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Rare and forgotten films, children in cinema, films about the first love and growing up.


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Movies. Links. Part 2.

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Küsse und Schläge. 1990.

Der verwaiste Paul ist in die kinderlose Familie seines leiblichen Vater Achim Ziergel aufgenommen worden. Als dessen Frau Christine ein eigenes Kind erwartet, beginnt Achim den Jungen zu schlagen.
Director: Manfred Mosblech.
Cast: André Hannemann, Günter Schubert, Simone von Zglinicki, Marga Legal, Franz Viehmann, Hilmar Baumann, Hartmut Tietz, Helga Piur, Christian Fietzeck, Helmut Müller-Lankow, Gudrun Okras, Manfred Richter.
DDR, 1990.
Download Küsse und Schläge. 1990:аge-1990.rar.html



L'enfant d'eau. 1995.

1. A small plane crashes in the Caribbean, leaving only two survivors: a precocious teenage girl and a simple-minded grown-up. They end up on a desert island, with no inhabitants and no rescue in sight, and split. Then, a friendship bond develops between the two. The teenager, realizing she may not live long enough to see this experience, and the grown-up, never faced with this reality, soon fall in love
2. The plane crashed into the sea. Survived a girl of twelve years and adult guy mentally retarded. They were on an island in the Caribbean Sea. Everything that happens to them, girl writes in her diary.  There are many different events.
Director: Robert Menard.
Cast: David La Haye, Marie-France Monette, Gilbert Sicotte, Danielle Proulx, Monique Spaziani.
Canada, 1995.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download L'enfant d'eau. 1995: … 5.rar.html



La canne de mon père. 2000.

Pour ne pas respirer les effluves du poivre qu'ils doivent mettre dans des sachets, les enfants de Charles mettent des masques a gaz de 1914. Charles est tendre et tyrannique, et il a huit enfants. Il a ete blesse a la guerre et marche avec une canne.
Director: Jacques Renard.
Cast: Adrien Aumont, Erwan Demaure, Charles Kepinski, Bruno Marengo, Florian Pallier, Fanny Cottencon, Bernard Le Coq, Christian Drillaud, Yves Pignot, Roger Dumas, Elodie Bollee, Lea Ravier, Kevin Peset, Bertrand Farge, Bruno Andrieux, Helene Coulon, Luc De Goustine.
France, 2000.
Language: French.
Download La canne de mon père. 2000: … e.rar.html



La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005.

At first glance, not much is happening in My Grandmother's House. A grandmother is taking care of her grandchild while her parents are at work. Six-year-old Marina is expected to conform to the daily rituals that determine 75-year-old Marita's conservative and religious life in a dull industrial town in the Spanish Alicante province. The girl rebels in her own impulsive and headstrong way against her grandmother's strictness and sombre outlook on life. Adan Aliaga visualises the naturalness of their contact and the seemingly insurmountable differences between their worlds. Simple actions are the starting point from which the director, in short chapters, zooms in on recalcitrant sensitivities and ironic details. This makes the film a poetic and subtle exploration of Marina's still unbiased and innocent attitude on the one hand and Marita's repressed pain and growing despair on the other. The fact is that the house Marita has lived in for 52 years has to be demolished, and she cannot stand the thought of moving. Playfully and tenderly, My Grandmother's House shows the bickering and the nevertheless invariable love between a grandmother and her grandchild.
Director: Adan Aliaga.
Cast: Marita Fuentes, Marina Pastor, Miguel Such, Ana Jimenez, Asuncion Ferrando, Remedios Ferrando, Elena Pastor, Vicente Aliaga, Rosa Zornoza, Juan Carlos Pastor.
Spain, 2005.
Language: Spanish.
Download La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005: … 5.rar.html



La edad de la inocencia. 1962.

