: … D.rar.html



Et liv. 2014. FULL-HD.

Mette has a childhood like so many other children. She plays, draws, watches television and is with her mother and father. But underneath the surface, the family's pillow creaks when Mette's father has a gloomy side. Recently, his assault on the mother has begun to intensify and, as her mother is in hospital after a serious injury, and later in the local shelter, Mette faces some major changes in her life.
Director: Stine Ilona Eilertzen.
Cast: Thomas Biehl, Helle Halsboe, Kaja Kamuk, Sophie Hald Jensen.
Denmark, 2014.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Et liv. 2014:



Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.

A better version of this film is found!
"A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the prize for the best short film of 2000 (Moscow). "A Cloud above paradise" was nominated for the best short feature film award at international festivals: "The Canadian Festival", "The Festival of Short Cinema" in S.Petersburg and Moscow. It aslo was presented on TV in Germany, Canada and the US.
Director: Alexandr Tsatsuev.
Cast: Denis Bazdyrev, Tariel Gabidzashvili, Ekaterina Mikhaylovskaya, Vladimir Pivovarov.
Russia, 1999.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Warning: the quality of the picture is still far from good, better versions are on the wanted list...
Download Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999: … 9.rar.html



Verano / Summer. 2014. HD.

ES. Manu disfruta las vacaciones más solitarias de su vida.
EN. Manu enjoys the loneliest vacation of his life.
Director: Manuel Eyzaguirre.
Cast: Ricardo Eyzaguirre Montenegro.
Peru, 2014.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Verano / Summer. 2014:



Extrait de naissance. 1989.

FR. Une demeure, on ne sait si elle est encore habitée, si l'on assiste à un départ ou à un retour. Une voix d'homme raconte, nomme les objets, les lieux. Souvenirs d'enfance improbables. Un garçon, seul, attend dans le hall.
EN. An apartment, who knows whether it is still inhabited or not, whether the potential inhabitants will ever arrive or are already dead. A man’s voice speaks and names the objects and places. Memories appear. An orphan is waiting alone in the hall among luggage. His infancy emanates from the objects and the perspectives subjectively visualized by the authors. Fragments of stories. Condensed emotions. People are suddenly frightening. Video technology draws a map of passages from the real to the imaginary, from truth to the narration of the present, the probability of cathode imagery.
Directors: Jean-Louis Le Tacon, Alain Jomier.
Cast: Laurence Clapier, Marc Fêge, Pierre Mac Enzie Gallon, Julia Petrucci, Olivia Petrucci, Dominique Rouzié, Hervé Sornique.
France, 1989.
Language: French.
Download Extrait de naissance. 1989: … 9.rar.html



Little Boy Blue. 2015. FULL-HD.

On a rural farm, a lonely girl must face her own dark desires when she discovers a boy held captive in a neighbouring farm's barn.
Director: Nathan Keene.
Cast: Julie-Anne Breen, Nina Louise Buttkereit, Jessica King, Harry Peek, Michael Thomson.
Australia, 2015.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Little Boy Blue. 2015: … D.rar.html



Laurita. 2009. HD.

Laura and her mother are spending their vacation on the seashore, in Sao Paulo, at a middle-class beach house. Laura's adolescent body is changing but not in harmony with her coming of age. She's less bothered by that than the situation the two of them find themselves in.
Directors: Roney Freitas, Thais Fujinaga.
Cast: Ana Andreatta, Bete Correia, Felipe de Abreu, Fernanda Donnabella, Weber Fonseca, Helena Gullo, Heloísa Reis Miranda.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
1280x720 HD
Download Laurita. 2009:



Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009.

PT. Um passeio perto de casa entre irmãos e o pai. Uma saga de amor, ódio, pecado e morte, da casa para o mundo.
EN. A walk close to home between brothers and their father. A saga of love, hate, sin and death, from the home to the world.
Director: Sérgio Borges.
Cast: Ravi Queiroz, Iel Queiroz.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: Portuguese.
Download Perto de Casa / Close to home. 2009: … 9.rar.html



Ståtrold. 2009.

"Ståtrold" educational short film about coming of age, childhood and chemistry.
Director: Meeto Worre Kronborg Grevsen.
Cast: Sheila Hansen, Kevin Øltieng, Christian Lykking, Asbjorn Olling, Pernille Ovesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Download Ståtrold. 2009:



Taram Tarambola. 2014. FULL-HD.

Summer 1995, a small countryside pub. Emilie and Anna, two young sisters, wait for a father who isn't arriving. To avoid having to face up to the harsh reality, they invent a magical world in which anything can happen. The best as well as the worst.
Director: Maria Castillejo Carmen.
Cast: Sam Louwyck, Nora Alberdi, Hervé Dubois, Coline Dubus, Kevin Dudjasienski, Fantine Harduin, Ixyane Lété, Chantal Pirotte.
Belgium, 2014.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Taram Tarambola. 2014: … D.rar.html



Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013. FULL-HD.