ES. La titiritera Luisa no acepta que su hija de seis años haya muerto al caer de la rueda de la fortuna. La cree perdida y trabaja en la carpa de su padre. El novelista Emilio busca inspiración en la feria y ve a Lisa haciendo actuar una marioneta para la papelerita Pelusa, que es explotada por su falsa abuela Pitocha. El escritor se hace amigo de Lisa y ambos quieren que Pelusa vaya a la escuela. La abuela se opone pero es apresada por ladrona. La niña queda en custodia de Lisa pero huye cuando ella la ofende por creer que la hace perder de vista a su hija. Lisa se desmaya y el escritor la lleva a un hospital. Al reponerse ella acepta la muerte de su hija y al hallar a Pelusa decide adoptarla junto con el escritor.
EN. A poor little girl slips in a circus one day and sees a puppets' show. Later she returns to the empty circus looking for a fairy she was fascinated by.
Director: Tito Davison.
Cast: Marga López, Roberto Cañedo, José Luis Jiménez, Emma Roldán, Arturo Castro 'Bigotón', Pascual García Peña, Antonio Bravo, Celia Viveros, Julián de Meriche, Consuelo Monteagudo, Guillermo Hernández.
Mexico, 1962.
Language: Spanish.
Download La edad de la inocencia. 1962: … 2.rar.html



La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977.

ES. La guerra de papá es una película española dirigida por Antonio Mercero basada en la novela de Miguel Delibes El príncipe destronado.1​ A pesar del gran éxito obtenido en su estreno por el público, es una obra bastante desconocida en aquellos años al ser categorizada por la prensa como film blanco.​ El interés por toda la actualidad sobre la Transición española, silenció cualquier obra que estuviera al margen de conflictos políticos.
El protagonista es un niño de facciones angelicales interpretado por Lolo García, que hace constantes travesuras en un intento de llamar la atención a sus padres, ya que siente celos de su hermana más pequeña.
Como se estilaba en los años 70 en España se dobló todo el sonido, lo cual produce una desincronización entre los labios de los actores y la voz.
EN. Based on a novel by one of the greater Spanish writers of the XX century (Miguel Delibes), "La Guerra de Papá" (Dad's War)
Spain, March 1964: Quico is a very naughty child of three belonging to a wealthy middle-class family. Since Cristina's birth, he feels he has lost the privileged position of "prince" of the house for his eight months old sister. So, with his brother Juan, who is eight years old and is quite disobedient, spend their time committing prank after prank, causing the resulting anger of his mother, the nanny and the old housemaid. The rest of the family members are two much older brothers, his resigned mother and a retrograde father of authoritarian ideas. But many years have passed, and the civil war that won the despot Don Pablo is simply for their children "Dad's war".
Director: Antonio Mercero.
Cast: Lolo García, Teresa Gimpera, Héctor Alterio, Rosario García Ortega, Vicente Parra, Queta Claver, María Isbert, Eugenio Chacón, Marcos von Wachten, Agustín Navarro.
Spain, José Frade Producciones Cinematográficas S.A., 1977.
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English.
Download La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977: … 7.rar.html



La lucha con la pantera. 1975.

ES. La lucha con la pantera es una película mexicana realizada por el director Alberto Bojórquez Patrón en 1974, inspirada en relatos de José de la Colina.
La trama principal se desarrolla en la Ciudad de México, alrededor de la amistad de tres adolescentes, las cuales juran "no guardarse secretos". El desarrollo argumental muestra una cruda realidad vigente, el individualismo en las relaciones afectivas y sus consecuencias negativas, no solo en esta etapa, sino a lo largo de toda la vida.
La película se filmó en los Estudios Churubusco, pero también se rodó en locaciones como Paseo de la Reforma, Chapultepec y el Parque de los Venados, mostrando documentación de la vida cotidiana de la Ciudad de México en la época de los 70's.
La vida en la década de los 70's no fue fácil. Y tres ejemplos se impondrán como crueles vistazos a la vida desperdiciada de la juventud. Tres jovencitas cuyas existencias parecen irse al olvido: Ana (Mildred Macías), una de ellas, tiene tendencias suicidas; Mercedes (Marissa Makendosky), la segunda, experimenta una atracción incestuosa por su hermano Guillermo (Enrique Novi); y, la tercera, Patricia (Rocío Brambila) añora con ser abusada sexualmente, tal y como lo lee en sus fotonovelas.
EN. Living in the 1970s is hard. For example, three nymphets struggle to have a beneficial youth: Ana (Mildred Macías) is suicidal, Mercedes (Marissa Makendosky) is attracted to her brother William (Enrique Novi), and Patricia (Rocío Brambila) desires to be sexually abused. Adapted from the novella by Joseph Hill. - The Allure of Nymphets.
Director: Alberto Bojórquez.
Cast: Rocío Brambila, Marissa Maynez, Mildred Hernández, Roberto Dumont, Enrique Novi, Juan José Martínez Casado, Lina Montes, Alejandro Parodi, Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez, Maria Teresa Alcocer, Lilia Michel, Gregorio Casal, Miguel Inclán hijo.
Mexico, 1975.
Language: Spanish.
Download La lucha con la pantera. 1975: … 5.rar.html



La mal-aimée. 1995.

FR. En ce début de grandes vacances, tous les malheurs semblent s’abattre sur la jeune Ludivine, à peine 13 ans, mais triste comme si elle en avait cent.
EN. At the beginning of the holiday, all the misfortunes seem to fall on young Ludivine, barely 13 years old, but sad as if she had one hundred.
NL. De 13-jarige Ludivine (Maud Kornman) voelt zich in de steek gelaten door haar familie en heeft daarbuiten niemand anders waar ze terecht kan. Om haar bestaan meer waarde te geven en van nut te kunnen zijn, ontvoert ze het kleinzoontje van haar buurvrouw om het kind met al haar overvloedige liefde te verzorgen en op te voeden.
Director: Bertrand Arthuys.
Cast: Maud Kornman, Thérèse Liotard, Emily Morel, Estelle Skornik, Denis Podalydès, Antoine Basler, Lara Guirao, Yaële Simkovitch, Adrien Chakhtoura, Guillaume Chakhtoura, Lia Gama, Jorge Parente.
France, 1995.
Language: French.
Download La mal-aimée. 1995:



La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979.

ES. La tía Alejandra es una película mexicana de horror dirigida por Arturo Ripstein. Fue estrenada en 1979, protagonizada por Isabela Corona y Diana Bracho.
La trama se sustenta en la llegada a un hogar familiar, formado por dos padres y sus tres hijos, de la anciana tía del marido. Una mujer en principio cariñosa que sufre graves cambios de humor, que se recluye en su habitación con bastante regularidad y que parece estar rodeada por un aura de misterio que causa rechazo en el mayor de los hijos y no hace más que traer desgracias a la casa desde su llegada. La Tía posee una fortuna que seguramente ayudará a sus parientes, pero en realidad empieza a destruir a toda la familia en forma diabólica, pues intenta enseñar brujería a los niños. Cuando uno de ellos le hace travesuras provoca su muerte, y cuando su sobrino la echa de la casa lo ahoga en su propia cama. Luego la niña mayor le quema el rostro y ella hace que se incendie una habitación completa con la niña dentro. Solo sobrevive la esposa y la hija pequeña, pero esta parece haber aprendido los secretos de la Tía...
EN. La Tía Alejandra (Aunt Alejandra) is a Mexican horror film of 1979, starring Isabela Corona.
The plot is based on the arrival of Aunt Alejandra to a familiar household consisting of two parents and three children. A woman who is loving, in principle, suffers severe mood swings and strange things happen in her room quite regularly and that seems to be surrounded by an aura of mystery. Rejected by the eldest child, she only serves to bring misfortune to them since coming home. Auntie has a fortune that will surely help her relatives, but really begins to destroy the whole family with diabolical acts, and attempts to teach children witchcraft. When one of the children mocks her, she caused his death. When her nephew dismisses of his house, she chokes him in his own bed. When the older girl burns her face, Alejandra burns an entire room with the girl inside. Only surviving Lucía, the wife, and her young daughter, but she seems to have learned the secrets of Alejandra...
La Tía Alejandra is a curious and unusual, a rarity in the genre of Mexican Cinema. Not strictly a horror film, but conveys concern in many of its passages. It is not explicit in what it shows but rightly fiddles with witchcraft, curses, black Magic and Satanism. Not when graphic violence on screen display, but in a subtle way the sample with an elegant ferocity that causes discomfort even viewer. The staging of Ripstein is austere. But his control over the narrative tempo is excellent. With the atmosphere and the magnetic presence of a large Isabela Corona that from a physical get feeble and helpless to convey a menacing tone that seems unfeasible but for the good work between director and actress.
Director: Arturo Ripstein.
Cast: Diana Bracho, Isabela Corona, Manuel Ojeda, María Rebeca, Lilian Davis, Adonay Somoza Jr., Juan José Espinoza, Humberto Vilches, María Barber.
Mexico, 1979.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Download La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979: … 9.rar.html



La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010.