This documentary short film about a widowed mother describes the hardships of raising five young boys in poverty in rural Hungary.
Director: János Domokos.
Hungary, 2013.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013:



Aurora. 2017. FULL-HD.

Aurora is a 12-year-old girl who is experiencing a constant pain in her stomach during swimming lessons. The coach asks the girls to jump into the water. While trying to hide from all the pressure and the discomfort in her body, Aurora falls into the pool by accident, not knowing of the bodily transformation from girl to woman that awaits her.
When Aurora leaves the pool, she'll have to face another kind of attention from society.
Director: Anais Delgado.
Cast: Isabella Bayas Delagado, Ángel Gavilanes,Anais Delagado.
Ecuador, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Aurora. 2017:



Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.

Younghee, 7 year-old girl. She smokes out of curiosity. Her mother smokes herself into composure. One day, Younghee's father who is cheating on his wife beats his wife and daughter to run away from home. Younghee and her mother share something special to comfort each other.
Director: Eun-jung Ryou.
Cast: Jung-in Choi, Young-jong Choi, Seung-jin Han, Eun Heo, Yun-woo Hwang, Suk-li Joung, Jong-Hang Kim, Jong-kyu Kim, Sun-Yuop Kim, Ji-ha Lee.
South Korea, 2004.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: English.
Download Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004: … 4.rar.html



De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012. HD.

'The Air in My Throat' shows a summer day in the life of Elle (12), but what has taken place in the previous months, shimmers through the house. Something is wrong with the family, but they just keep on living, without talking about it. Meanwhile Elle tries killing time. It's summer. It's hot. There is nothing to do. She wanders around the house, discovering clothes from her mother, molesting barbies and spying on the neighbors. In the meantime, the reality slowly seeps inside the house. The unsaid is like a veil on the family and it is the basis of the sorrow that Elle struggles with.
Director: Ann-Julie Vervaeke.
Cast: Fientje Desart, Kimke Desart, Günther Lesage.
Belgium, 2012.
Language: Dutch.
1280c720 HD
Download De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012.: … D.rar.html



Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.

On her 14th birthday, Laura is visited by her mother's friend, the fashion photographer Asger, who Laura has always been fascinated by. Asger has to photograph Laura, which her mother, Henriette, has been looking forward to for a long time - despite a growing jealousy of the beautiful daughter. But what Henriette doesn't know is that Laura's feelings for Asger are changing. It leaves traces in the relationship between mother and daughter in the form of a showdown and a competition, which creates strong challenges for Laura. The meeting with Asger and the model environment becomes an introduction to adult life and a discovery of sexuality. She feels the desire for the first time and at the same time experiences the power that comes with it.
Director: Jeanette Nordahl.
Cast: Dorte Limkilde, Igor Rado, Marie Louise Wille.
Danmark, 2011.
Language: Danish.
Download Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011: … 1.rar.html



Fucking 14. 2004.

DK. På sin 14-års fødselsdag får Laura besøg af sin mors ven, modefotografen Asger, som Laura altid har været fascineret af. Asger skal fotografere Laura, hvilket hendes mor, Henriette, længe har set frem til – til trods for en voksende jalousi til den smukke datter. Men hvad Henriette ikke ved, er, at Lauras følelser for Asger er ved at ændre sig. Det sætter spor i forholdet mellem mor og datter i form af et opgør og en konkurrence, som skaber stærke udfordringer for Laura. Mødet med Asger og modelmiljøet bliver en introduktion til voksenlivet og en opdagelse af seksualiteten. Hun mærker begæret for første gang og oplever samtidig magten, der følger med.
EN. 14-year-old Cecilie is both frustrated and fascinated by her dawning sexuality.
Director: Christina Rosendahl.
Cast: Anders Heinrichsen, Ida Hilario Jønsson, Linda Laursen, Emma Leth, Cyron Melville, Amalie Rendtorff-Smith, Jens Jørn Spottag.
Denmark, 2004.
Language: Danish.
Download Fucking 14. 2004:



52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.

PL. Film opowiada historię 11 - latki z Petersburga, której marzeniem jest dostanie się do szkoły baletowej - Akadamii Waganowej. Dziewczynka idzie na egzaminy wstępne i nie dostaje się, ma jednak drugą szansę. Zdeterminowana, z pomocą matki ciężko ćwiczy w domu, aby wydłużyć sobie nogi i zyskać idealne proporcje, których wymaga od niej zawód tancerza.
EN. 11-year-old Alla desperately wants to get to an elite ballet academy in St. Petersburg. The jury give her a second chance - in 2 months' time she just needs to improve her proportions.
Director: Rafal Skalski.
Poland, 2006.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Sownload 52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006: … 4.rar.html


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