Maria suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Luis, Maria's fifteen-year-old grandson, doesn't say very much either; he shuts himself off in his own silent world to escape his parent's marital crisis, spending time instead picking up stray cats and dogs off the street. His father, Miguel, wants to put a stop to this eccentric behavior, but his protective mother Alice indulges him. Nevertheless, the animals begin to appear at home in increasing numbers, making life complicated for the family in their flat.
Director: Agusti Vila.
Cast: Emma Suárez, Eduard Fernández, Martina García, Alex Brendemühl, Fermi Reixach, Alex Brendemuhl, Sonia Casademont, Alex Batllori, Tomàs Morató.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download La mosquitera / The Mosquito Net. 2010: … 0.rar.html



La India. 1975.

A boy after watching his mother making love to another man becomes obsessed with her, to the point that as he grows up becomes a rival to her mother's (a cabaret dancer called LA India) lover.
From a 70's Mexican film we are always expecting something out of the normal to say the least, this one its not above those expectations, a mix of a weird story, surrealism and oedipus complex all under teh Mexican sun make this one a real winner. The director works well with the actors, but sometimes over use a bit those long close-up shots, and does divide the film in two different parts, one more conventional with a normal story, the other a more surrealist, but still a very positive work.
...Calling for mummy never was so weird.
Director: Rogelio A. Gonzalez.
Cast: Isela Vega, Jorge Martinez de Hoyos, Jaime Moreno, Mario Almada, Sergio Calderon, Juan Carlos Legorreta, Luis Fabian, Lilia Prado.
Mexico, 1975.
Language: Spanish.
Download La India. 1975:



La petite fille en velours bleu. 1978.

A surgeon growing old falls in love with a thirteen years old girl.
En 1940, un chirurgien autrichien refugie en France sauve la vie d'une baronne italienne, Francesca, de son mari pianiste et de leur fille. Il devient l'amant de Francesca, mais se laisse peu a peu gagner par le charme de la petite fille qui s'est eprise de lui.
Director: Alan Bridges.
Cast: Michel Piccoli, Claudia Cardinale, Lara Wendel, Umberto Orsini, Denholm Elliott, Marius Goring, Alexandra Stewart, Bernard Fresson.
France, 1978.
Language: French.
Download La petite fille en velours bleu. 1978: … 8.rar.html



La puce. 1999.

Marion is a 14 year old girl, on holidays at the sea. She is in conflict with her mother and family. She meets a man there, to whom she feels close. Back in Paris, she goes to see him again. For the first time, she is gonna make love.
Director: Emmanuelle Bercot.
Cast: Jowan Le Besco, Leonor Graser, Kolia Litscher, Marc Dujarric.
France, 1999.
Language: French.
Subtitles: German.
Download La puce. 1999:



La rabia / Anger. 2008.

ES. Una tragedia que tiene lugar en la árida pampa argentina: el adulterio, el odio y varias diferencias acaban en una explosión de rabia y violencia que destroza a dos familias. Cuando Poldo se percata de que su gran camarada, el granjero Pichón, ha ofendido a la pequeña Nati, su hija muda, decide romper por completo la relación que tenían. Poldo también prohíbe a su mujer que vea a Pichón, sin sospechar que ambos mantienen una relación amorosa.
EN. A forbidden passion story happening before the eyes of children, when a married woman with a mute daughter gets into a steamy relationship with a single father of a teenage boy. The husband of the woman openly dislikes and frequently argues with the owner of the neighboring farm, unaware of her wife's affair with him.
Director: Albertina Carri.
Cast: Analía Couceyro, Javier Lorenzo, Víctor Hugo Carrizo, Nazarena Duarte, Gonzalo Pérez, Dalma Maradona.
Argentina, Netherlands, 2008.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download La rabia / Anger. 2008:



La Ultima Batalla / The last battle. 1993.

While a group of boys are skinny dipping in the river, an old tramp steals their clothes, and to their great embarrassment, they have to walk home through town naked. All they have found is some bushes to preserve their modesty. When they begin plotting how to get even with the tramp, he begins to plot how to retaliate. Each side figures out bigger and better ways to get even as the conflict escalates to the "ultimate Battle".
Director: Juan Antonio de la Riva.
Cast: Jorge Russek, Alonso Echanove, Margarita Isabel, Arcelia Ramirez, Eleazar Gomez, Erick Sanchez, Miguel Angel Segura, Jonathan Mendoza, Mariano Manon.
Mexico, 1993.
Download La Ultima Batalla / The last battle. 1993: … 3.rar.html



La Vénus à Lulu. 1991.

FR. Une route de campagne, par une belle journée d’été. Une voiture s’arrête sur le bas côté. Le conducteur descend pour changer un pneu crevé et très affairé, ne voit pas s’ouvrir la porte de sa caravane. En sort une jeune étrangère nue comme Vénus. Dans un état somnambulique, elle va se rendormir dans la nature proche, tandis que le conducteur, qui n’a rien vu reprend sa route. Non loin de là, un village à la Tati déborde d’activité, une bande de gamins fait des tours pendables, le curé accélère une cérémonie de mariage car le grand-père de la mariée est sur le point de rendre l’âme, une équipe de cinéma qui y tourne un film convainc un vieux paysan cabotin de jouer un petit rôle. Son petit fils Lulu va trouver la belle égarée et, séduit, fera beaucoup pour qu’elle retrouve habits et mari.
EN. A lady loses her clothes in a local village, then proceeds to spend the entire duration of the film completely naked and looking for clothes.
Found a better quality version of the film, the video is replaced.
Director: Daniel Losset.
Cast: Caroline Laurence, Paul Crauchet, Alain Mottet, Maxime Boidron, Charles-Henri Lorieux, Cyril Lorieux, Maxence Lerigner, Jennifer Froger, Ludovic Gadois, Alexandre Gadois.
France, 1991.
Language: French.
Download La Vénus à Lulu. 1991: … 1.rar.html



La colo. 1992.

FR. Dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, le temps d'un séjour d'été, une colonie de vacances accueille une cinquantaine d'enfants en provenance de Paris et de Marseille. Encadrés par quatre moniteurs sympas mais parfois dépassés, un couple chargé de l'intendance qui a le coeur sur la main, et une directrice coincée, les petits vont passer des moments inoubliables
EN. Fifty kids from Marseilles and Paris gather in the Alpes de Haute Provence for a Summer camp they will always fondly remember.
Director: Robert Renzulli.
Cast: Régis Royer, Olivier Hémon, Rose Ruiz, Fabien Chombart, Stéphane Legros, Céline Renzulli, Aline Renzulli, Philippe Broyelle, Mireille Nebon, Jean Constantin, Sébastien Ringeard.
France, 1992.
Language: French.
Download La colo. 1992:



L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl. 1979.

The summer of 1939. Marie, at 13, goes with her parents to visit her grandmother in a small town near Avignon. Although rumors of war reach the countryside, it's an idyllic place. Marie's parents are constantly making love. Surrounded by sexual frankness, Marie fancies herself a woman and develops a crush on Alexander, the town's young Jewish doctor. She's despondent when he treats her as if she were a child. After Marie's father abruptly leaves for a few weeks to assist with a relative's harvest, Marie's mother and the doctor disappear into the woods for hours at a time. Marie tries to spy on them. When dad returns, what will the family and the doctor do?
Director: Jeanne Moreau.
Cast: Simone Signoret, Francis Huster, Laetitia Chauveau, Edith Clever, Jacques Weber, Jean-Francois Balmer, Hugues Quester, Roger Blin, Frank Muth, Maurice Baquet.
France, Germany, 1979.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Download L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl. 1979:



L'année de mes sept ans. 2003.

My name is Helene and 1952 was not an easy year for me. First, because my parents decided to leave Montpellier for Paris but without taking me and my big brother Michel along with them. Why, I don't know... The fact remains that I had to leave the south for Lille, in the North, where my grandmother Yaya (her true name is Alice but this is the way call her) and my grandfather Georges were living. What I disliked most was that Yaya had a preference for Michel and that Granddaddy was too grumpy. In Lille I also got very upset when pupils at the catholic school I attended told me I was... Jewish. Jewish? I didn't even know that Jews even existed. And when I knew better about them (Michel was more informed than I was), what a shock it was when I learned that my two other grandparents had been sent to a concentration during the war. A little too much for a little girl like me. A sure thing is that I will never forget the year 1952, the year when I was seven....
Director: Irene Jouannet.
Cast: Marie-Jose Nat, Gilles Segal, Clemence Meyer, Arthur Pellisier, Olivier Sitruk, Vanessa Larre, Sophie Le Tellier, Victor Haim, Attica Guedj.
France, 2003.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Russian, German, French, Dutch, Swedish.
Download L'année de mes sept ans. 2003: … 3.rar.html



Lars i porten / On the Threshold. 1984.

NO. Lars i porten er en norsk dramafilm fra 1984 med Magnus Erlsboe Haslund, Joachim Calmeyer og Anne Krigsvoll i hovedrollene. Manus og regi er ved Leif Erlsboe.
Handlingen er lagt til et arbeiderstrøk i Oslo på 1950-tallet. 12 år gamle Lars opplever en varm og spesiell sommer med store forandringer – både rundt ham og med ham. Han er på vei inn i de voksnes verden, og denne sommeren blir avgjørende for fremtiden. Han er i en periode hvor interessen for jenter er blitt større enn interessen for spretterten. Ikke minst fordi han er blitt kjent med Lill (Anne Krigsvoll) som bor i etasjen under og lever av prostitusjon, men som innimellom lærer Lars å danse tango. Foruten henne består Lars' venner av Peter og den gamle sjøulken Kalle, som bor på loftet. I tillegg har han god kontakt med sin onkel Tobby. Han kjører motorsykkel med sidevogn, er tidligere bokser og bor i en kolonihage. Filmen formidles gjennom Lars øyne.
EN. On the Threshold (Norwegian: Lars i porten) is a 1984 Norwegian drama film directed by Leif Erlsboe. It was entered into the 14th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Special Prize.
Set in Oslo during the 1950s. 12 year old Lars looks for diversions to take his mind off the deteoriating relationship between his parents. He spends his time getting up to mischief with his friend Peter. He travels into the countryside with his uncle on a motorcycle and he befriends Lill, a young prostitute. He also has to face the death of a loved one.
Director: Leif Erlsboe.
Cast: Magnus E. Haslund, Joachim Calmeyer, Anne Krigsvoll, Peder Hamdahl Naess, Anne Marie Ottersen, Frode Rasmussen, Espen Skjønberg, Odd Torgeir Pedersen.
Norway, 1984.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Lars i porten / On the Threshold. 1984: … 4.rar.html



Las Mantenidas Sin Sueños. 2005.

Florence, a young irresponsible mother & and her precocious daughter, Eugenia, have an unusual relationship. The roles between the two are reversed. Florence is totally inept at caring for a daughter, whereas Eugenia, only 10 years old, shows maturity and responsibility far beyond what her age might lead you to suppose.
Director: Martin De Salvo, Vera Fogwill.
Cast: Vera Fogwill, Lucia Snieg, Mirta Busnelli, Edda Diaz, Gaston Pauls, Mia Maestro, Julian Krakov, Elsa Berenguer, Nicolas Condito, Pablo Ini.
Argentina, France, Spain, Netherlands, 2005.
Download Las Mantenidas Sin Sueños. 2005: … s.rar.html


Las que empiezan a los quince años. 1978.
ES. Elvira, una joven cuya vida está llena de dificultades y cuyas relaciones familiares son muy problemáticas, decide entrar en el mundo de la prostitución. Algunas amigas de su misma edad le facilitarán el camino.
EN. The adventures of Elisa, Marian and Susi in Sexland.
"Las que empiezan a los quince anos" tells the story of the sexual adventures of three fifteen'year old girls: Elisa, Marian and Susi.
Elisa lives with her father and her stepmother. Her father, drown in debts by reason of bad business decisions, has to run away from his debtors. Elisa remains with her stepmother that has no love left for her. Soon Elisa is out in the streets. One of the roads left for her is prostitution. Her life will be one of many adventures and misadventures.
Marian, very early in her life, became a prostitute. She had known a good-looking guy in a party. She falls in love with him, but in reality he's a pimp. One day they have a fight and Marian decides to become independent. She opens the doors of the cars and ask the drivers if they want some company. On seeing this beautiful lolita, many say that, yes, they could do with a bit of company.
Susi's family has no financial problems. Her father works a lot and is always absent, but her mother likes and understands her. Susi likes girls. She sometimes plays innocent little games with Elisa and Marian.
There's no doubt that "Las que empiezan a los quince anos" is an exploitation film. Many exploitation films try to hide their nature by assuming the form of a cautionary tale. In this way, the morality watchdogs are partially appeased. This doesn't happen here. "Las que empiezan a los quince anos" gives no excuses.
Director: Ignacio F. Iquino.
Cast: Sonia Blanca, Patricia Becker, Judith Jamber, Carlos Martos, Jennifer James, Paco Moran, Alejo del Peral, Daniel Esteban, Jordi Serrat, Silvia Solar, Roger Mandri, Manuel Bronchud.
Spain, 1978.
Language: Spanish.
Download Las que empiezan a los quince años. 1978: … 5.rar.html



Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.

"El Pollo," a 13-year-old child in reform school, witnesses and experiences the brutalization of the guards and the other inmates.
A beautiful, poetic movie regarding the tormented existence of young inmates in Argentinian's juvenile jails, more or less during dictatorship rule. The young "pollo" escapes from one male-directed prison only to be recaptured and sent to another one, led by women. In spite of the warden's ferocity and sadism, he manages to tie a relationship with the only female that seems to care for the kids, who is eventually discovered and punished. The film discloses the rueful sadic behaviour of adults, priests included, against the stray cats, and the magic of human relationships that mild in these desperate situations. Though it seems that from Argentina we only get movies about fascist and concentration-camp like prisons, of course this reflects the dramatic recent history. A praise for the little actors, especially the one playing "Lupini" is great.
Director: Javier Torre.
Cast: Norma Aleandro, Federico Luppi, Jorge Mayor, Isabel Quinteros, Lidia Catalano, Sara Benitez, Miguel Dedovich, Pompeyo Audivert, Julio Suarez, Andres Tiengo, Julio Arrieta, Eduardo Saucedo.
Argentina, Spain, 1991.
Language: Spanish.
Download Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991:



Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986.

EN. Adventures of two sisters and their governess, who, after shipwreck were on the "uninhabited" island.
ES. Dos huérfanas y su institutriz, naufragan en una isla aparentemente desierta. Las tres escapan de las revueltas de los insurrectos filipinos que se enfrentaron a la soberanía española a finales del siglo XIX.
Director: Jesús Franco.
Cast: Lina Romay (Cecilia Muro), Flavia Hervas (Flavia), Helena Garret (Maria Fernanda), Jose Moreno (Pepe el Naufrago), Jose Llamas (Pescador), José Miguel García.
Spain, 1986.
Language: Spanish.
Download Las últimas de Filipinas. 1986: … 6.rar.html



Las adolescentes / The Adolescents. 1975.

A shy girl named Ana is sent to an English boarding school. After a period of adjustment, she travels to London with two of her more world weary classmates and becomes the target for a trio of men who take illicit photographs of young girls to be published in 'Estimulation' Magazine.
Director: Pedro Masó.
Cast: Anthony Andrews, Koo Stark, Susan Player, Victoria Vera, Eduardo Bea, Maria Perschy, Trevor Thomas, Cristina Galbo, Victor Petit, Beatriz Galbo, Eduardo Fajardo, Isabel María Pérez.
Spain, 1975.
Language: Spanish.
Download Las adolescentes / The Adolescents. 1975: … 5.rar.html



Las chicas del tanga \ The Girls in Thong. 1987.

Comedia dedicada a la Espana veraniega de Benidorm donde aparece toda la "troupe" de Franco de la decada de los 80.
3 parejas demenciales haciendo de las suyas y Jesus Franco prestando la voz a un actor de travestismo. Play-boys, desenganos amorosos y guiris. Divertida, vuelve a mostrar la capacidad de comedia facil de Antonio Mayans y Juan Cozar, y nos ensena a Lina en uno de sus papeles mas trabajados y divertidos.
Director: Lina Romay, Jesús Franco.
Cast: Lina Romay, Muriel Montosse, Analia Ivars, Juana Plaza, Gina, Antonio Mayans, Juan Soler, Jose Llamas, Agustin Gil, Ramon Rodriguez, Flavia Hervas, Vanessa De la Morena.
Spain, 1987.
Language: Spanish.
Download Las chicas del tanga \ The Girls in Thong. 1987: … 7.rar.html



Laß jucken, Kumpel 5: Der Kumpel läßt das Jucken nicht. 1975.

Sehen Sie das alte große Mietshaus mit dem grauen Hinterhof und seine Bewohner? Gut! Dann sehen Sie auch Gerti und Uwe, ein junges Ehepaar.
Uwe und sein Bruder Klaus sind stämmige Burschen. Ist es da verwunderlich, daß die etwas füllige Frau Kornowski sehr bald bei Klaus auf Verständnis ihrer Wünsche stößt? Andrerseits findet auch Gerti im Kreis der Mieter, bald Anklang.
Hier knistern also schon ganz offen die erotischen Spannungen. Auch der Hausmeister Kutter, der Lokalbesitzer Karlo, das türkische Callgirl Sevil und Kutters Nichte Renate gehören in diese Runde. Sie alle sind Menschen von Fleisch und Blut, mit Begierden und Wünschen...
Der Kumpel lässt das Jucken nicht - Täglich Blasmusik im Hinterhaus (5. Teil): Ein von seiner Frau abgewiesener Ehemann tröstet sich mit der Nachbarin und Bier en masse: Trübe Sexklamotte.
Director: Franz Marischka.
Cast: Gisela Krauss, Carl-Heinz Kuhn, Daniela Sander, Ludwig Vogl, Heide Albinsky, Marie-France Morel, Ralf Melvin, Herbert Fux, Peter Steiner, Johannes Buzalski, Christine Frank.
Germany, France, 1975.
Language: German.
Download Laß jucken, Kumpel 5: Der Kumpel läßt das Jucken nicht. 1975: … 5.rar.html



Last Day of Summer. 1984.

This rarely seen television film was one of the first dramas to be shown on Channel 4 in Britain. Brothers Tom and Pete live in their late parents' sprawling home deep in the English countryside on the banks of the River Thames. Pete, being old enough to inherit the house, decides to open it as a commune, in keeping with his hippie leanings, and reflecting the era in which the film is set, and when a vacancy occurs he decides to take the first person who applies. Jenny, played by Annette Badland, then joins the commune completing the diverse range of characters. Initially her plain looks and shy personality are the subject of some ridicule from the others, but soon her warmth and kindness wins everybody over, and she and young Tom, who is still a boy grieving for his parents and obviously lonely amongst a houseful of adults, form a strong bond. Jenny become a big sister for Tom, and Tom shows suburbanite Jenny the wonders of the countryside in the full bloom of high summer. They spend time picnicking and boating on the river in Tom's boat, and the summer passes lazily by until the last day of the school holidays when the drama begins. Just about everything in this film is pretty near perfect. The acting is sensitive and credible, the haunting piano score is spot on and the attention to detail is breathtaking - the posters on the wall of Tom's bedroom are obviously genuine 1960s articles. But it is the cinematography that really shines. Rarely has the Berkshire countryside looked more lush, and the interiors are moodily lit, with shafts of sunlight peeking through both the permanently closed heavy curtains and the marijuana smoke.
Director: Derek Banham.
Cast: Annette Badland, Graham McGrath, James Gaddas, Christine Winter, John Telfer, Saskia Reeves.
UK, 1984.
Language: English.
Download Last Day of Summer 1984: … 4.rar.html



Laurdagskveld. 1976.

Film about a couple on the farm that are trying their best to keep their family grief from his two daughters.
Director: Eli Ryg.
Cast: Ane Hoel, Finn Kvalem, Gro Ofte, Anne Skinnarland.
Norway, 1976.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Laurdagskveld. 1976: … 6.rar.html



Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991.

FR. Pauline vit avec sa mère en banlieue parisienne, à Marnes-la-Vallée dans les immeubles construits par l'architecte Ricardo Boffil. Choix judicieux tant ces décors sont théâtraux.
Pauline ne connaît pas son papa. Non que sa mère soit célibataire, mais son mari n'a fait que passer dans sa vie. Jeanne est une chercheuse. Elle exerce son métier dans un secteur particulièrement délicat, celui de la défense. Huit ans avant que ne débute l'histoire, Jeanne s'est rendue dans un congrès en Tchécoslovaquie. Là, la jeune femme a fait la connaissance d'un jeune savant tchèque. Coup de foudre. Mariage. Mais un beau matin Jeanne se retrouve seule dans l'appartement praguois: Pavel a été emmené pour être incarcéré pour raisons politiques. Quant à Jeanne, enceinte, elle est réexpédiée, sans tambour ni trompette, dans son pays d'origine.....
EN. French TV Movie. Pauline is eight years old and likes to mix dream and reality. She never knew her father, a Czech scholar who once met her mother in Prague. The happiness of her parents was short-lived, because Pavel suddenly disappeared and she was taken to Paris by plane.
Director: Pierre Lary.
Cast: Fanny Cottençon, Alexandre Arbatt, Laura Martel, Eugeniusz Priwieziencew, Jean-Luc Orofino, Isidore Muledi.
France, 1991.
Language: French.
Download Le manège de Pauline / Pauline's carousel. 1991: … 1.rar.html


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